Poker Face Oppa

The Diary of EXO's Babysitter


-Poker Face Oppa-

“Guys, let’s just open the gifts. It’s midnight already.” You said.

Everyone payed attention to you, but Kai shrugged. “Yes, it’s midnight and so what?”

“Aigoo, I’m tired already, Kai!” You yelped but Kai just shrugged again. “Oh please, noona, my birthday only happens once in a year. I want to celebrate it! You don’t have school tomorrow, do you? Let’s just party till drop,” He winked and continued to dance along with the music.

Kyorin glanced at you and smiled in apologizing way, you could see she enjoyed the party since Chen was always on her side.

You pouted and walked to the couch, sat on it furiously. *Nobody is on my side. Aren’t they tired? Uh, I forgot, babies are hyperactive.*

“Why so gloomy? It’s Kai’s birthday, you should’ve been happy.” Someone patted your head lightly then had a seat beside you. You didn’t have to turn your head, you knew who he was.

“I’m tired, I want to sleep. I’m happy actually but I’m just... tired.” You mumbled and he chuckled at your words. “You made those cupcakes early in the morning, didn’t you? That’s why you look exhausted right now. You should’ve asked me to help you. I cook well,” Lay shrugged.

You yawned, “It’s not a surprise if I asked you.”

“But you told Tao.” Lay replied. You pouted, “He’s the exception! Huf, forget it oppa. Okay, I apologize for not telling you my plan. Now can you please let me have a little peace since the big babies are partying too loud? I’m starting to feel dizzy,” You covered your face with the big doll that was on the couch before.

“Go sleep in your room, Jihye-ah,” Lay’s voice softened. “Hmm... But I want to see Kai’s reaction when he sees my gift for him,” You murmured. “Oh, I thought the cupcakes are the gifts. You bought another one?” Lay asked.


“What’s that?”

You didn’t answer, you were so exhausted that you fell asleep although it was so crowded and the sound of music, people’s chatting, and snack-munching, are endless.

“Yah, don’t sleep with a doll on your face like that, you will hardly breathe,” Lay pulled off the doll from your face and found you already fell asleep. You were already deep in your dream land. He examined your face.

*She’s pretty, why didn’t I realize it those days before?* Lay smiled at his thought. He continued to examine your long eyelashes, your cheeks, your sharp nose and your slight red lips.

He sighed. “You worked too hard, dongsaeng.” He whispered and poked the space between your eyebrows.

You winced a bit, making Lay’s eyebrows raised. But then you relaxed and unconsciously you tilted your head and it fell on Lay’s shoulder. Lay blinked in shock. *W-what?*

“Lay hyung—oops!” Lay turned his head to find Baekhyun covered his mouth to keep him from letting another shock comments escape from his mouth. Lay put his index finger on his lips, signaling Baekhyun not to make any sound.

Baekhyun nodded, but he felt something itchy in his heart. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like the way you slept peacefully in Lay’s shoulder. He knew Lay’s his hyung and he should respect him, but he just didn’t like it. 

“Can you help me?” Lay asked Baekhyun while he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.


“Help me open Jihye’s bedroom door. I will carry her upstairs. But don’t tell anyone, we will go silently, she’s extremely tired and I don’t want the others to wake her up.” Lay continued.

Baekhyun slighty raised an eyebrow, *I know she’s tired. I should’ve been the one who carry her.*

“Baekhyun, go,” Lay shooed him as he easily carried you bridal style. You snuggled to Lay even closer, and Baekhyun had to stop himself from pouting in front of his hyung.

He walked upstairs, tried his best not to make any sound and opened your bedroom’s door easily. Lay mumbled a thank to him and he told Baekhyun to go back to the others.

Baekhyun let out an upset sigh without Lay knowing it. He slightly nodded and exited your bedroom, about to go back to the others.

Lay gently placed you on your bed and warped a blanket on you. Lay seated himself on the edge of your bed and placed the Rilakkuma doll beside you. Half unsconcious, you hugged the Rilakkuma doll tightly. He smiled. “You like Rilakkuma, huh? Next time I will buy you a bigger doll.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

“I should’ve told you before, but you really smell like blueberries.” Lay furrowed his eyebrows and started to sniff the air on your bedroom. “And your room does too!” He smiled again.

