Letting Go

The Lonely
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(A.n : All Pictures Credit to Owners!)

Author's POV

The meeting is going smoothly as Amber found herself absorbed with the conversation she have between her and Ailee. They joked around and make themselves comfortable with the whole meeting, it was a friendly meeting. Jackie saw how Amber has the spark in her eyes that she already not seeing it for the past few years after she broke up, she can't help it but let out a soft smile. Amber dig deeper to know Ailee's taste and how she imagine her house is going to be. Amber started drawing rough sketches from Ailee's description while Ailee is talking with her, Jackie helped also to elaborate the questions, giving insight for Amber to draw. After an hour and a half worth of discussion, Amber finally done with her rough sketches and she showed it to Ailee. It took the singer a few moments looking at it over and over again, she can't hide how happy she is to see the rough sketches Amber has put up.

"This is exactly how I imagine my house would be!!" Ailee exclaimed happily as her lips curved into a wide smile. "Indeed the Lius are the right people to make my dream house came true. I can't wait until this building to be built! As expected from the genius architect, Amber Liu and her sister Jackie Liu." Jackie and Amber both gave a huge smile of satisfaction "where is the paper I should sign? Also please send to me details about the expenses later on." Ailee asked with much excitement. Jackie handed her a pile of paper that will become the working contract between them. She explained everything thoroughly as Amber also listened to it attentively, wanting to understand the whole contract because she knew she will have to do everything all by herself in the future. After reading the contract and also listening to Jackie's explanation, Ailee asked her manager for her ballpoint that she always use to sign off documents like this. Her manager handed out a golden ballpoint with Ailee's name carved beautifully on it, she signed it with ease as Jackie and Amber signed the documents, 2 plies so each one of them held one bundle of the contract. After the signing is done, Ailee's manager whisper something to Ailee as she nodded.

"Alright Ms Amber and Ms Jackie, I will have to go to do a recording for my new song for my upcoming album. I really wished we can spend more time to just have a friendly talking outside work because I really enjoyed talking to you." Ailee stand up and shake their hands politely "Oh actually, if you don't have any other schedule, would you like to listen to my recording? I heard the Lius have a great taste of music. Maybe you can also gave me feedback." She smiled with hopeful look in her eyes. Amber looked at Jackie as if trying to find a clue how to handle this. "It's okay if you already have another schedule at your end." Ailee added and she waited for an answer from the two person in front of her.

"Unfortunately Ms Ailee, I already have another appointment at the office, but since Amber just arrived here yesterday, her schedule is still quite vacant so supposed she can come with you to the recording if you don't mind only having her to accompany you." Jackie smiled widely trying to hold the pain on her back as Amber pinch her hard a hard after she said that sentence to Ailee. Amber just have her poker face on, Nicole and BoA trying their best not to laugh as they remain to put their poker face.

"Of course I wouldn't mind if Ms Amber also didn't mind to come with me." Ailee now divert her attention to Amber who has been giving a fake smile.

"I believe she wouldn't mind. She actually will be giving more usefull comments than I do when it comes to music. She is quite good in rapping and arranging music since it is one of her hobby aside from drawing buildings structures." Jackie gave an innocent smile towards Ailee, earning a surprised look from the singer upon the revelation.

"Oh really? That's amazing! I'm looking forward to see you at the recording studio, Ms Amber. My manager will send you details for the address and Ms Amber, you don't have to be so formal there." Ailee gave her angelic smile before bidding a goodbye to the Lius. As soon as Ailee is out of sight, Amber shot a deathly glare towards her sister.

"Yah! What did you mean I wouldn't mind? Why would I need to go there? I thought we will have a meeting about the latest project at the office?? And what's with you bringing up my old hobbies about rapping and arranging music? It has been years ago since I did that. Okay what are you trying to do now?" Amber said raising her voice a little bit as she is upset about the things going on without her consent

"Relax my lovely sister. I'm just trying to help you here, you look happy when you talk to her. I was just thinking being friends with her can make you understand her style and taste better, as well as maybe gaining back your happiness. I'm not trying to hook you up with her but she seems to be able to put that smile back to your face, that sparks in your eyes, and she can actually be a great distraction for you not to think about her at all. Tell me if I am wrong about those hmm?" Jackie asked Amber, making her stay silent as she just thought about it and she does feels like that when she is talking to Ailee "I take it as a yes that I am right about it. Just being friends with her, you'll meet her often in the future anyways. Okay? You can also rediscover your old hobbies in making music. Just give it a try?" Jackie asked while putting her hand on Amber's shoulder. The younger Liu let out a heavy sigh before nodding in agreement "alright, I'll give it a try." Jackie hug her younger sister and pats her on the back as they walk out from the restaurant. They bid a goodbye before going to their respective cars with their assistant. Amber let out another sigh as she gets inside the car with Nicole, she leaned her head on Nicole's shoulder tiredly.

"Do you think this is the right thing to do, Cori?" Amber asked tiredly. Nicole just pats her head gently, comforting her boss.

