A Normal Day

A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow (Sequel to: Time flies)

The next day, you woke up and saw that Myungsoo wasn't there. *Of course, after I acted like that yesterday, he would just want to leave me alone* you thought. You sighed and got up to shower. After that, you changed into something casual and walked slowly downstairs. (here) Somebody rang the bell and you jumped up from the couch. "Coming!" you shouted as you opened the door. It was an old lady and she was holding a cane. You immediatley felt bad, and invited her in quickly. "Sit down Ahjumma! You must be tired!" you said as you got her water. It looked a little like she walked a half mile. She dranked the water calmly and thanked you. "Oh, umm- I was wondering if you can handle the daycare from now on. I saw you taking care of the kids yesterday with the guy and you both were so good with the kids. They all said they wanted you both back," she said. You tapped your chin thinking, and then it sunk in. *I'm going to get to have a daycare to myself with a whole bunch of kids!?!? Yeeeessss!!!!* "Of course Ahjumma!" you said as you held her hands in your excitedly. She smiled sweetly and nodded her head. "It's yours," she said. You smiled and jumped up and down. *Now, I'll be more entertained!* you thought.


You helped the Ahjumma to her house and then waved goodbye. "Bye!!! I'm very thankful to you!" you said as you put your hands to your lips excitedly. She smiled and nodded then headed inside her house. You sighed and then walked calmly back home. Myungsoo came home early that day because he didn't have anything to do that day. You cosidered this a lucky day. "What did you have in mind of doing???" he asked you. You tapped on your chin and shrugged. He sighed, an exhausted sigh, and laid back on the couch. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder. "What did you have in mind of doing???" you asked him. He shrugged also and laughed. "Nothing seems to be interesting to do today..." he said. You laughed and snuggled up close to him. "Can we just watch t.v today???" you both asked eachother at the same time. You both laughed ad then got up at the same time. And then headed to the restroom at the same time. And then grabbed the bathroom door knob at the same time. "You can go shower first," he told you. You looked at him unsurely and asked, "Are you sure???" He nodded and smiled. After you showered and changed, (here) you got out and layed on the bed tiredly. He laughed and then headed to the bathroom. After you both layed on the bed, he took out a book and started reading it.


You snuggled up close to him and read the book along with him. "Are you done with the page???" he asked you. You smiled and did a thumbs up at him. He smiled and turned the page and then you both started reading again. Not long after though, he leaned in and kissed you on the cheek. "Aish..." you complained as you hit his chest. He laughed and then turned back to the book. This time, you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He looked shocked, but after a minute, he calmed down. "Aish, stop teasing me!" he whined. You laughed and snatched the book from him, growing embarrassed. You buried your face in the book and chuckled. "Yah, why are you turning so red???" he asked curiously as he tilted his head. "Are you sick!?" he asked. "Yes, I am so sick! No..." you said sarcastically. He laughed and hugged you from your side. You stopped frozened and turned to look at him calmly. He was already sound asleep. You laughed and tapped his nose. *Sweet guy...* you said as you shook your head and turned off the lamp. "G' night..." you heard him mutter from under his breath. "G' night..." you replied back. You must've drifted off to DreamLand after that.



Hope you guys like my 9th chapter!

I really appreciate you all reading my AFF story!

Thanks alot! And as always... HWAITING!!! ^ ^



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Thank you all for reading my story! Komawo!


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KpopDoubleA #1
Chapter 44: This is good u should make the sequel
Hoya doesn't really have a lot of appearance but the story is awesome.
Myungsoo did read this? for real? Chinjja?! LOL xD Anyway, I'll proceed to chapter 1 of this sequel. ^^
HuTaoBoo #4
Chapter 14: Haha he fell asleep 3 times how is that possible? Where do they live? From Seoul to jejudo is like 30 min... I went before
agneth #5
Chapter 44: U write another sequel?.. Good ... I love u'r story...
Please please PLEASE DO WRITE ANOTHER SEQUEL!!!! I dont want this story to end yet!! T^T ITS SO GOOD THOUGH!!! Especially Myungsoo and his cute cute CUTE self!!! Always making me blush ^.^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM!! HWAITING!!!
- Fresh_Sushi ^.^
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR MAKING MY LIFE THE BEST LIFE EVER!!!!!! (i read this again at school but i couldn't contain myself!) *Sorry -.-'* YOU ARE THE BEST YOU MADE ME CRY, LAUGH AND FEEL GIDDY AND BLUSH WHILE I READ THIS STORY!!!! Thank you for making me the happiest person ALIVE!!!!! hahahaha and i hope you do another one! haha Maybe about Daehyun and Haewon liking each other *chuckle* hehehehe anyway thank you for making this the best day of my freaking life (even school life) im grateful to find a story like this i really am! P.S If this was ever put into a book i would buy one A.S.A.P!!! Cause i love it wayyyyy toooooo much i would read it all the time!! >.< Thank You again!! ^.^ :)
pogoshipo #8
Chapter 42: I really can't stop reading this >.< you did a really great job~ :D
Chapter 42: This was the best story I've read so far author-nim!! ^.^ I love this >.< It's so cute !
pogoshipo #10
Chapter 39: oh no... :0