A new family

Change of heart


He knelt down towards her touching her wrists checking her vitals, in his high school days he has been an athlete and captain of his team meaning he needed some sort of first aid certificate.

“NINA! I’ve found her!” He yelled scooping up the un cautious girl leaving the bottle on the ground.

Taking one look at Jae, Nina gasped deeply.

“Is she alright Minho, of please by the gods say she’s okay. Poor dear lets get her home in her bed!” Nina exclaimed opening the door of the car sitting on the back seat helping the tired boy get Jae into the car taking her head in her lap Nina sighed pulling out her phone.

“Onew, yea we found her. Pick up some advil, diet coke, peptobismal and cough syrup. Trust me she’ll need it in the morning.” She spoke softly while he agreed to get what was needed, hearing a deep sigh from Taemin knowing his older sister was okay.

“She’ll be okay you know. Stop worrying.” Nina looked up at Minho while they drove back to the house.

Inside Key was waiting with a fresh set of towels for her.

“We have to get her showered and out of those clothes. Someone a bottle of water.” Key insisted reaching for Jae.

Minho looked and Nina who nodded.

“Jae honey, wake up please.” Onew spoke into her ear touching her arm as they lay her onto the couch.

Jae opened her eyes softly.

“Kwan, is that you?” She asked shaking.

“Jae, its Onew oppa. Can you drink this please?” He held a bottle of water with a straw to her lips.

Jae nodded taking a few sips before trying to sit up, only to topple onto the floor.

“Lets get you into a hot shower, someone fetch me a night gown for her.” Nina looked to the boys.

“Her purple one looks lovely on her.” Taemin smiled dashing into Jae and Key’s room grabbing the dark purple silk gown handing it to Nina.

“Key when she gets out lay with her okay? Right now she needs you and us all.” Nina nodded to Key as he went to get ready for bed.

“You all need to rest, once I have Jae showered and dressed everyone retire to bed. We’ll gather in the morning, Martino is not to know of this. He’ll send her home and right now she can’t go back to Seoul alone.” Nina looked around while the boys all nodded agreeing.

With that Nina took the poor drunk girl stripping her off and helping her into the hot shower, Jae felt the odd sensation of warmth on her body holding herself up as Nina helped wash her hair. Normally Jae, miss independent would refuse help from anyone, but tonight she was too numb from the alcohol she had all too willingly consumed in an effort to erase her pain.

‘Just tell them your fine, then get to your room and let it all out.’ she told herself while in truth she knew that there was no use in hiding her pain anymore. Letting out a gut hurdling scream as her stomach emptied its contents into the running water at her feet, glad the water was still on washing it all down the drain.

Nina un starteled by this she rubbed her friends back cooing that it would be okay, and to get it all out of her system. The less vodka in her body right now the easier it would be for her later.

“How do you feel?” the blond asked in a soft voice helping the slightly taller girl out of the shower sliding the night gown over her head then pulling her long black hair into a soft single french braid.

“Numb.” Was Jae’s only response as before brushing her teeth to get the ugly stench of puke out of , the taste more revolting than the smell.

Nina opened the bathroom door to see Onew and Taemin half asleep leaned up against it.

“She’ll be okay guys, she threw up already so the vodka is out of her system.” Nina sighed walking Jae to her room.

Key was on the bed patiently waiting in a pair of care bears sleep shorts, knowing his girlfriend had favored the pair more then anything. For some reason seeing Key in pink always made Jae smile. Saying he was permanently blushing.

“Come here my little cherry blossom.” Key opened his arms to the tired girl who ran into his arms, weeping for the brother she has lost finding some comfort in her boyfriend’s arms.

Curling up Key let the broken and scared Jae cry her heart out into his micky mouse tee shirt, helping her take small sips of tea to keep her strength and prevent her from losing her voice.

Exhausted they fell asleep around four before a small tap could come from the door frame.

“Nonna? Hyung? I couldn’t sleep, can I join you? I don’t feel right leaving you while your upset.” Taemin’s small tired voice whispered as he was wrapped in a blanket head to toe. Jae nodded tiredly while Taemin made his way to Jae’s side wrapping an arm around the side Key wasn’t on.

Minutes later Onew showed up in their room, “I can’t leave my dongsaengs without protection and comfort.” was his only comment before curling up on the bed with the three.

Minho and Nina soon joined the room curling up on the floor next to the bed tiredly. The only one who hadn’t come in was Jonghyun.
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Hey fans, guess who's back I have been at school for a long time now but it's time to find out what happens when the four friends have a week together :)


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kwangx #1
Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
nesstenshixo #2
She wanted to become fluent because she is going to debut in english sorry for any confusion :)
I like your story but the 1st chap. confused me slightly. Why is she perfecting her English when she had been to America to visit friends and study there for a few months?
thnks for listening to all your fans and updating <3
umma <3<br />
i love how we have similar interests in kpop people :P<br />
and like everyone said:<br />
update when you have time please :3
YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU UPDATED!!!!!!! omona omona.... its been a long time dear.... Happy... Happy... <br />
But it is an OnTae update TT.TT didn't I tell you it gives me the shivers..<br />
but well, it is still a good one.. :)
nesstenshixo #7
Yeah, Miyo you helped me research everything.<br />
So big thanks to Miyoo! <3
I have a new favorite chapter... LOL.... <br />
I was like... >///////<<br />
you pretty much did a research on Key's childhood and preferences.. Awwww....<br />
Update soon. (NOW)<br />
I love key and jae together,,, gosh! I am really not good with comments.. well update soon and hwaiting~!
x_T-AE #10
Hello! ^^<br />
If you would like a graphic/review, you can request at Lemon Swirls:<br />
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