Hello Baby!

5TAR (Story Start!)


The girls were all in the room where “Hello Baby” would be mostly filmed. Everyone was talking about how Eunsol never seemed to warm up to anyone. “Ne, so Eunsol-ah…your unnie-deul will be on a mission to make you open your heart to us!” Jeuline explained as she looked straight at the camera with a smile. The girls were taken into a room for some one-on-one time with the staff. JiYu had gone first.

“What worries you most about Eunsol?” one of the directors questioned.

JiYu played with her fingers as she looked at the camera and answered, “Eunsol-ah doesn’t want to open herself up. She has this little shell around her that prevents people from getting in. She gets along fine with me, though.”

Eun Mi responded, “For me, Eunsol-ah and I are not in a really good relationship. No matter how much I try, it’s near impossible for me to get closer to her. She’s very reserved and quiet.”

“Eunsol-ah is very irrational and easily irritated, unlike Hyunwoo-ah. She has different ways of showing her emotions, and it is explained by her constant mood swings. I think we just need to try harder to get Eunsol-ah.” Briana suggested as she rubbed her neck.

Min Ra smiled, “Aish. That kid. She has her moments where she’s fine. Although, she does favor Sapphire unnie and JiYu-ah more than the rest of us. Eunsol-ah just needs to get used to us.” Min Ra gave a thumbs-up to the camera. “Fighting!”

Jeuline answered, “I guess the reason Eunsol-ah is acting like this is because she’s just not used to us yet. She only warmed up to the two of us girls so far, and we’re all hoping she’ll warm up to everyone else.” Jeuline smiled and placed her fist in the air. “Eunsol-ah, hwaiting!” After being pulled out for a small interview, one of the writers had handed Jeuline a white, long envelope and explained that the money used will be to try to get closer to Eunsol.

“Whoa, there’s 100,000 won in here!” Min Ra exclaimed as the girls crowded around Jeuline. The girls got the signal to divide it amongst themselves, so it would be 20,000 won for each girl.

“Wait a minute, you’re just going to give us this money? No tricks?” Briana asked as she eyed the staff warily. The producers and writers laughed.

“Aniya! It’s okay. The members of B1A4 actually earned this money for you girls by doing a number of rolls and somersaults.” One of the writers explained. The girls all giggled and thanked the members of B1A4 through camera. After getting their money and splitting it, the girls took off to different places without using the car. Jeuline had gone to the local supermarket to win Eunsol’s heart. Jeuline looked at the camera with a wink and smile.

Jeuline explained, “The way to get to a little kid’s heart is by giving them the little things. Being thoughtful of what they like helps in this situation.” She walked to the candy aisle of the supermarket to find the favorite chocolates and candies that Eunsol likes.

Min Ra and Briana decided to team up as they both walked into a children’s toy store. “Ne, what do you think Eunsol likes?” Min Ra asked Briana.

“Molla yo.” Briana answered as she separated from Min Ra and walked into the book section. Briana smiled as she picked up a few books to read to Eunsol. Min Ra shouted in joy as she ran to the girl’s toys section.

Eun Mi took a cab to the COEX mall as she walked around to some stores. “Hmmm…oh, I know!” Eun Mi exclaimed as she ran to different stores here and there, buying clothes and dolls for Eunsol to play with. JiYu was different as she walked to a local art store to buy some things for Eunsol. JiYu wandered around the store before buying a big pack of crayons and a huge drawing pad. When all the girls regrouped back at the room where Eunsol and Hyunwoo were at, they shouted with glee as they hugged the two children. “Arasso! Let’s get this started!” Eun Mi exclaimed happily as she clutched the plastic bag that contained her items. One of the writers took Eunsol into her and Hyunwoo’s playroom.

“Okay, let’s have the leader go first, ne?” the PD asked with a smile after the writer exited the room. The girls gave Jeuline lots of encouragement as she took her plastic bag inside the room with her. Jeuline quietly and carefully walked inside as she slowly took out the different types of candy and chocolate.

“Eunsol-ah?” Jeuline called out. The camera turned to Eunsol, who was hiding near the door to the bathroom. “Eunsol-ah, it’s Sapphire unnie! Can you come out, please? I have something for you!” Jeuline exclaimed as she waved the chocolate and candy in the air. Eunsol did not budge one bit. Jeuline finally gave up and approached Eunsol. “Eunsol-ah…Unnie got you some of your favorite sweets!” Jeuline declared as she neared Eunsol. The little girl unconsciously drew herself more inside the bathroom.

Eunsol muttered, “Chocolate~” Jeuline giggled to herself as Eunsol slowly took the chocolate and candy. Just when things were about to go great, Eunsol shut the bathroom door on Jeuline. Jeuline was shocked, and her eyes were wide open. 5TAR’s leader sighed in defeat and walked out of the room with a look of exhaustion as she collapsed onto the couch. JiYu started to gather her things up.

Min Ra exclaimed, “Maknae-ah! Aja aja fighting!” JiYu smiled and walked into the room cautiously. Hearing the other door open, Eunsol opened the bathroom door just a crack. Smiling with hope, JiYu ran to the side of the wall and hid a giggle. “Bwoya? Is she playing hide and seek?” Min Ra commented. JiYu covered her face with her hands and opened them just a crack to peek at Eunsol. In a second, JiYu twisted and took a hop to Eunsol.

“Ta-dah!” JiYu exclaimed. Eunsol was amused by what JiYu was doing. “Annyeong~” JiYu greeted as she held her hand up to Eunsol. Shockingly, Eunsol responded by giving her a high-five. “Jjang! Do you want to draw with me?” JiYu asked softly. Eunsol’s look on her face showed she was hesitating. JiYu sat down and patiently waited for Eunsol to answer. After a while, JiYu screamed with success in her head as Eunsol took a pink crayon and waited for JiYu’s instructions. “Arasso…let’s draw a princess since you took the pink crayon. Do you want to draw a princess?” JiYu questioned. Eunsol nodded her head as JiYu took out a black crayon and taught Eunsol step-by-step on how to draw a princess.

