Welcome to camp .. Part I

Change of heart


Looking out the window of the car Jae felt her eyes stinging with tears as she began to feel overwhelemed by homesickness. Her older brother Kwan had sent her to Camp Soaring because he thought it was best for her. 
Growing up the two had never been apart as they played with eachothers strengths and weaknesses. Her strength was dance and singing, his was guitar and fighting. Kwan was her guardian angel as they had a secret that defined who they were and who they had become. 
Now she was sitting in a limo about to arive at the camp designed for artists of SM entertainment. 
This camp was much different then the schools the artists studied at this was a camp for skills and it was also located in Canada where nobody would recognize the artists so they could interact with people and learn English. At the end of the summer each artist would perform a set in pure English. 
Jae was a new singer  who had been sent to perfect her English as she was born in Korea and spent a great deal of her life there. Kwan had tricked her into singing for an SM open audition as they had seen a great deal of talent in the young girl they sent her first class to meet with her instructers and fellow campers.
When the car stopped she took a deep breath wishing for a sign things would be alright here this summer. She whiped her tears softly as she put on a soft layer of cherry chapstick puckering her lips then giggling at how Kwan would when she did that. "You look like a fish jamae!" he would exclaim in a fit of giggling laughter. Jae smiled imaging what he would say to her now if he could see her feeling unsure of herself. 
Kwan was the type of brother who would push you to do your best but would be nice about it. He enjoyed the fact that his sister was good at singing and dancing as he knew it made her happy. Growing up they wrote songs together and would perform as a little duo for their friends. Kwan didn't want the same dream as her though, he wanted to be a teacher instead of a musician. As much as Jae denyed the fact she wanted to be a singer you could tell she did when she would sing abscent mindely around their apartment or dance as she did laundry that she was going to be much more then a normal highschool girl.
Thats when Kwan took her to a casting at a small club, he filled out all of her information sheets and told her it was going to be an open mic. He told the judges he was just her backup music while he got up on stage and she started to sing doing her own coreography. Her voice never changed as she moved she smiled happily as if to say 'Welcome to my world.' 
Cheers errupted from the crowd as unknown to her a band was watching also. SHINee was extreamly popular around North Korea as they were on their way to being global mega stars. Unknown to Jae they would soon be her room mates for the three months. 
Jae was very unfamiliar with SM's bands as she had been in America a number of times visting friends as each time she managed to stay for a few months to do some schooling.
The driver opened up the door of the car as she put on her large D&G glasses stepping out in her red converse, as she wore a black strapless sundress that hugged her curves flowing to just above her knees. Her purse was a bright red as she wore a red beaded necklace along with her ring that had JK on it which was a sweet sixteen gift from her brother on the inside of the secret slide part of the ring was a small picture of the two.
Life was going to be hard without Kwan around her to not let her be shy. 
"Ah our latest prodigy has arrived first. Welcome to Camp Soaring Ms Jae Choi." A man smiled as he offered her a hand out of the car she took it smiling shaking her shyness as he bowed to her softly she bowed back. 
"Thank you, you must be Martino the director. My manager Jung Park informed me of you." Jae smiled looking at the man who was in his mid thirtys he was about six-one with dark blue eyes. He was from the sound of his dialect American. 
Running one hand through his curly brown hair he looked to the driver who had just unloaded her suitcases he motioned for her to get her things and follow him. 
Jae threw her bag over her shoulder pulling up the handles on her two suitcases rolling them over the gravel trail. 
Camp Soaring was a very beautiful camp, a large lodge that contained all of the classrooms, dance studios and recording rooms. As well as a caferetia, dance hall, eating area and a large rec area for the campers to relax. 
On the back of the lodge there were trails next to the lake as well, a large red deck for barbequing and relaxing on. A badminton net stood in a shaded area for badminton and archery as well as a small basket ball court. 
Down the trail from the lodge was the large lake side outer stage near the swimming area and boat house where canoes were available. 
On the other side of that trail was the large circle with wooden benches around a large bonfire pit where nightly fires would be held. 
There were many lake side trails from what Jae could see as she listened to Martino telling her all about the areas. 
In front of the main lodge was a large lawn as in the center of it a flag pole stood bare as there were hints of an opening ceremony when the others arrived. 
Lining the lawn was a string of fourteen cabins. All a soft brown as they were wooden and had with windows and a large white door. 
Jae's eyes lit up when she saw a small stage in the corner where she could see a dark brown acustic guitar sitting happily in a stand as she wandered over to it picking it up softly strumming a few notes.
"It's a brand new dayy." She sang softly feeling electrafied with her want to sing. This was of course why she was here. 
"Jae you may explore the camp while we await the others to come. You will find your cabin to your liking your manager told me you enjoy the company of dedicated musicians.
 The boys you will be sharing with are quite the characters." Martino smiled before going into his office while Jae looked in shock.
"Boys?" She whispered to herself. 
This was going to be a very intresting summer as little did she know she would be rooming with one of the biggest boybands in all of Seoul, Korea. 
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Hey fans, guess who's back I have been at school for a long time now but it's time to find out what happens when the four friends have a week together :)


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kwangx #1
Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
nesstenshixo #2
She wanted to become fluent because she is going to debut in english sorry for any confusion :)
I like your story but the 1st chap. confused me slightly. Why is she perfecting her English when she had been to America to visit friends and study there for a few months?
thnks for listening to all your fans and updating <3
umma <3<br />
i love how we have similar interests in kpop people :P<br />
and like everyone said:<br />
update when you have time please :3
YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU UPDATED!!!!!!! omona omona.... its been a long time dear.... Happy... Happy... <br />
But it is an OnTae update TT.TT didn't I tell you it gives me the shivers..<br />
but well, it is still a good one.. :)
nesstenshixo #7
Yeah, Miyo you helped me research everything.<br />
So big thanks to Miyoo! <3
I have a new favorite chapter... LOL.... <br />
I was like... >///////<<br />
you pretty much did a research on Key's childhood and preferences.. Awwww....<br />
Update soon. (NOW)<br />
I love key and jae together,,, gosh! I am really not good with comments.. well update soon and hwaiting~!
x_T-AE #10
Hello! ^^<br />
If you would like a graphic/review, you can request at Lemon Swirls:<br />
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