Yuni POV

The Dancer's Love


I sit in a booth near the window, two steaming mugs of hot chocolate in front of me. This is the same booth Sehun and I sat in when we had our first drink together, after I carried Su Yeon to the hospital.

So much time has passed since then. So much has changed since then. 

But somehow I think that the changes that we've been through haven't been all that bad. If it isn't for the experiences and events that we go through, we can't become stronger people and we can't learn more. 

I am a different person than the girl who sat in this spot a year ago, awkwardly sipping her smoothie with a guy she barely knew. 

But I like my new self. 

“What are you doing here?” Ga Yun asks me. “It’s midnight. Go sleep. We have to be at the SM building by 9 tomorrow morning.”

“I’m waiting for… someone,” I inform Ga Yun, slightly blushing. Ga Yun’s eyebrows shoot up.

“Is this someone who I think it is?” she says.

I shrug mysteriously. “Depends on who you think it is.” I reply cheekily. 

Ga Yun giggles. “You know what? I’m just going to go now and give you some privacy. Make sure you lock up the café.” She quickly grabs her bag and hurries out the door. "Have fun!" 

I absent-mindedly stir in some honey and take a sip out of my hot chocolate. Delicious. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands cover my eyes.

“Guess who,” a low voice whispers in my ear. I blush and push his hands away.

“Hey,” I greet Sehun, who grabs the other cup of hot chocolate and sits next to me.

“Do you remember this booth?” he asks.

I grin. “Of course. So, did you do what I asked you to?”

“Yes.” Sehun replies firmly. “I think I got hit about 3 times, and kicked 4 times, but for the most part the girls seemed to accept my apologies.”

I nod, satisfied. “That’s good.”

“I’m never going to do those things again,” Sehun promises. He takes my hand. “Yuni, are we good?”

“We’re more than good," I beam up at him. "You're my boyfriend now, got it?" 

“About time,” Sehun laughs, and pulls me to him and kisses me.

It's spectacular. I feel like I'm flying, like I'm whizzing a million miles per hour amongst the clouds. He kisses me slowly, lovingly, and my insides tingle pleasantly. It feels like there are a million fireworks going off around us. .

When we detach Sehun tenderly brushes away a piece of hair from my face and pulls me in an embrace.

I close my eyes and breathe in his familiar musky scent.

“Yuni, I love you,” Sehun murmurs in my ear.

I hug him tightly. “I love you, too, Sehun.”

"I'm never going to let you go," he whispers, and pulls me in for another kiss. 

We may not be perfect. 

We have our faults. 

We get into fights. 

But as long as Sehun and I are together...

We'll be happy. 

A/N: Thank you all SO MUCH for reading! I appreciate every one of your comments and subscriptions and everything <3 I hope you enjoyed the story!


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nobijin #1
Chapter 2: Hmmn... Is it wrong for me to say that I think Sehun likes Yuni? hahahahaha...
FanficToNonFic #2
Chapter 48: Nice story ! Hope you really make a sequel. Got so addicted reading this ! :)
Chapter 1: omg ignore me i commented on the wrong story that comment was supposed to be on the other fanfic ;A; mian~
Chapter 1: what omg it's done? ;A;
Chapter 48: I just finished this! This was so cute, I love dancer stories because I'm a dancer too haha. Really well written, imo.

However though, I found that the ending was a bit too fast. It's like, Sehun was all mad and then just because she apologise he took her back etcetc.
I'm not any professional or should I be "lecturing" anyone, but just giving my opinion.

I usually don't really appreciate sequels, but for this story, I didn't know why I was hoping for one. Oh well!
Chapter 47: So pretty much, I am in love with Yuni and Sehun. Like I ship Yuhun so hard right now it's not even funny.
Chapter 47: No sequel???????? BUT CAMEOS??????????? Okay. It IS acceptable but... hard to be accepted D: Helpp
I loved this story:) oh and who did u use for yuri's pic? She's so pretty~~~
Chapter 47: sequel* whoops.
Btw RubiRose sooo sorreeh for not commenting in so long! Huhu ;A;
Chapter 47: GAAH SO CUTE!
and awhh no sequal? ;A;
wait... cameos?! O.O
does that mean you will make a new story that have the minor characters in this story as the main in another and feature SEYUNI?! O:

wells anyways, I loved this story! Can't wait for your next.