Chapter 3

Going Insane

Kayeon’s POV

I woke to my alarm singing again and dragged myself out of bed.  I walked to my closet and found a new school uniform.  I couldn’t care less and grabbed it before walking to the bathroom to freshen up.  I finished and walked downstairs like nothing happened yesterday.

“Morning!” I sang as I went into the kitchen to make my lunch.  I packed everything up into my bag.  Jinyoung smiled as he grabbed a plate for my mom as she made breakfast.  Ilhoon on the other hand was actually helping set up the table.

“How was your sleep?” My mother asked.

“Fine.” I simply replied and grabbed a plate for myself.  I usually didn’t eat much so I took a roll of bread and spread it with butter as my breakfast.

“Is that all you’re going to eat?” Ilhoon asked me.

“Pretty much, why?”

“No wonder you’re so skinny.” He commented and helped mom bring over the breakfast dishes.  Since I had a small breakfast, I was the first one done. 

“Uhm, can one of you guys show me the way to school?” I asked.

“I can, I’m almost done anyway.” Jinyoung said as he put the last spoon in his mouth and got up to put the plate away.  He took his backpack and I followed out, but Sungjae was standing by the front door.  He was probably waiting for Ilhoon.  I waved and went to follow Jinyoung. 

“You go to school with us now right?” He asked. I nodded and continued to follow Jinyoung.  I could hear Sungjae’s steps from behind and Jinyoung’s groan in front. “Can I walk with you then?”

“If you want but what about Ilhoon?”

“He’ll be fine; after all it’s only being polite showing the new kid around, right?”

“I guess so…” I nodded and continued walking.  Sungjae and I had little small talks once in a while as we followed Jinyoung to school.  Seeing the school in person, it was a lot fancier and bigger than SM high. 

“Welcome to WM Cube DC High!” Sungjae shouted in my ear.

“Yah, I can hear you.” I stepped away.  I looked around and noticed that a bunch of girls were staring at me.  “Sungjae?  Do you know why all of the girls are staring at me and you?”

“Cause they’re jealous?”

“Jealous? Wh- You’re not a kingka are you?” I asked.

“I am, why?”

“Bye.” I said and ran away.

“Yah!” I heard him call but I kept running.  I eventually got lost… I turned a corner and bumped into someone.  “Oh, mianhae.  I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“Don’t worry it’s fine.” The one with squirrel like features said. “Baro-imida by the way; this is Sandeul.” The other boy waved.

“Hi, Kayeon-imida.”

“Are you new here by any chance?” Sandeul asked and I nodded.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Kind of, but we’ll help you out.” Baro stated.

“Thanks, can you show me the way to the office?”

“Sure, it’s that way!” They both announced and point in different directions.  “No it’s that way!”

They began to argue like they were a married couple. This is not going anywhere.

“It’s okay guys, I’ll go find it on my own.” I said.

“No; stay put!” They shouted at me.

“Well okay then…” I trailed off when I noticed people starting to gather around.  I received the same glare as I did when I was with Sungjae.  I walked away trying to look for the office on my own.  Walking in a new area without knowing which way to go can be really frustrating.  I was about to lose my temper when I bumped into someone again.

“Oh, mianhae.” We both said and looked up, recognizing one another.

“Oh, it’s just you.” Ilhoon said. “You look lost, need any help, sis?”

“Yeah, that’d be great actually.”

“Really; I thought you would’ve asked Jinyoung hyung or Sungjae since they both ditched me.”

“They’re kind of busy.”

“Okay, if you’re looking for the office it’s down that hallway.” He pointed.

“Gomawo, oppa.”


“Nothing!” I said and ran off in the direction Ilhoon pointed.  I eventually found it, thanks to him, and got my schedule just in time.  The office lady told me where to go to find my homeroom and luckily for me, I found it with ease.

Class already started and I had to walk in awkwardly. 

