
A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow (Sequel to: Time flies)

The next morning, you woke up and saw Myungsoo not there, sleeping next to you. *I need to give him time to work too, or we're going to be poor anytime... Nevermind. I doubt that...* you thought. You walked downstairs and saw Mimi washing the dishes uncomfortably. You tilted your head to the side and went up to her. She scooted away, scared or something, and tried to avoid eye contact with you. You put your hand on her shoulder and she cried on your shoulder. You furrowed your eyebrows and said, "What's wrong Mimi???" She laughed a little and said, "You're not going to believe me, but I'm.... pregnant..." Your eyes widened and you jumped up and down. "Whoo hoo!!! Mimi's getting a baby!!!" you shouted. You just couldn't believe it, like she said you wouldn't. You were so happy for her! She looked down a little upset though. "But, my husband.... put a lot of pressure on me.... you know.... to do it..." she said. You looked at her in disappointment. *Atleast Myungsoo wouldn't do that to me....* you thought. You hugged her while she hugged you back tightly. She cried again, and you felt sooo bad for her.


"I'm pregnant though, as real as it can be..." she said. You smiled weakly and pulled her back. "You should rest... I'll do the dishes and house chores today, okay!?" you asked anxiously. She shook her head quickly and said, "I would never let you do that Unnie!" You pushed her gently to the side anyways. "Let me do them! You're PREGNANT! You should take care of yourself sometimes!" you said. She nodded and then rested on a kitchen chair, watching you do the chores. "So, how much months or weeks or whatever are you?" you asked. "3 months... but it's weird how my stomach isn't growing that big..." You nodded and then investigated her stomach. "It isn't growing big right???" you said. "My doctor also told me to stay home for the rest of the 6 months at home. So I can't come to your house for awhile. I'll still come visit though and my mother won't be here too. She had to be with me..." Mimi said. You nodded weakly and thought about how much you'll miss them.


"I'm not coming starting tommorrow, I'm not even suppose to come today. But I insisted on coming, just to say goodbye..." She said. You couldn't take it anymore. "Mimi! I'm really going to miss you, and our drawing together everyday...!" you cried on her shoulder. You felt her nod and hug you tightly. "I'm going to miss you too..." she said. You both wanted to make this day memorable, so you took her for a stroll in a beautiful garden called 'Magic Garden'. (here) "Waahh... it's beautiful..." you heard her cry out. You smiled and you both grabbed a watering can. You both started watering the plants and taking care of the flowers.


"This is the most fun I've ever had!" Mimi said as she wiped her forehead. You gasped and said, "Let's go home! You're getting tired! It's not good for your health!" you said as you grabbed her hand. She immediately followed you. "What was that for!?" she asked you. You shrugged and said, "It looked like you were getting too tired! You have to rest sometimes! For me!? Please!?" you asked and puffed your cheeks. She laughed and said okay. Then, she held out her index finger, like having an idea or something. "I know what we can do..." she said. You tilted your head to the side and wondered. "Follow me! Trust me on this one..." she said as she tugged your sleeve. "Okay, fine..." you said as she pulled you. You both ended up in a booth. A picture booth.... "Why are we here!?"  "Isn't it obvious??? Taking pictures so you can put them in your scrapbook! You said you wanted to make this day memorable right!? Well, this is the perfect way to do that!" she said as she inserted some coins.


"Say cheese!" she screamed as she smiled widely. All you could do was frown to the ground. She looked at you worriedly. "What's wrong!? You made the picture turn out.... weird..." she said as she took the picture out. "It's just that... you were so nice to me.... and I wanted to thank you..." you said as you rested your head on your palms. She shook both her hands infront of her. "No, no, no! I should be thanking you!" she bursted out. You looked at her in disbelief. "What have I ever done to you to help you...???" you asked her. She gave you all the things that you helped her with. Picking the weeds, helping her decide a name for her baby, letting her get a chance to talk to you, letting her call you unnie even though Myungsoo didn't allow it, drawing together, etc.... You thought for a moment and then smiled. Then, the camera went click and she got the picture. "Heeeyyy!" you said as you looked at her. She laughed and said, "I knew that'd make you smile!" You laughed and smiled again.


