D.O To The Rescue

The Diary of EXO's Babysitter


D.O muttered a few cursings, then plopped himself on his bed. His younger brother didn’t bother asking him what happened, it was just D.O’s usual habit. Kai has gotten used to it.

It was freaking four in the morning and D.O found himself couldn’t sleep with too much thoughts on his head. He kept tossing back and forth on his bed, and it woke Kai up.

“Hyung, calm down. It’s four,” Kai yawned and pulled his cover to his head. D.O has the lights and Kai had to cover his eyes from the bright hurting light.

“She hasn’t called, nor texted. I’m worried, Kai, I’m worried,” D.O bit his lower lip frustratedly. “Let’s wait until the sun rises. Now go back to your sleep and please turn off the lights. I’m sleepy, hyungie,” Kai groaned. D.O sighed but got up and turned off the lights.

As much as he had so much things on his mind, s came first, and Kai needed rest.



From  : Jihye

Oppa, are you awake?


D.O’s eyes fluttered open as he read the text message. He quickly kicked his cover and sat down straightly, reading it with so much anticipation. He heaved a small sigh. “Babo,”

To       : Jihye

Yes, thanks to you.


D.O surprisingly found himself happier than before, and more relaxed. You just texted him and it released his anxiety. D.O didn’t want to call or text you first, thinking you’d want some peaceful me-time. He waited and waited until you wanted to talk to him. He loved you just like that.

From  : Jihye

I’m sorry.
Can I call you? I need someone to talk to.


D.O didn’t think twice, he pushed the number seven on his speed dial and put his phone on his ear. Meanwhile Kai—hearing all of D.O’s sudden moves and sighs and of course feeling his hyung’s smile—under his covers, mumbled something slightly inaudible.

“Hyung, fighting!”



“Hyung, please, she needs me, she called me and I’m going to be there,” D.O anxiously begged to their manager.

The boys were all gathered in the living room with their manager. D.O was the one who called him to talk about you. From the call he’s had with you, he knew that you needed him. You needed someone.

Luhan hardly stared at D.O. He was angry, but at the same time jealous and sad. All he could think was: Why D.O? Why Kyungsoo? Why not him? Why did you call Kyungsoo instead of him? The sweet, bubbly, and playful Luhan? Why?

“Kyungsoo, I don’t think you can go there right now. EXO’s debut is less than a month now, and President Lee wants you to practice harder.” Manager hyung massaged his temples, feeling dizzy in all of a sudden.

“Please? Only two days, I’ll make up everything I miss starting from today. Hyung, I beg you. Jebal!” D.O said again.

Lay heaved out a small sigh. “Let him go, hyung. It’s only two days. He’s a fast learner, I’m sure he can make everything up,” He was the most silent one since D.O told about your call and everything.

He was hurt, sure. He was heartbroken. But he knew you chose D.O, and he knew he couldn’t do anything to it. If it was D.O, he would give up. If you chose D.O, he would try to be happy for you. D.O is handsome, has a nice voice, caring, and he’d make a good boyfriend for you. He’d really willingly let you be with someone as nice as D.O.

“I can always accompany him to do practices, hyung,” Kai steadly nodded to their manager. The other members—including Kris—nodded to their manager, signaling they agreed to Lay and Kai.

Manager hyung sighed. “What is this? Are you guys already planning to do this? Fine, fine! Kyungsoo, you can go now. Go home two days later, right at ten AM. If not, I’ll double your practices,” He threw a hard stare to D.O, but the latter didn’t mean it. He quickly bowed to his manager. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, hyung! Thank you!”

Manager hyung nodded without saying anything, but deep down inside, D.O and the boys made him touched. They were sincerely trying to help you. This has never happened before, they intended to argue more than gather together to talk about one problem like this. This all thanks to you.



[A/N] Last chapters coming up~ I’m going to post my new story after this >,<

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Ayeell #1
Chapter 41: Aww... love this fic so much... usually in the others fic, D.O will be the one who always keep silent and watch everything goes. Haha.
Chapter 41: Beautiful
I loved this fic
But i would prefered she ended with lulu
But D___O is a cutie pie too xD
Chapter 41: THE ENDING IS *SNIFF* AMAZING I JUST WANNA SHAKE THE HECK OUTTA YOU AUTHOR NIM. :"""""D your FIC is the best I'm really honored to be your very first reader :")
dodokchae #4
Chapter 41: Last chapter already?!!!! Ahhh nice ending, but I want a sequel!!!
Chapter 41: Ahhh!! Such touching story!! I love the story and I love u authornim (lol)
-sekai #6
Chapter 41: NOOOOO! We need a sequel! Author-nim

Nice chappie though! D.O's mine/hers!! <3
Chapter 40: Awwwwhhh!!! Is it really gonna end?!
Chapter 40: OMG!!! D.O get yo a55 ther now!! lol ahh exo be jelly XD
hasnafm #10
Chapter 40: Oh my god! Last chapters already? So fast :(