Strong Heart!~

5TAR (Story Start!)

Once they arrived to the set of “Strong Heart,” the girls were directed to their dressing rooms as Eun Woo left them, saying he had to go back to the company for a meeting. The girls’ make up artists and hair stylists worked on them expertly as the girls chatted amongst each other. All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door and opened it. “Ah! Oppa!” Eun Mi exclaimed happily from her seat as Gi Kwang and Yoseob came in with smiles on their faces.

“Eun Mi-ah. Please sit still.” Her make up artist explained softly as she fixed Eun Mi’s eyeliner. Eun Mi behaved as Yoseob and Gi Kwang exchanged bows with the other girls. Yoseob and Gi Kwang sat on chairs, chatting with the girls for a little and making them laugh. “Oppa Gangnam Style!” the girls all shouted as the boys danced to it. JiYu giggled while recording the silly sunbaes on her phone. Gi Kwang and Yoseob left after a little because “Strong Heart” was about to begin. Everyone went on stage as the show started to film. Lee Seung Gi and Kang Ho Dong cued the red curtain as it dropped down and revealed everyone sitting down. The girls sat down somewhat next to each other as B1A4 sat close to them as well.

“Dae! And we have very special guests today. Introducing B1A4 and rookie group 5TAR!” Kang Ho Dong exclaimed as he gestured to them. The members of each band bowed and smiled to the audience and camera. “Since they just began their debut, let us welcome Five-Star by having them perform their new hit debut song ‘Because of You!’” Ho Dong introduced as the girls looked at each other in mild surprise. Jeuline remained calm as she was the first one to get off her seat and go down to the stage. The rest of the girls followed and hurried into position as the music started.

Performing their debut song once again, the girls put in as much effort as they do in all their performances. As the girls looked at the cameras, they smiled and bowed as they finished their last move. The girls walked back to their seats and sat down. “Ah ne! They were daebak! Sapphire-ssi!” Seung Gi called out.

“Dae?” Jeuline answered. Seung Gi looked down at his notecards and smiled.

“Ne! Being the leader of the group, do you have to control the girls inside the dorm?” Seung Gi questioned. Jeuline and the other girls giggled.

“Hmm…” Jeuline mumbled. “Sometimes I do. We all help each other out on anything and everything, so there isn’t much controlling to do.” Moving on with Strong Heart, Kang Ho Dong brought up the subject of Eun Mi and Gi Kwang.

“Gi Kwang-ssi!” Ho Dong exclaimed.

Gi Kwang smiled and looked up, “Dae?”

“Is it true that you and Bubbles-ssi are related?” Ho Dong questioned. In sync, Gi Kwang and Eun Mi nodded as they both smiled widely.

Gi Kwang answered, “Ne, Eun Mi-ah, I mean Bubbles, is my cousin.” Seung Gi and Ho Dong continued with the show, but then placed the attention on the girls and their labelmates, B1A4. The girls were asked by fellow guest, Eunhyuk of Super Junior, to dance to B1A4’s “Baby Goodnight.”

The girls politefully obliged as they stood up and walked down to the stage. Surprisingly, the boys of B1A4 also walked to the stage as the music started playing. The chorus of “Baby Goodnight” played as the girls and boys danced to the song. For it not being their own song, the girls did pretty well and matched their moves correctly with the boys. As the girls finished up with the boys, everyone clapped and “Strong Heart” continued on. When the show finished filming, everyone said goodbye to each other as the girls began to pile back into their van. Eun Woo went into the passenger’s seat in the front as the girls’ driver drove off.

The girls tiredly chatted for a while as they were taken to WM Entertainment to pick up their checks. A girl’s phone went off and Min Ra’s hand shot to her front pocket as she picked up her phone. “Yoboseyo?” Min Ra answered tiredly.

“Annyeong Min Ra-ssi! This is Gongchan!” Gongchan exclaimed from the other line. Min Ra’s eyes widened just a fraction as she sat up straight and rubbed her eyes.


“We heard from Eun Woo hyung you girls are going to WM Entertainment to pick up your checks. The hyungs and I were just making sure you girls were getting home safely.” Gongchan explained with a hint of worry in his voice.

Min Ra giggled softly and answered, “We’re fine, Gongchan-ah. Komawo yo. We’ll see each other tomorrow morning, ne? All of us are really tired.”

Gongchan replied, “Ah, dae! Annyeong Mincy-ah!”