“Blueberry, Rilakkuma, and what else? You are an unpredictable girl.” He whispered as he was afraid every single noise he made could wake you up. “Sleep tight, babysitter.” He poked the tip of your nose and got off from your bed, turned off the lamp and exited your room.

You opened your eyes immediately and blinked too much.

“W-what was that...” You mumbled as you felt your cheeks heated up. You wasn’t really asleep before, you just pretended you were asleep because without any reason you liked Lay. You liked the way he gently carried you. You liked the way he talked to you without knowing you wasn’t really deep into your dream. “He is kind. And gentle.” You thought.

“Poker face oppa isn’t that poker face, I think.” Smiling, you hugged the Rilakkuma doll tighter and continued to sleep.


“Noona! Noona! Noona!”

“Psh,” You hissed and tried to cover your ears from Kai’s loud voice but he was faster than you. He held your wrists and grinned widely in front of you. “What, Kai? Let me go, I’m going to make you breakfast.”

“Aigoo, don’t! Let’s go outside! You skipped the opening-gifts last night so I would like to ask you for a date today!” He showed you his signature smile again. You raised an eyebrow. “Date? You... and me?”

“Yes!” Kai replied quickly and swung your hands happily. *Why is he suddenly acting like he’s the maknae? Sehun doesn’t even act like this eventhough he is the real maknae.*

“No, no, no, don’t believe that ert guy, Jihye.” Someone patted your head from behind, made you turn around just to find Lay. You blushed remembering last night and tried to avoid eye contact with Lay.

Lay noticed it and chuckled coolly. “You aren’t going just with Kai. All of us are going to.” He shrugged. “Yah! Hyung! Why are you telling her? Ugh I honestly want a private date with noona. She made so much effort on my birthday. I don’t remember I invited you all,” Kai pouted cutely. You glanced at him and gave him a little smile.

“So now take off your apron and get dressed,” Lay walked to you and pinched your nose lightly.

“AW! OPPA!” You immediately yelped, but Lay was already exited the kitchen while whistling.

“Aigoo, noona, your nose is red. So red! And your cheeks are too! Are you okay?” Kai swung your hands again. “Psh, Kai, stop swinging my hands. Go dress also, you.” You turned and walked upstairs, still blushed and wondered why in the world did Lay suddenly act like that.



You felt Sehun’s grip on your wrist tightened and suddenly you were dragged to the cotton candy section. “Oh my God, Sehun! Don’t do it again! I can walk by myself, just tell me where you want to go.” You rubbed your wrist that was a little bit hurt.

The boys followed you two and Tao was about to slap Sehun’s arm but Luhan glared at him so he pulled back his hand. Suho chuckled at the scenes.

Sehun smiled in an apologetic way, and handed you a big light blue colored cotton candy. “This is for you, noona, a big blueberry flavoured cotton candy!” He happily shake the cotton candy in front of you. “Oh, thanks, Sehun. Why... Why do you know I was about to ask for a blueberry one?” You asked, pinched the cotton candy.

“Because you smell like blueberry,” D.O answered. You turned your head to him and giggled, “Wha, is it obvious, D.O?”

D.O rolled his eyes and continued to eat his also blueberry flavored cotton candy.

“Your room smells like blueberries, you also smell like blueberry, and you made me tons of blueberry cupcakes, so I bet you really like blueberries.” Kai added, munching his strawberry cotton candy.

You blushed. “You... guys... Know it?”

Xiumin held out his thumb and nodded, his cheeks were puffed from eating the cotton candy. Lay rolled his eyes as if you were so dumb that you asked a retorical question.

“It’s so obvious, noona.” Tao said.

“Ne. I know it from the first day of your coming. There was suddenly blueberry smell around the house! I know immediately that it’s your smell, because the boys don’t smell like that usually.” Kris joined the chat.

“You smell really really really good,  I started to like blueberries because of you.” Chanyeol his bottom lip after finishing his own cotton candy—super fast!—and your heart skipped a bit. *He’s hot.* You gulped and shook your head to erase the thoughts.

“Hey, I want to ride that.” Luhan pointed a rollercoaster behind you all.

