Sehun POV

The Dancer's Love


“So what’s the deal with you and Park Yuni?” My best friend Kai asks me. We’re at lunch, sitting at our usual table with Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Suho, and Baekhyun.

“Hm? What do you mean?” I say, taking a huge bite out of my red bean bun.

“You two look pretty cozy together. Do you like her? She’s a good catch.” Suho teases.

“A good catch?” I snort. “She’s clumsy, overly optimistic, and goofy.”

“Let’s see.” Baekhyun counts off on his fingers. “One, she’s the nicest girl in the whole grade. Two, she’s gorgeous. Three, I heard she’s a decent dancer-,”

“Not decent,” I interrupt. “She’s amazing.” I realize what I’ve said and clap my hands over my mouth.

Everyone chuckles. “So you do like her!” Chanyeol laughs.

“I DON’T!” I yell with such ferocity, half the cafeteria turns to look at our table. “I don’t,” I insist in a much softer voice.

“Hey, just remember to be careful.” Kyungsoo says suddenly.


“Remember what happened to Baekhyun’s singing partner for that freshman concert?” he says.

I think back to freshman year. Baekhyun got a special duet with some girl, and a bunch of crazy Baekhyun fangirls beat her up the day before the concert. She ended up being too injured to sing and Baekhyun had to perform by himself.

“That won’t happen to Yuni.” I assure. “She’s nice. The girls all seem to like her.”

“Yeah, but you never know.” Kai pops a ketchup French fry in his mouth and his lips. Half the females in the cafeteria sigh, including the old ahjummas working at the counter. Kai smirks and winks in the general direction of a large table with tons of pretty girls, eliciting another enormous sigh.

“You’re so cocky,” I chaff. Kai puckers his lips and tries to kiss me, but I quickly smack him away.

“Don’t you have to practice kissing for Yuni?” Kai purrs, pretending to be seductive.

I scowl and throw my red bean bun wrapper at his face. “I’m leaving.” I announce, and stride out of the cafeteria. When I open the door I slam into someone. It’s Nam Hyun, one of Yuni’s best friends. He’s doubled over, gasping for air. “S-Sehun,” he wheezes. “Yuni… trouble…cornered-,”

“Where?” I demand. Hyun gestures in the general direction of Mr. Lee’s classroom.

Without another thought I take off for the classroom.

A/N: Chaff means to tease :D look at me, using high-level vocabulary.

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nobijin #1
Chapter 2: Hmmn... Is it wrong for me to say that I think Sehun likes Yuni? hahahahaha...
FanficToNonFic #2
Chapter 48: Nice story ! Hope you really make a sequel. Got so addicted reading this ! :)
Chapter 1: omg ignore me i commented on the wrong story that comment was supposed to be on the other fanfic ;A; mian~
Chapter 1: what omg it's done? ;A;
Chapter 48: I just finished this! This was so cute, I love dancer stories because I'm a dancer too haha. Really well written, imo.

However though, I found that the ending was a bit too fast. It's like, Sehun was all mad and then just because she apologise he took her back etcetc.
I'm not any professional or should I be "lecturing" anyone, but just giving my opinion.

I usually don't really appreciate sequels, but for this story, I didn't know why I was hoping for one. Oh well!
Chapter 47: So pretty much, I am in love with Yuni and Sehun. Like I ship Yuhun so hard right now it's not even funny.
Chapter 47: No sequel???????? BUT CAMEOS??????????? Okay. It IS acceptable but... hard to be accepted D: Helpp
I loved this story:) oh and who did u use for yuri's pic? She's so pretty~~~
Chapter 47: sequel* whoops.
Btw RubiRose sooo sorreeh for not commenting in so long! Huhu ;A;
Chapter 47: GAAH SO CUTE!
and awhh no sequal? ;A;
wait... cameos?! O.O
does that mean you will make a new story that have the minor characters in this story as the main in another and feature SEYUNI?! O:

wells anyways, I loved this story! Can't wait for your next.