Shut Up

The Lonely
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Author note: Blue Color Lyric is Simon D, Red Color Lyric is Ailee.

Author's POV

It's been 2 months since Amber left Korea, her relationship with Ailee is going strong as they starting to know about each other more. Knowing their own status that they both a public figure, they tried to now showing it too much tot he public she is flooded with works after their quarterly meeting because they will have the annual meeting soon to wrap up the year within next month. Jackie barely got sleep as she needs to finish all the financial report, Amber barely can breathe as she got piles of paperworks to be done as well as checking all progress on their current projects so she can report that to Jackie. Everyone is rushing to reach the target that they have been agreed ever since they started the new year, basically it was a really hectic weeks for everyone. Amber in her office, sipping her 3rd cup of coffee and it's not even 12 pm yet as she worked on her computer, completely focusing her gaze on the monitor. She took off her glasses as she rubbed her temple, she leaned her forehead on the pile of papers in front of her, hoping to get some rest for a bit before she continue working her off, she still trying to adjust with the office lifestyle but it seems like her parents doesn't care about that and dumped all the works like she already been working there for years. Jackie really wants to help Amber but she already have her hands full, even overloaded, her condition is worse than Amber. The young architect almost fell into deep slumber as coffee didn't worked for her anymore before a light knock on her door wakes her up, Nicole opened it slowly before take a peek inside the room, only to be greeted by an exhausted llama face, Nicole can't help but let out a small chuckles as she saw her boss cute face.

"Boss, you look lifeless. Want me to call Ailee to cheer you up?" She teased as she gets closer to Amber's desk, the llama just let out a small annoyed groans before shooting her assistant a deathly glares "what is it now Cori? I already have tons of paperworks to be done. Don't tell me that I still have more...." Amber's face turned into horror as she imagined another pile of papers being sent to her office for her to check on it. "Relax, I'm here only to ask what do you want for your lunch? And oh, actually Ailee's manager did contacted me asking if you have any time to have a meeting with her, she wants to talk about the detailed plan for the house project." Nicole leaned herself on the window behind Amber casually as they've becoming really best buddy, so they feel comfortable to each other that they don't feel the need of being way too serious in taking the hierarchy between them, it was an unwritten agreement between them that they'll only act formal in front of other people, but when they're all alone, they'll just act like best friends. "What did you tell them? Do I really have an empty slot for my schedule till the new year eve? I don't think I have a single day of break until that day." Amber let out a heavy sigh as she leaned her back to her comfortable chair while massaging her temple as she look at her monitor screen that is now showing her calendar that filled with tons of appointments and also deadlines to finish all the paperworks "I wish I can multiply myself right now". Nicole looks at her boss, pitying her heavy workloads she have, Nicole came closer and massaging Amber's shoulder, hoping to make her best friend feels better, a humm of contentment escaped Amber's mouth as Nicole massaged her shoulder. "well I just tell them I'll have to confirmed it with you first before adding more appointment to your already merry schedules. You want to do it or not? It's not urget though." Nicole said while still massaging Amber gently. "Well tbh, I don't like postponing my works but I don't know if still have time to have a meeting with her." Amber let out another heavy sigh as she got headache looking at her calendar. "I can arrange it for you if you want to do the meeting with her. You still have some small empty schedule for her meeting to squeezed in" Nicole stopped her massaging session and walk to stand in front of Amber's desk, facing her. "Isn't she still on her tour for her latest album?" Amber asked confusedly as she remembered the last time they talked was Ailee complaining about small mistakes the sound system made during her live singing despite she still can pull it off flawlessly, that's what the entertainment news said the next day. "I supposed yesterday was her last day of the tour. so is that a yes?" Nicole asked while raising one of her eyebrow. Amber just nodded and let out another sigh "and for my lunch, I am craving for taco bells" she said while taking another sips to her now lukewarm coffee, Nicole just patted Amber's shoulder to cheer her boss before excusing herself out to her desk.

