Studio Friends

White Caramel

I'm sorry for taking forever to update >.<


Sophia collapsed onto the floor as soon as the camera stopped filming. She and her dancer partner and closest friend Alex were at the studio downtown. He had agreed to help her film herr audition tape for Woollim. The time had finally come where she had decided it was now or never. She had to audition now. The clock was tick-ticking away.

“Come look. The video came out better than I thought it would.”

Alex handed her camera and pressed play. Butterflies fluttered at the pit of her stomach as she re-watched the recording. It was perfect.

“I don’t know how to thank you Alex. You’re the best!”

“Well, I can think of a way...” he laughed.

“You better not say something weird. Come on, I'll buy tapioca.”

Making a quick stop in the locker room to change and retrieve her bag, the two were on their way. There was an aura of excitement and anticipation all around. Stopping and looking back at the studio a thought flitted through Sophia's mind:

*This might be the last time.* 

"Yo Sophi-a! Hey!" 

She snapped out her daze when she felt Alex poking her cheek.


"The bus is here silly. Come on."

Alex grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bus. The driver gave Sophia a knowing look. Sophia blushed and swipped her bus card. Alex had nabbed two seats and let her sit next to the window. Within seconds, Sophia had fallen into a light doze. Alex noticed and was about to attempt to move her head onto his shoulder when all of a sudden the bus hit a bump and she knocked her head against the window.


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she said while she rubbed the side of her head, "Oh we're at our stop. Come on."


Sophia skipped along happily, practically tasting the sweat tea on her tongue.

"Sophia could you wait up please!" 

Sophia paused and looked back and saw that she had pretty much left Alex behind in her pursuit of tea.

"Alex you're too slow! Hurry up or you're paying for both of our teas!"

Laughing Sophia began to quicken her steps until she heard Alex's footsteps right behind her. Determined not to pay the tea this time, Alex rushed past her and reached the shop door first.

"Yah, that's not fair!"

"Too bad Sophia, looks like you're paying."

"Like I wasn't going to anyways."

Sophia went and ordered both their favorite drinks and walked to where Alex was sitting.

"How do you think you're going to do on the audition?"

Sophia sipped her bubble tea and imagined how awesome it would be to pass and become a trainee.

"I think....I'm going to do well. Hopefully. Haha I think I could die happy if I got it."

"Hmm, I have a feeling you're going to make it in."

"Oh hush Alex, you're only saying that because you're my friend."

"Psh, girl your best friend!" he said as he lightly hit her shoulder.

"Honestly though. You've come a long way. I still remember the first day I saw you come into the studio. You weren't the best. But seeing you dance now, no one doubts that you're good at what you do."

"I hope so. I really do. You're going to be the first one I call when I get a response ok?"

"Of course. Promise you're gonna keep in touch when you get there!"

Sophia stuck out her pinky in the gesture familiar to them both.

He smiled at the and intertwined both their pinkies together.


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Homigah I haven't updated in weeks. I am so so sorry. I'm going through the story and editing it so look forward to that. New chapter(s) should be up in a while


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Chapter 15: Oh god. I'm crying now. Why though? Poor dongwoo. Saranghaeyo. I hope she notices dongwoo... He doesn't get noticed a lot... Go maknae though! Such a smartie. Update soon author nim!!!!!
Chapter 13: I like it update soon please hehe
Chapter 4: I love the SS501 reference!
mickyilya #4
Hahah myungsoo character ~ cheesey~~
Sungjong to the rescue! ~ OTL namgrease and his hearts
Woah cassanova Myungsoo!! Owhh yay I guess correctly!
I haven't quite figured out if I should make Jong Jin and Hyeon Su trainees as well.
Her third bias is Gyu-ah~
Yes, it is SS501 because she's a Triple S as well as many others.
And I will update quite a lot tonight :D
oowwh are Jong Jin and Hyeon trainees aswell?
Wait who is her 3rd bias? Sunggyu? Namgrease? Sungjong? Sungchoding? Myungsoo?
Is the song SS501- Love Ya?
kyaaa~ Update soon!
Hehe I know. But I like writing. Especially this. It makes me smile to imagine this (keke reason being, my name is Eunice irl) but now it's midnight. So I shall update for you guys later :DDD <333 /awkward turtle rolls away/
Wah Author-nim so many updates >0<)/ You deserve a long break!
Nawws Hoya likes her~ Im excited for the next chapter!