“Annyeong.” Min Ra hung up and turned to the other girls. “The boys are worried about us.” The rest of the girls momentarily paused what they were doing when they heard what Min Ra said. Once they arrived to WM Entertainment, the girls were all fast asleep, tired from the events that occurred that day. Eun Woo chuckled as he got down himself and got their checks for them. When he came back, he found the girls still asleep as the driver sped off. In about 10 minutes, they arrived to the dorm building as Eun Woo and the driver attempted to wake the girls up. Eun Woo checked his phone and saw it was around 7:00 P.M. *How could the girls be this tired already? I wonder what’s gonna happen when their schedules start to fill up…* Eun Woo thought as the girls all woke up and stretched.

“Kamsahamnida oppa!” the girls exclaimed as they grabbed their checks and hurried inside the dorm to dress up into pajamas.

“Girls!” Jeuline shouted from the bathroom. “Group meeting after we change!” Jeuline announced as she opened the door and came out in her pajamas. Jeuline walked over to the fridge and grabbed a big bottle of water to set in the middle of the table so they could drink it. Jeuline’s phone vibrated on the counter, and she picked it up as she walked back to the table and sat down on the floor. Jeuline read the text as it said:

“Jeuline-ah!~ Annyeong! Here’s the schedule for tomorrow. You girls will be excused a little early from school, all of you. Probably about an hour earlier. You girls will be getting dropped off to the dorm to do homework. Don’t bother changing because after you girls do homework, call me and I will pick you up straight away to get yourselves ready for the filming of ‘Hello Baby.’ Filming will start around 3:00 P.M. and end around 8:00 P.M. Right after the filming, you girls will be going to a photoshoot nearby which will be scheduled to end at around 9:00 P.M. After that, you girls are going to the company to practice some dancing and choreography. Then, you girls can go home! Only things you need to bring with you in the morning are your bags and change of clothes. Goodnight! Love, oppa<3”

Jeuline laughed as the other girls sleepily sat down around the table. Jeuline relayed the message to the other girls as they all nodded. “Wooow! So practice takes like another 2 hours, so we won’t be home until 11?” the maknae herself asked as she tied her hair up into a bun.

“Ne!” Briana replied, fixing her pajama buttons. Jeuline smiled at her other members.

“Girls, we’re going to have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. At least we get to see the babies, ne? Let’s all have a good rest and get up early for school tomorrow!” Jeuline exclaimed as she put her right hand in the middle. The rest of the girls followed as they started to count down.

5TAR yelled, “5TAR FIGHTING!” The girls stood up and hurried to their room, turning off all the lights and leaping onto their beds for a restful night.

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Ah! I have changed the debut date to August 31 instead of August 10 because of these updates from AFF and everything! :)


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Chapter 58: ONMG.
now i have no amazing fan fic to look forward to.
the girl's have done a really good job, and you too author-nim.
thankyou for creating us a story that brought us into it too.
hope you make another one.
this was an amazing story.
Chapter 58: wait wait.... IT'S OVER NOW?!
just like that.... it went by so fast!
but ending it like this with a concert is a nostalgic feeling.
and very touching.
i love it a lot and totally enjoyed this story from beginning to end!!
you did a wonderful job of portraying the characters and developing them as the story progress.
glad to know that eunwoo oppa is fine too!! hehehe.
thank you so much for this story completion!!
and have fun at the B.A.P concert and take that fun one month hiatus from writing and enjoy yourself!
well its been a great story! thank you author-nim for actually updating your apply fic! it was fun reading it all!
gahhh concerts seem so emotional T^T i loved brianas letter and how minra and jeuline did that performance XD
thank you once again!
(btw i think you really portrayed minras character a lot ^_^)
Allymo #4
Chapter 58: Awwwwwww I love Briana's letters to here grandma and parents. Thanks for another amazing chapter.
Chapter 57: whooo~ jinmi couple~ lol
and minchan are sooo cute~ lol
but ohhh new concept eh? curious!
Chapter 57: awww the rest of the dates were so cute!
oh god that was awkward but im glad he understands she isnt ready
poor jeuline, shes under so much stress being a leader :(
kia_fabian #7
Chapter 57: I love cnu n jinyoung dates part :)..but when jinyoung start make out with eun mi.. I just want to say O.M.G!
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 57: Hahaha trying imagining jinyoung having abs lolz
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 56: I love cnu's date part keke
Chapter 56: awwww their dates were SO FLUFFY!!!
cant wait for the other two!
;A; reading this makes me jealous... i want a date with a b1a4 member! xD