Sehun POV

The Dancer's Love


Sehun POV


She’s here.

Right in front of me. 


How did she even get here?

She gapes at me, open-mouthed. I suppose I must be a sight to see, with my half-ed shirt and some girl clinging on to my arms.

Yuni looks different. She looks a little taller and her hair’s grown longer. But her eyes still have that hint of innocence, that hint of happiness.

She looks even more beautiful than before.

But why is she here? Why is she here all of a sudden?

An angry feeling bubbles inside of me. So she decides to come now, decides to come apologize just because I’m going to become famous?

Is she trying to ride off my fame, trying to date me so she can claim she went out with a celebrity?

“What are you doing here?” I ask her scornfully.

Yuni’s eyes widen even more. “I-I’m working as a prop assistant here,” she stutters. “With Ga Yun-,”

“Why? Just so you can get closer to me?” I scoff.

Yuni’s face turns a bright shade of red. “No! I just-,”

“Just because I’m more successful than you, you suddenly want to come back to me?” I shove the girl in my arms aside and stalk up to Yuni, pushing her roughly against a wall by her shoulders and getting up in her face.

“Your dance career hasn’t taken you anywhere, so you thought you would come to me asking if I could help you get into SM, huh? Well, that’s not going to work. I’m smarter now. I’m not going to be fooled by evil girls like you.” I hiss. "You're nothing." You're below me. I can get any girl I want. So don't think you have control over me now. You are worthless, horrible, and ugly inside out." 

I thought Yuni would yell at me. Or slap me. Or defend herself in any way.

Instead she smiles weakly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“That’s right, Sehun,” she whispers. “I’m an evil girl. I don’t deserve you at all.”

She gently removes my hands from her shoulders. “I’m sorry,” she says finally, before picking up the box she was carrying and sprinting out of the room.

I stay frozen in place. The sight of Yuni crying destroys me inside. And yet she manages, once again, to smile through the tears...

No. What am I thinking?

She herself admitted that she didn’t deserve me. Yuni is a horrible girl.

I slowly stand up. 

I don’t need Yuni. I don’t need her at all.

I turn back around to find the girl I’d been making out with, only to discover that she left in the middle of me and Yuni’s little confrontation. Great.

I check my watch. It’s about time I get back to recording, anyway. My group- who was named EXO, whatever that means, and split up into Korean and Mandarin Chinese subunits- are recording our first pre-debut single, called "What is Love".

What is love? Is love caring for someone, despite the things they've done to you?

Is love striving to make that someone smile?

Is love something that can be done with hate and sadness?               

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nobijin #1
Chapter 2: Hmmn... Is it wrong for me to say that I think Sehun likes Yuni? hahahahaha...
FanficToNonFic #2
Chapter 48: Nice story ! Hope you really make a sequel. Got so addicted reading this ! :)
Chapter 1: omg ignore me i commented on the wrong story that comment was supposed to be on the other fanfic ;A; mian~
Chapter 1: what omg it's done? ;A;
Chapter 48: I just finished this! This was so cute, I love dancer stories because I'm a dancer too haha. Really well written, imo.

However though, I found that the ending was a bit too fast. It's like, Sehun was all mad and then just because she apologise he took her back etcetc.
I'm not any professional or should I be "lecturing" anyone, but just giving my opinion.

I usually don't really appreciate sequels, but for this story, I didn't know why I was hoping for one. Oh well!
Chapter 47: So pretty much, I am in love with Yuni and Sehun. Like I ship Yuhun so hard right now it's not even funny.
Chapter 47: No sequel???????? BUT CAMEOS??????????? Okay. It IS acceptable but... hard to be accepted D: Helpp
I loved this story:) oh and who did u use for yuri's pic? She's so pretty~~~
Chapter 47: sequel* whoops.
Btw RubiRose sooo sorreeh for not commenting in so long! Huhu ;A;
Chapter 47: GAAH SO CUTE!
and awhh no sequal? ;A;
wait... cameos?! O.O
does that mean you will make a new story that have the minor characters in this story as the main in another and feature SEYUNI?! O:

wells anyways, I loved this story! Can't wait for your next.