I'm Now Officially In-Love

Operation: Melt The Ice Princess

BLOCK B - U HOO HOO (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjExIJLUcQI)

I hate this now Taeil is messing up my bias-list with Tao and Jungshin like seriously ;~~~; (and it doesn't relate to the fanfic at all but i just had to say that bcuz i'm so confuuuused)

8th Chapter
The Official First Date

Heeyoung's (Your) POV

Omg I'm here. This is so not good! I should turn around and just walk away. He'll probably just kill me. AISH! This is unbelievable.

I turned around and walked away. It was very cold and I rubbed my bare hands together for warmth. I walked to a cafe near the tower. I sat there and stared at the night sky. So beautiful. I turned my stare at the tea in front of me. I cupped my hands around it and the cup warmed my handds. It felt somewhat like that time when he held my hand.

Actually the night sky looked exactly like Jonghyun's eyes when he looked at me. And the song played on the background described my feeling when we we're together. It was AileE's "Heaven". Aish!

I put my head on the table and looked out of the window. There were happy couples being all lovey-dovey. I bit my lip when a lonely tear started rolling down my cheek. I miss him. I miss his smile. His smile makes me smile too. He's the only one I actually want. Even my idol-bias Tao isn't enough for me. 'Cause he is. And he's the only one that can ever be.

I gulped down my tea and paid for it. I looked at the clock. 9 p.m. Oh I'm so late, he can't possibly be still waiting for me. I ran out of the cafe and ran towards the big tower. He isn't there I know it. No one can wait for 4 hours. Like no one. I stopped in front of the doors that lead inside the tower. I stared at them. I didn't think anything. I just stared at them.

Suddenly he was in front of me. Looking gorgeous as always. He's eyes widened as he saw me. He waited for 5 hours for me. He likes me? He loves me? Like loves-loves. Before I knew it I smiled brightly. And before I knew it I was hugging him like the world was ending. He hugged me back still slightly shocked. I knew we had to talk. I ripped myself off him and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry", I started. He looked at me puzzled.

"I'm sorry for being such an idiot and avoiding you and being angry for nothing", I explained.

"Aniyo!", he suddenly said. I lifted my gaze from the ground to his eyes.

"I was the one who slapped your beautiful face!", he said feeling sad.

"I'm sorry, not you!", he said as he stared at the ground.

"Babo", I said as I pouted. He smiled widely at my cute action. I smiled too.

No One's POV

You walked next to him feeling tired. It was so late, and thanks to you the date was ruined.

"Heeyoung, you have to go out with me tomorrow!", Jonghyun demanded. You laughed.

"Why not", you said.

"You mean that right?", he asked. You shot him a glare.

"Are you saying I'm a liar?", you teased.

"Maybe", he played along. You stopped walking and he turned around to face you. You gave him a death glare.

"Aniyo, I'm a liar, telling such non-sense", he laughed and you smiled.

"I knew that, you're a terrible liar you know?", you said and he rolled his eyes. Suddenly you were in front of your house and you felt sad.

"Bleh! This is not fun!", Jonghyun said as he glared at your house. You pouted a little.

"Good night, Jonghyun-oppa! Don't see nightmares, ok?", you said letting go of his hand. The warmth inside you just disappeared and you wanted to grab it again. Instead you walked towards your front door. Suddenly you felt a grip in your wrist and as you turned around Jonghyun pulled you back.

"I'll see nightmares without a good night-kiss", he said pointing at his cheek. Your eyes widened.

"A-aniyo! Then you'll see nightmares, I don't care, but NO good night-kiss!", you disagreed looking shocked.

"You know my nightmares are terrible, there's faceless monsters and they eat your eyes! There's no way you can escape them and they're really really really scary-", he blabbered trying to make you do it. Which he succeeded. You stopped him from talking pecking him on the cheek. His mouth froze and he's eyes opened wide. His grip from your hand loosened and you got free. You smiled.

"Good night oppa!", you beamed and turned around to go inside.

"Good night Heeyoung-ah! Saranghae~!", he sang. You smiled and opened the front door. You waved at him and then closed it behind. Your back leaned towards the door you just closed and suddenly you were sitting on the ground smiling happily.

I love u hoo hoo~ noye yeppeun misoe (your pretty smile), I need u hoo hoo~ nan useumjitgedwe (make me smile too) ~

You went to your room after jumping up and down a little. You changed your clothes into your pj's. It was this. You took a deep breath as you pat Roxy's head happily.

"No school tomorrow, all day with Jonghyun and you. I can't be happier!", you whispered as she waved her tail.

"But now it's time to sleep", you said and tapped the bed. She hopped on top of it. You hid under the cover and soon you drifted to happy dreamland.