“Ah yes, yes, I want to ride that too!” Chen agreed.

“Whoa, the rollercoaster is scary. Look at those loops,” Kris pointed to the air.

“Hm, that must be exciting.” Chanyeol added.

“OH KAI! We rode that back when we were in high school right? Let’s ride it again!” D.O slapped Kai’s back playfully. “YAH! D.O!” Kai snapped back. “HEY CALL ME HYUNG!” D.O protested but Kai just rolled his eyes.

“Let’s go, Jihye.” Baekhyun was about to drag you to the roller coaster when he saw you looked pale.

“Roller coaster? NO WAY! NO WAY I’M GOING TO RIDE THAT!” You nervously munching your cotton candy and hugged Suho’s arm who was standing right next to you. He winced a bit because you held him too tight.

“Ooooo, noona is afraid of roller coaster.” Tao nodded in awe, and you shot him a glare, “Psh, Tao, you embarassed me! Just... Just go to the roller coaster and leave me here... Suho oppa, you... with me?” You looked back to Suho but he was nervously bit his lip.

“Uh—I want to ride that too, I haven’t been in amusement park for months so... I... Yeah...” He scratched the back of his head and looked at you with his puppy eyes.

“Uhm... Okay.” You felt a little bit upset since you thought Suho would happily accompany you. You let out the grip and crossed your arms in front of your chest.

“Okay guys, go ride the rollercoaster and I’ll be waiting here.”

Everyone started to feel guilty, they wanted to accompany you but they also wanted to ride the roller coaster. The queue was so crowded, they knew it would take too long time if they decided to break into two groups; one to ride the rollercoaster and one to accompany you and then switch position.

“I will accompany her. Go, guys. Go. The queue is getting so crowded. Don’t waste our time here. It’s been a long time since we get a day off.”

Lay put an arm around your shoulder protectively and waved his hands on the boys.

You gasped a bit feeling his warm arm around you. Blushing again, you looked down, playing with the strap of your sling bag.

D.O pouted obviously. *Why is she blushing? She liked hyung, huh?!*

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, annoyed. *I want to ride the rollercoaster so bad but I really hate it when I see Jihye with another boy.*

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip hardly. *Lay hyung again?*

“Hey, why aren’t you guys going? Go, go, go!” Lay shooed them again and one by one they left, still eyeing you and Lay’s right arm around you.

“O-oppa... Let—I mean let me—let me go,” You stuttered.

Lay glanced at you and giggled. “Oh yes, I forgot you have a pretty weak heart. Let’s sit there, neh?” He pinched your nose again and dragged you to the nearest bench.


“Hey look, they waved to you.” Lay nudged your arm and pointed to the queue.

“Ah!” You chuckled and waved back to Sehun. It was so obvious that every girls around them started to feel jealous. There were eleven God-like boys in front of them but the boys were just looking at you.

“...Jihye unnie?”

Someone called your name, but you knew exactly it’s not Lay.

You turned your head to see Lay’s confused face and someone familiar standing beside Lay, holding a melted ice cream.




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Ayeell #1
Chapter 41: Aww... love this fic so much... usually in the others fic, D.O will be the one who always keep silent and watch everything goes. Haha.
Chapter 41: Beautiful
I loved this fic
But i would prefered she ended with lulu
But D___O is a cutie pie too xD
Chapter 41: THE ENDING IS *SNIFF* AMAZING I JUST WANNA SHAKE THE HECK OUTTA YOU AUTHOR NIM. :"""""D your FIC is the best I'm really honored to be your very first reader :")
dodokchae #4
Chapter 41: Last chapter already?!!!! Ahhh nice ending, but I want a sequel!!!
Chapter 41: Ahhh!! Such touching story!! I love the story and I love u authornim (lol)
-sekai #6
Chapter 41: NOOOOO! We need a sequel! Author-nim

Nice chappie though! D.O's mine/hers!! <3
Chapter 40: Awwwwhhh!!! Is it really gonna end?!
Chapter 40: OMG!!! D.O get yo a55 ther now!! lol ahh exo be jelly XD
hasnafm #10
Chapter 40: Oh my god! Last chapters already? So fast :(