Meanwhile at the airport, a particular figure came from behind the international arrival door, she finally made it to US after trying to convince everyone that she wants her for real and she will fight for her love. She sighed happily as she held a picture of herself and her ex-girlfriend tightly before heading to the address that Yuri gave her. It was the first struggle she had to face, her own circle that knows about her and her relationship with that certain Liu and how she broke her heart so badly, not to mention she also broke Minho's heart. It was tough for her but she manage to pass that, she walk proudly while carrying her luggage, she will stay at a hotel nearby the address that Yuri gave her. She already talked to her agency and they let her to have a 2 weeks break. With a determined mind, she is walking confidently to the car rental booth nearby the exit, she already pre-booked her vehicle to roam around the city that she used to live back then before they're all moving to Korea, the lady on the counter gave her the key and told her where the vehicle located. She shove in her luggages inside the car before getting on the driver's seat and drive her way to her hotel with a fluttering heart, reminiscing the old memories she had with the llama.

Ailee is on her way back to her apartment from her last schedule, she is practically drained and hungry, it is lunch time and she haven't got any proper meal since the day before. She passed through the Liu's office tower and suddenly remembered about the younger Liu, she asked her driver to stop and park at the Liu's office, her manager looked at her confusedly "what are we doing here? I've been told by Ms Nicole that Ms Amber agreed to have a meeting with you regarding the house project on Wednesday, which is still 2 days from today." Ailee just let out a sheepish smile "I am not really sure why, but I just thought to have lunch with her. Maybe she is available at the moment. Should I give a call first or just show myself without notice?" She is debating with herself while holding her phone. Her manager suggested to give a call first because the younger Liu has been really busy for the past months as Nicole has informed, Ailee just nodded and dial Amber's phone, her call got picked up after a few rings "hey Am! Are you busy now? If not, would you like to have lunch with me? I happened to be around your area at the moment." Ailee asked boldly. "Hello Ailee! Umm.. Yeah I'm kinda busy but my head feels like exploding anytime soon so having a break for a lunch with you might the one thing I need right now as long as you promised that we wont talk about work because we already arranged time for that kind of talk. How about that?" Amber's voice coming out from Ailee's speaker, Ailee had this wide smile plastered on her face that Amber wouldn't even be able to see it but she still smile anyways. "Deal! I'm actually already in your office's parking lot. Should I go to to your office or we will go out?" Ailee asked as she already starting to pack her stuffs inside her bag and wear her usual cap, sunglasses and a mask to disguise herself. "Let's just meet in my office, I hope you like tacos since I ordered that for my lunch, fortunately Cori bought an extra taco so we can eat together. I'll inform the receptionist now, I'll see you soon!" Amber said excitedly as they bid a goodbye and hang up the phone. Her manager keep telling Ailee to be extra careful and behave herself so they wont attract too much attention that can resulted in weird gossip about her relationship with the younger Liu since the media already getting suspicious about them. Ailee just let out a small chuckles, patting her manager's hand, promising that she will behave before she exited her car and walk to the lobby, her manager followed from behind, already put a disguise for herself.