"Well.. I kinda agree with what Ms Jackie suggested. Indeed I saw you become more enthusiastic and happy when you talk to Ms Ailee, and it was genuine. It comes out from you naturally. Maybe just give it a try to be her friends, if it seems not working, you can always stay friends right? No one actually asked you to be together with her." Nicole said, earning a slight nod from Amber "do you want to change your attire first? I did brought your casual clothes just in case things like this happened." Amber just nodded as she leaned back to her seat and let Nicole take the bag that filled with her casual clothes, Amber take a look at it and let out a small smile.

"My mom did the right thing to pick you as my assistant, you can even pick my clothes that suit my style. Thank you Cori." Amber folded back the clothes inside the bag and lean her head on the side of the car door, she started to dozzing off to sleep.

A half an hour later they arrived in their destination. Ailee's manager has been waiting for them at the gate and direct them immediately to the back door to avoid Ailee's fans who is standby at the front door. Amber and Nicole get off the car quickly and gets inside the building. Amber went to the bathroom and change her clothes, they both walk into the recording room accompanied by Ailee's manager.


Amber saw Ailee in her casual attire, simple jumper, a black pants, and a cap but she still look stunningly beautiful. Amber unconsciously smiled upon seeing the famous singer.

"Hello Ms Amber and Ms Nicole. It's nice to see you can join me today for my recording. This is my music producer, he will be here to help me get the song together." Ailee come towards them and shake their hands. Her produced did the same before he goes back to his seat to prepare everything for the recording.

"Just Amber is fine since we're not on a formal meeting or something. I came here as a friend if you don't mind." Amber gave her sheepish smile that makes Ailee surprised a bit with the cute face Amber made

"For me, just Nicole or Cori is fine. I'm still partly Amber's assistant but just enjoy your time. I'll be just listening from that corner" Nicole smiled and excuse herself to just sit at the corner along with Ailee's manager.

"Alright then. Just call me Ailee, pleasure to be your friend, Amber." Ailee smiled brightly, making Amber feel a tiny bit of excitement and joy that she haven't felt for years. They both take a seat on the sofa and Ailee started to explain about the song. "So basically, this song is about go letting go of somone special in our lives. There is a mixed feelings that happened in this song, for at some point you feel hurt but at the same time you're also feel sick about everything and just want to forget about everything without regret. This song is quite close to my heart because I've been there before so I tried to convey it through the lyrics from the song. I remembered what Ms Jackie told me earlier about you love rapping, maybe you want to give it a shot to write a rap lyrics for my song? It will be a great addition to it, but if it is too much, it's okay, no need to do that." Ailee finished talking, Amber just let out a bitter chuckles.

Amber's POV

What is wrong with my fate? I wonder. Listening to Ailee's explanation about her new song reminded me of my relationship with Krystal. And now she is asking me to write a rap lyrics for it, I am not an official rapper, I just did it for hobby. I did a cover for a few songs and actually make the music arragement on my own but that was a hobby that I have not done it for years now. Do I still have the instinct to make one?

"This song might be a song I needed right now. I am flattered with your request, but I am not sure if I still can write something. However, I'll take your challenge, I would like to hear you to sing some part of the song so I can feel the feelings you're trying to convey and I'll try to write down something while you're on it." I just smiled while taking a pencil with me to write something about it. Ailee gave a copy of the song part so I can read it while she is singing. Ailee walks inside the recording cubicle.

"Whever you're ready Ailee." Her producer said through the microphone. Ailee began to do a warm up for her voice before she give a cue to the producer to begin the intro of the song. Ailee take a deep breath and start to sing. 

Where did it start to go wrong oh god
Even when I meet you I didn’t laugh
I’m suffocated
As time goes
Doubt and obsession grow more
Actually I’m anxious
It’s better that you’re gone

When I heard her powerful yet smooth ans soulful voice, I can totally feel the sting in my heart. She is indeed an amazing singer that can touch someone's heart by her voice. Krystal's face started to come into my mind. Where did everything start to go wrong, Krys? We met again back then but I can't even put a real smile, more to laugh like you did. I am suffocated everytime you come to visit the cafe, I know I am obsessed with you. I am getting anxious everytime I have to meet you after we broke up, every single time you came to the cafe with him. It's better that you're just gone from my sight. I ca

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I'm currently trying to re-edit this, so I'll re-upload it again later on if I've finished re-edit it :D keep supporting the girls~


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2078 streak #1
Welcome back!
Chapter 23: That was sad 😢 Choosing really is one of the hardest thing esp when u know there’s someone u gonna hurt along the way
2078 streak #3
Chapter 23: Oh poor Ailee
rmanalo #4
Chapter 23: Ur back!!
2078 streak #5
Chapter 22: God I know that feeling of despair. It hurts so much
amhar03 #6
Chapter 21: Yess you are back author nimm
2078 streak #7
Chapter 21: Oh my god I miss this story so much
Emjay03 #8
Chapter 20: Update author
Bratz88 #9
Chapter 20: Author, please continue this story..