
The Diary of EXO's Babysitter



She looked at you and smiled sheepishly. “Hi, unni...”

“W-What are you doing here?” You asked her. You just didn’t understand but to feel creepy whenever Aya’s around. Moreover, you were with Lay, the clue to your new job. You didn’t want Aya to know your new job.

“It’s an amusement park, unni. Of course I’m here to have fun.” She answered, this time you could see the slight smirk on her face. “W-well, okay whatever.” You decided to stop talking to her.

“And you, unni? Is he your boyfriend?” Aya pointed at Lay who was still sitting on the bench and looked curiously at you two. Lay stood up and held out his hand. “My name is Lay, I’m Jihye’s—“

“STOP IT!” You elbowed Lay’s rib and he winced. “Wae?” Aya raised an eyebrow. “No. No worries. He’s just... kind of a friend. He’s not my boyfriend,” You answered quickly. Aya shrugged and shook Lay’s hand. “I’m Aya. I’m her hoobae, Lay... uhm I guess I should call you oppa?”

Lay nodded silently, he was still busy rubbing the part where you elbowed him. You stared at him and he lifted his head. “Yes?” He asked, confused. You pointed at Aya with your eyes and he gasped. “OH! Hi... Uhm, sorry.” Lay pulled back his hand.

“Oh you’re her friend, yes? Are you here alone? Do you want to join us?” Lay asked while smiling, showing his gentleness. Aya grinned back at him and battled her eyelashes, tried to look as cute as possible. “Uh, I’m afraid I can’t. I’m with my friends, oppa. But, really, thanks for your offer.” She smiled again and you really had to force yourself not to roll your eyes. You found her annoying just now.

“Ah, unni. I will go back to my friends. It’s nice to meet you here. And you too... Lay oppa,” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and swiftly waved her fingers. “Okay, take care,” Lay waved back and Aya nodded slightly then she walked towards another direction.

You narrowed your eyes and sighed. “What. Was. That.”

“Hey, who’s that girl?”

“OMO!” You jolted and immediately put hands on your pounding chest.

“Aigoo, you have a very weak heart.” Suho sweetly smiled and patted your head. “No, I am not. It’s just you are all have that habit to surprise me.” You snorted and crossed your arms on your chest.

“Hey, seriously, who’s that girl? She’s pretty.” Xiumin grinned pointed at the direction where Aya just walked to.


“Nobody. Let’s just go to whatever I don’t want to talk about that girl again.” You cut down Lay’s words and stomped your foot to the Merry Go Round.

“Whew, why is she so angry? Did you make her angry?” Kris glanced at Lay and his attention went back to you who were already ten steps away from EXO boys. Lay smirked. “Aniyo, I didn’t. It’s just Jihye being Jihye.” He happily patted Kris’s shoulder and ran to you.

“...What?” Kris confusingly asked, feeling dumfounded.

“I smell something fishy between them. Aish, I won’t let Lay hyung get Jihye noona!” Tao cried and followed Lay.

“WHAT?! Does Lay like Jihye?” Luhan’s jaw dropped and he looked so cute with his shocked expression. Some girls who accidentaly noticed him giggled in awe.

“I won’t let that happen.” Chanyeol ran after Tao and Lay.

“OMONA!” Suho facepalmed himself and followed them. The rest of EXO also followed their bandmates.


“I met her, unni.”

“Where are you?”

“Amusement park. And she was with a very handsome boy. She said he is her friend. But I assume he isn’t.” Aya sighed.

“A very handsome boy?”

“Yes, unni. A very handsome boy. His name is Lay and he is tall, gorgeous and gentle! He offered me to join them but I decided to leave because—“

“WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO LEAVE?! You should have taken him for granted! You can get so much informations from him. AISH NEOMU PABOYA!”

Aya winced. “Sorry, unni, but I—“

“I’m your sister, arasso? You are there for helping me. You really have to help me. You know already this is for my future. Or do you secretly want my future to be extremely messed up?” She said under her breath.

Aya took a deep sigh and nodded slightly eventhough her sister on the other line couldn’t see her. “Araso, unni. I’m sorry.”

“Call me again later. I need to meet Jinyoung right now.”

“Why can’t you find a better boy?” Aya blurted a question. After saying that she realized she made a huge mistakes and immediately said, “I-I didn’t mean to but—“

“You know nothing, little sister. Call me again later. Do your best for me, jebal?”

