White Caramel


You weren’t expecting to get in. You weren’t even expecting to pass the preliminary audition. But somehow, you of all people had managed to get into Woollim Entertainment.


What happens when the least expected person gets into one of the most popular entertainment companies with her favorite group?




Sophia/So Yu In: 19 year old in her first year of college. A happy go lucky type of girl who’s rarely seen without a smile or her iPod. Behind the smile is a history of struggle to achieve her dreams.

Lee Howon/Hoya: 22 year old rapper and dance machine of Infinite. Quiet and reserved to those who don’t know him. Hogod on stage but sweet, and talkative Hoaegi offstage and to the rest of Infinite.

Jang Dongwoo: 22 year old rapper of Infinite. Sweet and hyper to the world. Couldn’t be happier to be part of the group with his friends. But he always felt as if there’s something missing.



Kim Sunggyu (24): Confident yet dorky leader of Infinite. He’s quiet sometimes but he’s probably the one that takes care of you the most, whether you realize it or not.

Nam Woohyun (22): Grease and heart machine of Infinite. He bullies you often but he doesn’t mean it.

Lee Sungyeol (21): Choding. He’s your best friend. You can’t help but always be upbeat when you’re around him. He's the first to befriend you after Hoya and Dongwoo.

Kim Myungsoo (21): While a bit quiet and reserved when you first met him, he soon warmed up and often battles with Yeol to hang out with you.

Lee Sungjong (19): You treat him as your younger brother even though he’s older than you. You both take care of each other and because of that Jongie can’t help but call you noona.

A/N: I'm rewriting bits of this as I feel the need to finally update this fic lol. 


Poster by PoohNik0518 @ Infinity Graphic Shop :D

Homigah I haven't updated in weeks. I am so so sorry. I'm going through the story and editing it so look forward to that. New chapter(s) should be up in a while


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Chapter 15: Oh god. I'm crying now. Why though? Poor dongwoo. Saranghaeyo. I hope she notices dongwoo... He doesn't get noticed a lot... Go maknae though! Such a smartie. Update soon author nim!!!!!
Chapter 13: I like it update soon please hehe
Chapter 4: I love the SS501 reference!
mickyilya #4
Hahah myungsoo character ~ cheesey~~
Sungjong to the rescue! ~ OTL namgrease and his hearts
Woah cassanova Myungsoo!! Owhh yay I guess correctly!
I haven't quite figured out if I should make Jong Jin and Hyeon Su trainees as well.
Her third bias is Gyu-ah~
Yes, it is SS501 because she's a Triple S as well as many others.
And I will update quite a lot tonight :D
oowwh are Jong Jin and Hyeon trainees aswell?
Wait who is her 3rd bias? Sunggyu? Namgrease? Sungjong? Sungchoding? Myungsoo?
Is the song SS501- Love Ya?
kyaaa~ Update soon!
Hehe I know. But I like writing. Especially this. It makes me smile to imagine this (keke reason being, my name is Eunice irl) but now it's midnight. So I shall update for you guys later :DDD <333 /awkward turtle rolls away/
Wah Author-nim so many updates >0<)/ You deserve a long break!
Nawws Hoya likes her~ Im excited for the next chapter!