Chapter 6

Going Insane

Jinyoung’s POV

The next day, after the birthday mission failed, I woke up before Ilhoon and Kayeon.  I hogged the shower until Ilhoon woke up and practically yelled at me to get out before he was late to school.   Our morning was always so chaotic even without Kayeonnie.  It was probably because we disagree with each other when it comes to chores and school work, but ever since Kayeon came, our awkward arguments have died down to nothing.  We practically get along except in the morning when Ilhoon turns into Mr. Grumpy-Pants.

The three of us were walking to school that morning when I saw a familiar face around the corner.  I finally recognized him as him!  He was focused on something else at the moment and I knew that if he spotted Kayeon, things might go bad.  I quickly grabbed her hand and ran for the school.

“Yah, hyung!  Don’t you think it’s rude to leave your dongsaeng behind like this?!” I heard Ilhoon yell from behind as his footsteps increase to keep up with my pace.

“Jinyoung oppa, why are we running?” Kayeon asked.

“We’re going to be late.” I said trying to hide the panicky sound in my voice.  I turned in the direction to where he was standing and I see him staring right at us.  He smiled like nothing happened as the three of us ran toward school; only seeing him getting smaller in the distance. 

“Could you explain to me why we ran 5 blocks to school when we like half an hour early?” Ilhoon asked as Kayeon was gasping for air.  I pulled him aside trying to make sure Kayeon didn’t hear me.

“Oh, he’s back!  He’s back! He’s back! He’s back, oh, he’s back!” I jokingly sang to Infinite’s She’s Back. “No but seriously, he’s back.  I have no idea how he found us but he’s back!”

“Wait, who are you talking about!?” Ilhoon asked not understanding the situation.

That hyung is back, that’s who.  You know the hyung that was after Kayeon when she was younger?  I saw him in the neighborhood.”

“Him?  We have to be careful with Kayeon then.”

“I know but for now we can’t trust anyone.” I instructed as Kayeon walked over to us.

“What’s with the secret meeting?  Is it something about me?” She asked.

“Ani, just a chat about what kind of present we can get for umma.” Ilhoon lied.  Smooth, I thought as I smiled approvingly.

“Okay then, I’ll be going to class.” Kayeon said and waved goodbye. 

“For now, I think we can trust Sungjae.  We’ve known him long enough.” I suggested as Ilhoon nodded. 

“But hyung, BtoB and B1A4 hyungs know about him too.  I think we can trust them too.”

“Let’s just be careful just in case.  Things can never turn out as planned.” I said as the bell rang to signal the gates closing but we noticed a student running and made it in just in time.  Ilhoon and I knew exactly who it was and, again, we made another get away before he could see us.  We headed to class without another word said.

I arrived in the classroom by the time the teacher was there.  I bowed in respect and went to my seat.  I opened my textbook ready for lesson but another surprise hit me.  It was him that walked in the classroom door.

“Oh, are you the transfer student?” Seonsaengnim asked.  He nodded his head in response.  “Please introduce yourself then.”

“Annyeogsaeyo Lee Minhyuk-imida.  Please treat me well.” The girls swooned once they saw him wink.  If only they knew his true personality. 

“Please take the seat beside Jung Jinyoung.” Seonsaengnim pointed at me and the empty seat.  I groaned as I saw the little devil smirk.  He made his way over smiling like nothing was done in the past.

“Annyeong, nice to meet you, again.” He whispered before he took his seat.  Devil, I’m watching you.

I snuck a glare at him and focused my attention back to the lesson that was started but in the corner of my eye, I saw him chuckling.


Ilhoon’s POV

He’s back and only me and Jinyoung hyung know.  We have to hide him away from Kayeon as long as possible so she doesn’t remember what happened in the past.  Class has started and the only thing I couldn’t get out of my mind was him.  He was about the same age as Jinyoung hyung, so does that mean he has the same class as hyung does?  For now, I could just focus on the lesson alone.  Why couldn’t I be in Sungjae’s sophomore class instead of this one!? I’m all alone.

The lesson flew by with a few heads bobbing off to dream land including me.  The lunch bell was the thing that woke me up.  I rushed over to the cafeteria to find hyungs, Sungjae, and Kayeon.  I found BtoB hyungs at our usual table and strangely B1A4 hyungs were there too.  Jinyoung came up a few seconds after and I made my way over. 

“Who else saw him today?” Penial asked everyone.  Jinyoung and I exchanged glances and we immediately knew who he was talking about.  Everyone raised their hand to reply to Peniel’s question.

“So everyone’s seen him, what do we do about Kayeon now?” Hyunsik asked.

“If she wasn’t here, everything would’ve been alright, right?” Gongchan asked.

“Actually no; he still would’ve found a way to get information about her out of me or Ilhoon.” Jinyoung commented.

“Either way, the Jung siblings are the ones that we need to watch after.  However, that includes ourselves too, we don’t know what he’s up to.” Eunkwang commented and the others nodded.

“Speaking of Kayeon; where is she and Sungjae?” Sandeul asked.  Nearly everyone’s eyes almost popped out.  The group turned their heads and found them walk in the cafeteria doors with the devil not far behind them.  CNU and Changsub hyungs rushed over to their side and pulled them over to our newly joined table.

“Oppas sit at one table now?” Kayeon asked as all of us nodded.

“It’s going to be like this every day now.” Baro commented.  The 13 of us went to the lunch line and bought our food.  When we came back, the devil was nowhere in sight and everyone excluding Kayeon & Sungjae rushed to our new table.

“Yah Hyungs; why the rush?” Sungjae whined from behind and Kayeon giggled at Sungjae’s pout.  Aish, this maknae or ours.

Everything seemed fine during lunch and after school.  We walked home like we usually did and nothing happened.  Sungjae came over to our house like he does every day and like usual, Kayeon immediately goes up to her room.

“Sungjae!” I called for him.

“What hyung?” He whined poking his head out of the kitchen.

“Yah, don’t you whine, this is my house you at.”

“B-But, fine; yes hyung?”

“You know how I told you about Minhyuk?”

“The one that stalked Kayeon?”

“Yeah him; he’s back and he’s at school.”

“I know.”

“What? Then why didn’t you say anything?”

“If I said anything then Kayeon would know and it’s important not to let her know right?” Sungjae asked and I nodded.  “I’m not an idiot hyung.  Don’t under estimate the maknae!”

“Araso, araso.” I joked but I heard footsteps running back up the stairs.  I really hope that wasn’t Kayeon. “Jinyoung hyung?” I called.

“Yeah?” I heard him replied from downstairs.  I really, really hope that Kayeon didn’t hear what Sungjae and me were talking about.


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My computer crashed!!! I won't be able to post for awhile. Jeongmal Mianhae. T-T


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Chapter 25: Love it . Hmm poor my sungjae he has to die aigoo . Great job
Chapter 25: GREATEST~!!!!!!!

infinite_kenn #3
Chapter 25: Finally end. I want to cry when sungjae dead
Chapter 21: I want to know what's gonna happen next!! Update Soon!!
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 20: i just hope she will ends up with Sungjae because he suffer much to be with kayeon
Chapter 19: It's okay! Update Soon!
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 19: I love this..keep it up!
Gaejang #8
Chapter 18: wow... you're really brilliant.. I hope you post other chapter soon..
sungrin_shin #9
Chapter 18: hhaha finally!!! update soon