You both decorated the scrapbook together after she forced you to smile so you both can take alot of pictures together! You also both drew covers to help add a little affect to the pictures. They turned out like this (here),  (here),  (here). You both hugged eachother, and you knew this was going to be the last goodbye...


It was night time already, so you hugged Mimi for the last time. Ahjumma was already behind Mimi waiting for her to get in the car. "Komawo, for everything..." Mimi said. You laughed a little and then cried again. "It's okay. If you need anything at all, come back and visit okay!?" you said. She laughed and smiled. Then she turned and walked away from you. You didn't know what else to do, but cry. You finally had the courage to get up and shower and then change. (here) Unlike your pajamas, you were very upset. You heard the front door open and then shut quietly. *Myungsoo...* you thought as you tried to go to sleep. He came up to you while you were sleeping and kissed you on the cheek. "Aish... you look so sad today..." he said. You grabbed his neck and hugged him tightly.


He took that by surprise and then half his body fell ontop of you, because you were hugging him too hard. "Yah! Are you okay!?" he asked you. You nodded and shook your head. "I-i'm so sad.... Mimi just left.... I mean.... she left!!!" you said trying to find words. He tried to pluck your hands off, but everything he tried, he coldn't get you off him. He sat down next to you on the bed and then hugged you to make you feel calmer. "Hey, it's okay. Keanchanah???" he asked you. You shook your head and put your hands to your face. He smiled and then thought of an idea. A good idea. He rested you on the bed and then he went outside.He the hose and sprayed water to the window of his room. You looked outside curiously and though, * It's raining!* You pulled back the curtains smiled at the rain. (Myungsoo's hose) But then you saw that Myungsoo was only spraying water to your window. You sighed and forced yourself to sleep.


I should probably just sleep. I know he's trying to make me feel better, but I'm just not in the mood today... For anything....




Mimi just left you... anyways though,

I hope you liked my 8th chapter!

I volunteered to help the animal shelter

today, so I arrived home late recently.

Thanks for still reading though! Komawo! ^ ^




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Thank you all for reading my story! Komawo!


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KpopDoubleA #1
Chapter 44: This is good u should make the sequel
Hoya doesn't really have a lot of appearance but the story is awesome.
Myungsoo did read this? for real? Chinjja?! LOL xD Anyway, I'll proceed to chapter 1 of this sequel. ^^
HuTaoBoo #4
Chapter 14: Haha he fell asleep 3 times how is that possible? Where do they live? From Seoul to jejudo is like 30 min... I went before
agneth #5
Chapter 44: U write another sequel?.. Good ... I love u'r story...
Please please PLEASE DO WRITE ANOTHER SEQUEL!!!! I dont want this story to end yet!! T^T ITS SO GOOD THOUGH!!! Especially Myungsoo and his cute cute CUTE self!!! Always making me blush ^.^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM!! HWAITING!!!
- Fresh_Sushi ^.^
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR MAKING MY LIFE THE BEST LIFE EVER!!!!!! (i read this again at school but i couldn't contain myself!) *Sorry -.-'* YOU ARE THE BEST YOU MADE ME CRY, LAUGH AND FEEL GIDDY AND BLUSH WHILE I READ THIS STORY!!!! Thank you for making me the happiest person ALIVE!!!!! hahahaha and i hope you do another one! haha Maybe about Daehyun and Haewon liking each other *chuckle* hehehehe anyway thank you for making this the best day of my freaking life (even school life) im grateful to find a story like this i really am! P.S If this was ever put into a book i would buy one A.S.A.P!!! Cause i love it wayyyyy toooooo much i would read it all the time!! >.< Thank You again!! ^.^ :)
pogoshipo #8
Chapter 42: I really can't stop reading this >.< you did a really great job~ :D
Chapter 42: This was the best story I've read so far author-nim!! ^.^ I love this >.< It's so cute !
pogoshipo #10
Chapter 39: oh no... :0