Ailee with her disguise still attracted a few bystander while she walked inside the building's lobby and approach the receptionist desk "Good afternoon, welcome to the Liu company, how may I help you?" The receptionist politely asked her with a wide smile on her face. "I already have an appointment with Ms Amber Liu, can you help me to go to her office?" Ailee asked politely with a smile that the receptionist can't see due to her black masker and sunglasses with a black cap. The receptionist ask Ailee to wait for a few moment as she called Nicole for confirmation, she nodded several times before hanging up the phone call and smiled to Ailee "this way, Ms Ailee. Ms Nicole already waiting for you on the VIP elevator." She leads the way to the elevator area and there is an elevator, colored in black, different from other elevators on the area. The black elevator door slowly opened, revealing the person that already waited inside with a smile "good afternoon Ms Ailee, pleasure to meet you again. Ms Amber has been looking forward to see you, please get inside here so we can go to her office." Ailee thanked the receptionist that already helped her before she gets inside the elevator with her manager and stand beside Nicole. Nicole tapped her ID and pressed the floor number and the door is closing quietly, "did Amber always use this elevator?" Ailee asked curiously as she feels strange around on how fancy and elegant this mere elevator is, although it is not her first time using that elevator. "Not really, she only use it when she is in hurry and the other elevator not available also when she has to accompanied clients touring the office, well this elevator mainly used for important clients, like you Ms Ailee." Nicole answered politely, earning a slight slap on her shoulder from Ailee before a laughter echoing inside the elevator from all of them. "I'm only here for lunch, not for work meeting, just call me Ailee, Cori. Anyways, I heard Amber is struggling with her works?" Ailee tried to open a conversation so they wont have an awkward elevator moment. "Yeah, both of them actually barely breathe from mountains of paperworks. Jackie got the worst among the two. Expect to see eyebags, dark circles, and an exhausted face from Amber later on. How is the tour? I heard the ticket already sold out within an hour." Nicole asked curiously, trying to clarrify the rumor she read on the medias "yeah, the concert went well, I was having a really tight schedule during those times but it's done now so I'm on my short break. I also never thought that the ticket will be sold out within an hour. Please assist me to go to Jackie's office later on before I go back, I want to greet her as well." Ailee said excitedly as they're just 1 floor away. "Sure, I'll inform BoA about your visit! And here we are!" Nicole said as the elevator door got opened, revealing a familiar corridor with a dim light that has a calming and cozy feelings, at the end of the corridor, there are 2 doors that will leads into 2 separate rooms. They walked out from the elevator and heading towards the door on the left "I've always like how they designed this particular part of the whole tower, even though it is only for 2 office spaces, they decorate it well." Ailee said while walking calmly beside Nicole, her manager also seems to enjoyed the calming vibes only by walking on the corridor. "I bet you'll love Mr and Mrs Liu's floor! They own the whole floor and already redecorate it according to their preferences, it looks amazing though. I've only been there some times when accompanying Amber to handed an important report to her father. It's too beautiful for something called 'office'." 

Nicole opened the door as soon as they reached the door, they walked to the other door inside, nicole knocked gently before a familiar voice answered from inside, she opened the door and let Ailee to get inside Amber's office. Ailee peeked from the side of the door, her manager said she will stay with Nicole and let them have their lunch privately in Amber's office room. "Ailee! Come on in! Sorry that my office is a bit messy at the moment, I don't really have time to tidy it up" Amber stand up and hurriedly come to Ailee to greet her with a hug, Ailee flashes her 1000 watt smiles while returning the hug. Amber ushered Ailee to take a seat at nearby sofa that facing a beautiful 3D painting. Ailee takes a seat, Amber brought two wrapped foods on a plate and place it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, Ailee is mesmerized with the 3D painting as Amber walked towards a small barista counter that she personally requested to be built inside her office space so she can make a coffee whenever she felt too stressfull "would you like to have some coffee?" Amber asked while she already made her 4th cup of coffee of the day, she knew she already consumed enough amount of cafeine for the day so she puts less coffee and more cream to her cup. Ailee diverted her gaze to Amber that is swiftly moving her hands like a professional barista "sure! Anything is fine" Ailee answered with a smile as she changed her focus from mesmerized with the paint

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I'm currently trying to re-edit this, so I'll re-upload it again later on if I've finished re-edit it :D keep supporting the girls~


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2078 streak #1
Welcome back!
Chapter 23: That was sad 😢 Choosing really is one of the hardest thing esp when u know there’s someone u gonna hurt along the way
2078 streak #3
Chapter 23: Oh poor Ailee
rmanalo #4
Chapter 23: Ur back!!
2078 streak #5
Chapter 22: God I know that feeling of despair. It hurts so much
amhar03 #6
Chapter 21: Yess you are back author nimm
2078 streak #7
Chapter 21: Oh my god I miss this story so much
Emjay03 #8
Chapter 20: Update author
Bratz88 #9
Chapter 20: Author, please continue this story..