I Love You

The Lonely
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so this is about Amber POV when she got unconscious.. sorry if it's only short update.. really short I say.. because the song is really short as well.. I even confused what should I wrote.. the song already represent all the feelings I want to write.. hahaha.. well.. I hope you could enjoy this.. :D


Amber POV

Where am I? why is everything black? I walk around to nowhere.. there is just pitch black.. I don’t know where the hell am I..

“Hello??” I tried to find anyone.. but only fails.. even my voice echoing.. indicating that this room is empty.. am I died already?

Suddenly.. I spotted some light.. it’s coming nearer and nearer to me.. then the light suddenly bursting to me.. I covered my eyes with my palm due to the sudden light.. I opened it slowly and only found random pictures have been played all round me.. no more black room.. it’s now a room full of pictures.. when I scanned through those pictures, I realize that those pictures are fragments of my memories.. and big part of it, is about me and Krys..

Did it pass by...Our love
Is it just a heart-breaking memory..
It's turning around...Your heart...Can't I catch it with my tears...

I was really curious about those things.. I want to remembered it all.. but it seems I touch the wrong pictures.. it’s all about our first fight and how can we ended up like this.. how much it hurts.. how my heart is broken into pieces.. our first fight.. second.. until I don’t know.. I don’t even remember what we argued about.. we’re slowly drifting apart.. the downhill of our relationship.. it’s so gradually till none of us realize that.. you’re slowly getting off my grip.. slowly letting go my embrace from your waist.. slowly walked away from my life..



My love I love you, I love you..Are you listening...
My love...Don't forget...Don't erase...Our love.

I saw myself.. lying on my bed in pain... sorrow.. tears.. sadness.. crying out loud to the night sky saying that I still love you.. hoping that you could listen my crying.. every single lonely night I’ve spent for the past few years.. after our broke up.. those lifeless night.. can’t you see? Can’t you listen to my heart that still only beats for you? And only you? Please… don’t do this to me.. don’t act like we’re never in a relationship before like you did the last time we met.. you already hurting me so badly by breaking up with me.. I just asked you one last thing.. please don’t forget that we’re been together.. don’t erase our memories together.. don’t you forget that we used to love each others.. and I still love you until now though..

Can you see my tears. I long for you all day
My heart beat when

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I'm currently trying to re-edit this, so I'll re-upload it again later on if I've finished re-edit it :D keep supporting the girls~


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2072 streak #1
Welcome back!
Chapter 23: That was sad 😢 Choosing really is one of the hardest thing esp when u know there’s someone u gonna hurt along the way
2072 streak #3
Chapter 23: Oh poor Ailee
rmanalo #4
Chapter 23: Ur back!!
2072 streak #5
Chapter 22: God I know that feeling of despair. It hurts so much
amhar03 #6
Chapter 21: Yess you are back author nimm
2072 streak #7
Chapter 21: Oh my god I miss this story so much
Emjay03 #8
Chapter 20: Update author
Bratz88 #9
Chapter 20: Author, please continue this story..