Yuna's presents

My Bestfriend's Stalker



 No one's Pov:

Jieun was walking to Yuna's house for school. As she was walking Jieun saw from a distance a red haired guy with large glasses in front of Yuna's house. Jieun stared at him suspiciously as she got closer. Kiseop saw her and jumped in suprise. He acted as if he was occupied with a stick. Jieun shrugged and went inside Yuna's house.

"IM  HERE! HURRY UP YUNA! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jieun yelled at the bottom of the stairs, where Yuna's mom came to greet her.

"HOLD ON! IM NOT DONE!..AND THANKS!" Yuna shouted back. "OKAY PRINCESS YUNA!" Jieun yelled and smiled at Mrs. Seo.

*Aigoo these girls.* Mrs.Seo smiled and walked away. Yuna later came down all dolled up. "Did barbie attack you?" Jieun joked and Yuna hit her.

"Lets go...MOM WE'RE LEAVING." Yuna shouted and shut the door. "Hey. I wonder if Aj got me something.." Yuna stared off into space, and came to a halt when Kiseop blocker her path.

"Good morning Yuna.." Kiseop bowed and looked down. Yuna ignored him and dragged Jieun away.


    Jieun noticed Kiseop behind them.

"I think he likes you.." Jieun whispered and nudged Yuna.

"Sweety, he has for three years." Yuna flipped her hair. *three years?* Jieun looked at Yuna amazed.



     "Hey Yuna." Aj walked away with Yuna. Jieun and Eli watched them leave.

"They aren't together, yet they like eachother..what is that?" Eli squinted at the coup--Aj and Yuna.

"Don't think about it too hard." Jieun patted Eli's back.

"What is Kiseop doing over there?" Eli furrowed his eyebrows. Jieun, curiously looked in the same direction.

*Oh, hey.Thats the guy from this morining.* Jieun saw Kiseop crouching behind a trashcan glaring.


  Kiseop was jealous at how close Aj and Yuna were. He took an eraser and threw it at Aj, then ducked lower.

*In my mind i just threw a bomb at you.Haha.Take that.* Kiseop smiled in satisfactory. He peeked over only to discover the two gone. Kiseop stood up and scanned the area for Yuna, he then met eyes with Jieun.

Jieun smiled and waved. Kiseop turned red,pushed his glasses to his bridge and scurried away.



   "Aj is sweet.And his smile too..maybe he's too perfect.!" Yuna cooed. Jieun just laughed at her love-sick friend.


Kiseop's Pov: "Aj is sweet. And his smile too..maybe he's too perfect!" Psh. Him, perfect?Bleh. Oh yea. I still have to give Yuna her present.. I tapped her shoulder and met with her eyes, which cause me to look down.

"Yuna. Happy birthday." I handed her the present, it was a teddy bear and chocolates. I kept staring at the ground. "I'm not accepting anything from you." Yuna pushed my presents too the floor which i stared at in disappointment.

 I heard her walk away, then saw hands reach for my gift. My eyes opened as i saw who reached for it.

"I'll make sure Yuna gets this. Bye." Yuna's friend warmly smiled and left. Yay. I smiled unknowingly too.



YESHH! FINISHED! This chapter took me four times to type. My power went off, the website crashed, i accidently pressed stuff. So yea. :P

Hope this was a good start! I will try updating faster. Im a slow typer!! Turtle XD! BYE. (:




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Chapter 11: Yuna is so... false(?) .____.) Eli like Jieun right? ;n; i wish they could be together ;w;
nadiakiss #2
Chapter 21: love it! really lovely~
Chapter 21: end already ??!!! oowwwhhh !!!
how about.....make a sequel !!!!
i love this story~~!!!
Chapter 21: Really liked the story. Glad you decided to finish up the story although there wasnt much supporters when you started. I must say that you are a good author/writer. Wish you the best for your upcoming stories. :)
pinkypanda #5
Chapter 21: make me thing of my friend. things are complicated between me and her. mostly because of boys
Chapter 21: oh my it already end!!!
jessicat97 #7
End already? :( Anyways it was a great story.

PLEASE DO A SEQUEL ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The end? oh.......WAIT THE END?! SO FAST :(
update soon i cant beleive it