“Oh you must be our new student, Jung Kayeon.  Welcome to my class.  I’m Professor Kim and please introduce yourself to the class.” The teacher said.  I faced the class and recognized one face; it was Sungjae and he was smiling.

“Annyeong, Jung Kayeon-imida.  Please to meet you and I hope we can be friends.” I said with a slight sarcasm.  The guys were staring and some of the girls were scoffing.  Not my type of people to be around.

“You can take a seat by… Sungjae.  Raise your hand Sungjae.”  Prof. Kim said, scanning the room and Sungjae did as he was told.  I walked over and took the empty seat by him.

“Hi new seat buddy!” Sungjae waved. I couldn’t I help chuckling at his little childish side.  I waved back and started to focus on the lesson.  Before I knew it, break was already here and that also meant lunch time.  Sungjae grabbed my hand before I could’ve packed up and rushed out of the room.

“Sungjae, my stuff!” I whined as he pulled me towards to the cafeteria. 

“It’s okay, we’re going back to the classroom after the bell anyway.” He said and brought me over to his friends. Ilhoon was there too.

“Who’s that?” The blonde one asked.

“Oh, that’s my little sister.” Ilhoon explained.

“Hyung, she’s in my class and she’s my new seat buddy!” Sungjae exclaimed.  Everyone turned to me and I waved awkwardly.  “Hyungs, introduce yourselves.”

“I’m Eunkwang.” The blonde one waved.

“I’m Changsub.” The one with the baby fat cheeks smiled.

“I’m Hyunsik.” The cold-looking one said and gave a small wave.

“I’m DongGeun but you can call me Peniel.” The foreign one said.

“You already know me.” Ilhoon commented.

“And I’m the maknae, Sungjae!” Sungjae said sitting down with them.

“Born to Beat; Annyeonghaseyo BtoB-imida!” They all said together.  Behind me, I heard a few girls squeal at them.

“Hi, Kayeon-imida.” I introduced myself for what seemed like the millionth time today.

“Would you like to join us for lunch?” Changsub asked.

“Sure, why not?” I said and took a seat between Ilhoon and Sungjae. 


Jinyoung’s POV

I turned around to see what all the commotion’s about and I found Kayeon with BtoB.  I don’t have anything against them, it’s just Ilhoon and he’s attitude at home. 

“We met the new girl everyone’s talking about this morning!” Baro exclaimed as he walked in with Sandeul and sat down next to CNU and Gongchan.

“You mean my dongsaeng?”

“She’s your sibling?  I thought you only had Ilhoon.”

“No, I have another.  I just haven’t seen her in a long time.”

“She’s nice, but she ditched us when we were trying to help her!” Sandeul butted in.

“Knowing you two hyungs, you probably did something that made her ditch her.” Gongchan added.

“Well we were arguing about the way to office…” Sandeul trailed off.

“That explains everything.” CNU commented and everyone laughed.  Life was never boring with these guys; there wasn’t much stress around but school work.  Now that Kayeon is back, I’m sure life was going to get more interesting.  If only she knew…

Lunch ended and I guessed Kayeon made new friends, specifically saying BtoB. Hopefully their fangirls won’t tear her apart for it, but knowing mom’s attitude and it should’ve passed on to her, she'll live.  We all went our separate ways and waited for the day to end.

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My computer crashed!!! I won't be able to post for awhile. Jeongmal Mianhae. T-T


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Chapter 25: Love it . Hmm poor my sungjae he has to die aigoo . Great job
Chapter 25: GREATEST~!!!!!!!

infinite_kenn #3
Chapter 25: Finally end. I want to cry when sungjae dead
Chapter 21: I want to know what's gonna happen next!! Update Soon!!
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 20: i just hope she will ends up with Sungjae because he suffer much to be with kayeon
Chapter 19: It's okay! Update Soon!
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 19: I love this..keep it up!
Gaejang #8
Chapter 18: wow... you're really brilliant.. I hope you post other chapter soon..
sungrin_shin #9
Chapter 18: hhaha finally!!! update soon