Wait and See

A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow (Sequel to: Time flies)

You yawned and sat up in your bed. To your surprise, Myungsoo was still sleeping cozily by your side. You smirked and slipped out of the bed from the side. Myungsoo grabbed your wrist though and pulled you back on the bed. You sat down with a plop and looked at him weirdly. "Mwol?" you asked while he still held your wrist. "Can't we stay in bed just a little bit longer?" he asked you. You scoffed and flicked his forehead gently. "I thought you were going to work today?" you asked him. He sighed and said, "And leave my beautiful wife behind? Not a chance..." You smiled and tried to get up again, but again failed. Myungsoo pulled you back on the bed and put his hands around your waist. "Yah, Myungsoo.... I, umm, gotta go change?!" you said, panicking but you didn't know why. He snuggled up with you and put his head on your shoulder. You sighed and sat on the bed for a long time until Myungsoo finally woke up. You changed into (here) then went downstairs to fix breakfast, eggs and bacon. You called Myungsoo down and then you set a plate for him. You looked at the two empty chairs and then thought randomly, *How would it feel like if I could set little plates there for my kids?*


Myungsoo then came out with wet hair. "Oh, you showered..." you said. He nodded and looked to see what was for breakfast. "You know me best _____," he said as he ate his eggs and bacon. Of course you did. Eggs and bacon was his favorite breakfast. He asked if you wanted to go somewhere, but you told him to decide instead. "Why don't we go on a picnic?" he suggested. You tilted your head in thought and then replied, "Okay, I guess???" He smiled and dragged you up the stairs. "Yah, I can change myself. You can just go downstairs and finish your breakfast okay?" you said. He shook his head and said, "I want to pick the dress out for you. Please???" he begged while doing a puppy face. You just couldn't resist his puppy eyes, so you let him pick out the dress for you. (here) Okay, you had to admit to him that his fashion was pretty good. It just looked too cute. "You have good fashion Myungsoo..." you admitted and hid your face behind a lock of hair.


He smiled and said thank you. You smiled and then you cooked some food for your picnic. Myungsoo took you to a park that looked like paradise. It was way too beautiful to even picnic on. (here) "Myungsoo, are you sure we can picnic here?" you asked. He nodded and said, "I reserved this place just for you and me!" You covered your mouth all excited and jumped up and down. "Wah! This place just for us! It's too beautiful! Komawo Myungsoo!" you shouted with joy. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. You layed the blanket on the perfect spot and set out your picnic stuff. You both sat down and sighed with relief. You saw several ducks with their babies in the pond. You gasped and let out a 'wah!' You automatically grabbed Myungsoo's arm and pulled him to the pond. You grabbed some bread first and tore them apart. You threw it clumsily into the pond while Myungsoo laughed at you. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, and he immediatley saw that you didn't like that. He came at the back of you and grabbed your hand. You could hear his soft breathing in your ear.


You froze while he taught you how to throw the bread into the water without freaking the ducks out. After awhile, you learned how to throw the bread into the water. He watched you as you gently held out your hand so the ducks could eat out of your hand. The ducks were very gentle with you so they didn't bite you or something. He suddenly grabbed your hands and dragged you to a beautiful view of the sunset. (here) You both sat on a park bench and stared at the sunset. "You know, when I fisrt saw you, I already knew you were going to be different from other girls. I knew you were going to be unique somehow, you know?" he said. You smiled and blushed. He looked deep into your eyes, causing you to jerk back. You tried to avoid contact with him, but his eyes always seemed to catch up to your own eyes. He pulled you in and kissed you gently. You kissed him back, and this was the first time you actually felt good about the kiss. You felt this kiss was real and full of love.


You both walked back to the picnic and ate to your fill. He patted his stomach after the big meal. You smiled and hit his chest playfully. You leaned on his shoulder and soon, you fell asleep. When Myungsoo noticed that you weren't talking or moving, he carried your bridal style to the car. He made sure that the car seat was laying down so you could sleep well without waking up. When you both got home, he piggybacked you to the room, but then stopped. when he heard you talking in your sleep. "Oppa... your back is warm..." Myungsoo smiled and layed you on the bed, and then went to go shower. After he showered, you awoke and rubbed your eyes. He was still wiping his wet hair, but this time, he had clothes on. You smiled weakly at him and said, "You finally learn how to put your clothes on when you come out of the shower... How awesome..." He smirked and plopped on the bed next to you. You got up to shower and then changed into your pajamas. (here) When you got out, you were still tired. Myungsoo snuggled up on your back and sighed. "You're so cute, jagiya..." he said and then went to sleep. You smiled and went to sleep after that.


I hope you liked my 12th chapter!

I kept my promise! I finished it for you guys!

Hope you keep reading! I'll make sure that I get as much as I

Can done! Komawo and HWAITING! ^ ^



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Thank you all for reading my story! Komawo!


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KpopDoubleA #1
Chapter 44: This is good u should make the sequel
Hoya doesn't really have a lot of appearance but the story is awesome.
Myungsoo did read this? for real? Chinjja?! LOL xD Anyway, I'll proceed to chapter 1 of this sequel. ^^
HuTaoBoo #4
Chapter 14: Haha he fell asleep 3 times how is that possible? Where do they live? From Seoul to jejudo is like 30 min... I went before
agneth #5
Chapter 44: U write another sequel?.. Good ... I love u'r story...
Please please PLEASE DO WRITE ANOTHER SEQUEL!!!! I dont want this story to end yet!! T^T ITS SO GOOD THOUGH!!! Especially Myungsoo and his cute cute CUTE self!!! Always making me blush ^.^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM!! HWAITING!!!
- Fresh_Sushi ^.^
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR MAKING MY LIFE THE BEST LIFE EVER!!!!!! (i read this again at school but i couldn't contain myself!) *Sorry -.-'* YOU ARE THE BEST YOU MADE ME CRY, LAUGH AND FEEL GIDDY AND BLUSH WHILE I READ THIS STORY!!!! Thank you for making me the happiest person ALIVE!!!!! hahahaha and i hope you do another one! haha Maybe about Daehyun and Haewon liking each other *chuckle* hehehehe anyway thank you for making this the best day of my freaking life (even school life) im grateful to find a story like this i really am! P.S If this was ever put into a book i would buy one A.S.A.P!!! Cause i love it wayyyyy toooooo much i would read it all the time!! >.< Thank You again!! ^.^ :)
pogoshipo #8
Chapter 42: I really can't stop reading this >.< you did a really great job~ :D
Chapter 42: This was the best story I've read so far author-nim!! ^.^ I love this >.< It's so cute !
pogoshipo #10
Chapter 39: oh no... :0