Aya gulped uneasily. “Ne, I will. Yes. Bye unni.”


“AIGOOOOO! NOONA I WANT TO RIDE THAT AGAIN!” Tao happily jumped up and down, pointing to the big ferris wheel behind him. You let out a little chuckle. Seeing Tao and the rest of EXO happy and really enjoyed the ‘date’ made your heart fluttered.

*I’m now used to their appearence. They made my day.*

“Yah, it’s lunch time. I want to eat,” D.O poked your shoulder and you had to turned to meet his frowned expression. You smiled again, “Aish, sorry. I’m just so happy I can have a lot of fun today. Okay, let’s go to that cafe. I want to eat burger!” Happily, you preceded the boys to the nearest fastfood cafe.

EXO stood there for a while, seeing your back and your silky long straight hair bounced as you walked excitedly. They were all silent, but they thought the same thing: you.

Kai was the one who was very happy today. He felt like it was the best birthday party he ever got. Seeing your smiles, your laughter, your frowns, your shoutings, your stupid jokes, your crazy ideas, and everything from you today really made his day.

*She’s like an angel. She granted all my wishes.* Kai smiled and followed you.

One by one, EXO followed Kai and you. But one of them was left there, deep in his own thoughts.

*Noona is so cute. No wonder hyungs like her. I can see everyone—except Tao hyung, Kris hyung, Kai hyung, Xiumin hyung, Chen hyung and I—are trying their best to get noona.* Sehun chuckled.


“Oh my God, I’m tired. Extremely tired.” You puffed your cheeks and exhaled, ran to the living room’s couch and sat there, hugging the pillow tightly.

“Yah, go wash yourself first, then go to sleep.” D.O poked the space between your eyebrows as he passed by. “Neh, umma.” You mumbled lazily. “YAH! MANNERS!” D.O yelped and was about to throw a pillow to you but Baekhyun was faster. He catched the pillow and shot a look to D.O.

“Do Kyungsoo.” He mumbled, looked unpleased. D.O’s face went O_O and he smiled awkwardly then ran into his room.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and walked to approach you.

“Jihye, go wash yourself then go sleep. D.O’s right.” He placed the pillow beside you and poked your arm lightly.

“Uhmmm... I’m just so tired. Can’t I just sleep here...” You groaned.

“No, you can’t.” Baekhyun giggled. “Come on, your room is just twenty steps away from this couch. You won’t be exhausted from walking that much.” He sweetly smiled and you just couldn’t help but to smile back at him.

“Ne, Baekhyun oppa. You know what? I can’t resist your smile. Good night, anyway.” You got up, stretched a bit and walked to your room upstairs, leaving Baekhyun alone in the living room.

Baekhyun placed a hand on his cheek and grinned widely. “She said she can’t resist my smile!”


**AIGOO SORRY FOR MISSING IN ACTION! Freshman years, you know. I don’t have to explain it. Anyway, I’m kinda lonely these days. Do you guys have Twitter account? If you have let’s talk to me! Message me, yes? ^_^ Thanks for reading and commenting and subscribing!**

I love this guy tbh lol:

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Ayeell #1
Chapter 41: Aww... love this fic so much... usually in the others fic, D.O will be the one who always keep silent and watch everything goes. Haha.
Chapter 41: Beautiful
I loved this fic
But i would prefered she ended with lulu
But D___O is a cutie pie too xD
Chapter 41: THE ENDING IS *SNIFF* AMAZING I JUST WANNA SHAKE THE HECK OUTTA YOU AUTHOR NIM. :"""""D your FIC is the best I'm really honored to be your very first reader :")
dodokchae #4
Chapter 41: Last chapter already?!!!! Ahhh nice ending, but I want a sequel!!!
Chapter 41: Ahhh!! Such touching story!! I love the story and I love u authornim (lol)
-sekai #6
Chapter 41: NOOOOO! We need a sequel! Author-nim

Nice chappie though! D.O's mine/hers!! <3
Chapter 40: Awwwwhhh!!! Is it really gonna end?!
Chapter 40: OMG!!! D.O get yo a55 ther now!! lol ahh exo be jelly XD
hasnafm #10
Chapter 40: Oh my god! Last chapters already? So fast :(