After a while, JiYu explained that she had to leave and quietly exited the room with a happy Eunsol inside it. All the other girls were gaping at their maknae’s power. “Yah! That’s amazing!” Eun Mi exclaimed happily. “Daebak JiYu-ah!”

“Mincy unnie, your turn!” JiYu shouted as Min Ra began to stand up. She made her way inside the room and found Eunsol out in the open blue, drawing and eating her chocolate. Min Ra took out a stuffed bear and a stuffed panda. Upon hearing Min Ra enter the room, Eunsol’s head shot up and looked at her. Min Ra smiled and waved with the panda.

“Annyeong, Eunsol-ah~ Do you want to play with me?” Min Ra asked in a different voice to become the panda. Eunsol’s face remained expressionless as she went back to her drawing. Just as she was about to be defeated, Min Ra tried again with the bear. “Eunsol-aaah~ I need someone to play with. I’m lonely!” Min Ra exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. Eunsol began to look irritated as she moved up to the bed and continued to draw.  Min Ra then spoke in her regular voice, “Eunsol-ah, if you don’t come down here, I’m not going to give you these stuffed animals.” At that, Eunsol let out a high-pitched yell and ate her candy. Min Ra gave up and exited the room, defeated by the little five year old. The other girls were surprised at Min Ra’s defeat, as she is not one to give up easily.

Briana stood up and mumbled, “I guess I’m next.” The atmosphere seemed tense as the other girls wondered what their calm and quiet member would do to capture Eunsol’s attention. Briana enlisted the help of the defeated Min Ra, who reluctantly went along with Briana’s plan. “Eunsol-ah?” Briana called out as she entered the room. Eunsol was still on top of the bed drawing and eating her candy, but this time, she had moved the stuffed animals next to her on the bed. “Eunsol-ah, I’m going to read you a story, and Mincy unnie will be acting it out, arasso?” Briana explained softly as she sat down next to Eunsol on the bed. Eunsol’s head slightly moved as Briana began to narrate on the story “The Three Little Ducks.” Min Ra played the mother duck as Briana narrated.

For a moment, Eunsol seemed mildly interested in the story. However, after a while, Eunsol got bored and went back to eating her candy and playing with her stuffed panda. Briana set her books down near Eunsol as she calmly exited the room with Min Ra. Upon arriving at the couch, Briana face-planted into the couch and sighed. Eun Mi jumped up and exclaimed, “I guess I’m last! Fighting, unnie-deul!” Eun Mi exclaimed as she hurried into the room with her dolls and clothes for Eunsol. Eun Mi smiled at the little girl and waved at Eunsol, who was staring at the door when Eun Mi entered. “Annyeong~” Eun Mi greeted with a laugh. Eunsol opened up her drawing pad and continued to draw again.

Eun Mi sat beside Eunsol on the bed, who moved away from Eun Mi by instinct. “Aniya. Don’t be afraid. Here.” Eun Mi placed some clothes next to Eunsol. “I bought you some nice clothes! Hopefully, you’ll like them. Shall we play with the Barbie dolls I got?” Eun Mi questioned as she took the two Barbie dolls out of their boxes and stood them up in front of Eunsol. Eun Mi began to play with the Barbie dolls to capture Eunsol’s attention, but it was no luck. After a while, Eun Mi decided to leave the room with nothing but a smile.

The girls all cheered as their “testing” for Eunsol was finished. After filming for “Hello Baby,” the girls went home and got the rest they deserved. 

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Ah! I have changed the debut date to August 31 instead of August 10 because of these updates from AFF and everything! :)


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Chapter 58: ONMG.
now i have no amazing fan fic to look forward to.
the girl's have done a really good job, and you too author-nim.
thankyou for creating us a story that brought us into it too.
hope you make another one.
this was an amazing story.
Chapter 58: wait wait.... IT'S OVER NOW?!
just like that.... it went by so fast!
but ending it like this with a concert is a nostalgic feeling.
and very touching.
i love it a lot and totally enjoyed this story from beginning to end!!
you did a wonderful job of portraying the characters and developing them as the story progress.
glad to know that eunwoo oppa is fine too!! hehehe.
thank you so much for this story completion!!
and have fun at the B.A.P concert and take that fun one month hiatus from writing and enjoy yourself!
well its been a great story! thank you author-nim for actually updating your apply fic! it was fun reading it all!
gahhh concerts seem so emotional T^T i loved brianas letter and how minra and jeuline did that performance XD
thank you once again!
(btw i think you really portrayed minras character a lot ^_^)
Allymo #4
Chapter 58: Awwwwwww I love Briana's letters to here grandma and parents. Thanks for another amazing chapter.
Chapter 57: whooo~ jinmi couple~ lol
and minchan are sooo cute~ lol
but ohhh new concept eh? curious!
Chapter 57: awww the rest of the dates were so cute!
oh god that was awkward but im glad he understands she isnt ready
poor jeuline, shes under so much stress being a leader :(
kia_fabian #7
Chapter 57: I love cnu n jinyoung dates part :)..but when jinyoung start make out with eun mi.. I just want to say O.M.G!
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 57: Hahaha trying imagining jinyoung having abs lolz
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 56: I love cnu's date part keke
Chapter 56: awwww their dates were SO FLUFFY!!!
cant wait for the other two!
;A; reading this makes me jealous... i want a date with a b1a4 member! xD