The dream (Heeyoung's | Your POV)

I sat on a bench in a park that was amazingly beautiful. The cherry trees blossomed and sweet pink flower petals were falling down. A waterfall was full of beautiful and colorful fish that played happily together. I was smiling. Suddenly a character appeared. It came closer and closer. After a while you recognized her as your eomma. She came and sat next to you. She hugged you and told everything's going to be ok now.

"You'll face so many problems that you can't even count them. But you'll have someone by your side now. That one person will love and protect you forever. And after forever. So don't worry, my darling. You'll never be alone again", that's what she said.

The End

Heeyoung's | Your POV

I woke up. Roxy was still by my side. I stared at the ceiling for a moment. I thought about my eomma and what she said. Did she mean Jonghyun, or Roxy? Or someone else?

Then I took a deep breath and jumped up from the bed full of energy. I don't care who she meant. What matters right now is that I'll spend a day with Jonghyun! I smiled happily and looked at the time. 10 a.m.

Omg, I wonder when he calls me. I sighed and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.


The toast was super-yummy and my tummy felt full. I washed the dishes and fed Roxy who was eager to have some food. I went upstairs to change my clothes. I walked to my closet and chose this outfit. I walked back downstairs to find Roxy from the front door waving her tail.

Aww, too cute! I smiled and walked to the beautiful husky. I put a leash on her collar and opened the door. Cold wind blew towards us but luckily the sun was shining very brightly. It was a beautiful day. I walked out of the yard and checked my iPhone for any calls from a particular person, but, no, not yet.

Jonghyun's POV

I woke up because of the sun rays that made their way through the window. I yawned and stretched my hands. I didn't see any nightmares because of a certain good night-kiss. I smiled to myself and got up from the king-sized comfy bed. I ruffled my bed hair and looked at the time. 11 a.m.! I should get ready and call Heeyoung! I rushed to the bathroom and took a refreshing shower. I dried myself and my hair after that and then I washed my teeth. I walked back to my room only the towel around my lower body. I walked towards my closet and chose an orange and white striped t-shirt and black jeans. I walked downstairs smiling and started making some breakfast for myself.


FINALLY! I grabbed my Samsung Galaxy S-phone from the table and chose your number which I got yesterday. I pressed call-button and soon it was calling. I tapped the table with my index finger nervously and suddenly I heard the angel say "yoboseyo" in a super-cute way.

"Heeyoung-ah! It's Jonghyun, your number one fan", I beamed at her. I heard her chuckle.

"But anyways, today is the date-day, you remember?", I reminded her even though I didn't need to.

"Yeah I remember, how can I forget?", she answered. I smiled.

"Be ready at 12! I'm going to get you then, ok?", I told her and she agreed. I smiled to myself.

"Bye-bye, see you later my angeeel~!", I sang. She chuckled again. Cute~

"Bye-bye~!", she sang too and I pressed the end call-button. Then I took a deep breath and got ready to leave. It was 11.30 a.m.

Heeyoung's | Your POV

I chuckled to myself. That guy is just too sweet. I got upstairs to add on a little make-up and stuff. I didn't change my clothes since they were good enough.

Is this really the official start for our relationship, that hopefully won't ever end? Am I now officially taken?

Am I now officially in-love?

I think I am.

No, I am.

Wahahahah not the date yet!! >:)
this was kinda just a filling-chapter so nothing exciting in here :))
so what did you lovelies think? >3<

saranghae, burninggurll ^^

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Sorry for the lazy updates!! Chapter 9 now posteddd :))


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Chapter 19: Wahhh! I love this fic so much!
This is so sweet!
I wish it will have a sequel~
Chapter 18: lol, i didn't think you were updating this still. O_O

YAYYYY~!!! :D <333

update soon? eh? maybe? OMG HAVE YOU HEARD THE JAPANESE VERSION OF TVXQ'S/DBSK'S MIROTIC?!?!?! i'm going crazy, lol.


amazing story, author-nim!! I will continue to support you!! <333

please update soon author unnie~! <3<3<3
lol, Roxy's cute.:D
defuq? Hyunseung? :/
oooohhh, gee. I hope she doesn't fall for Hyunseung! TT TT

[secretly does...loves duh drama] kekeke~ ;)

UPDATE SOON!!! <3<3<3
Urgh! Why CAN'T Heeyoung just run away with him??? :/
Update soon, please!! <3
cute! ^^
please update soon! Hwaiting~!

i don't want heeyoung to go to Paris! ;A;
update soon!
lol Heeyoung was argueing with herself wether to go in or not? idk I wanna know what happens next!
update very soon please!
OMG! poor Jonghyun! I thought something had happened to Heeyoung.Why didn't she get in??what will happen next? please update soon!! *O*