Out with Tao.

Re-Unite. [HIATUS]


You grumbled to yourself as you rose out of bed, incredibly grumpy. All because of the fact that Tao was sleeping right next to you, you couldn’t sleep. Who knew what you did in your sleep that could traumatize him forever?

You stepped out of bed, making sure not to wake the sleeping panda on the floor. Really, he wore a panda sweater to sleep in and it was overly adorable. You shuffled out of the room and straight into the bathroom, carefully because you didn’t want to walk in one of the guys showering or… something.

Hmm… You thought while brushing your teeth. Christmas is only about a week away and I haven’t bought anyone presents. I have to buy something for Kris, Luhan, Lay and… Tao. Aish, what the hell am I supposed to buy them!? Just then you heard a knock on the door.

“___-ah?” You noticed the cute sleepy voice as Baekhyun’s and rinsed your mouth before opening the door, tilting your head. “Uwaaah~” He said, his eyes barely open. “You look so cute when you just wake up.” He said and you just stood there but on the inside you were squealing and trying desperately to hold back the urge to pinch his cheeks.

“Ah… You think so? Thank you. Want the bathroom?” You asked and he nodded, trudging past you and straight to the toilet. “Okaybye!” You said, quickly closing the door before you saw anything more.

You peeked into Chanyeol’s room as the door was wide open and saw him sprawled across his bed. You tip-toe’d into the room, scrunching your nose as you concentrated on being quiet. “Chanyeol~” You said quietly, sitting down on the side of his bed.

Chanyeol stirred in his sleep, mumbling quietly. “It’s not my fault you’re so short, hyung…” He said in his sleep causing you to stare at him blankly. What. You poked his side gently. “Oppa? Chanyeol?” He rolled onto his stomach. “Two moooons~ Seodulleo seodulleo~” Your brow furrowed. What the hell does he dream about?!

You finally gave up on the nice way of waking him up and stood up on his bed before sitting down harshly on his back, earning a yelp from Chanyeol. “I’M UNDER ATTACK!” He yelled before staring back at you from the corner of his eye. “Ah, my ____~” He sang sleepily.

You gave him a gentle pat on the back before sliding down to sit next to him. He rolled over onto his side, peering up at you curiously. “What’s up?”

“Um… You said yesterday that the guys from China don’t get to go home for Christmas so they stay here.” He nodded and you continued. “Uhm. Well. I don’t know what to get them… y’know, for presents.” You rubbed the back of your head as you heard Baekhyun return to the room.

“What’s this about presents?” He asked, plopping down on the blankets laid down on the floor.

“My cute little dongsaengie wants to buy Kris, Luhan, Lay and Tao presents for Christmas since they’re staying here but she doesn’t know what to get them. So cute~” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist. You gently patted his arm, smiling.

“Sometimes, Chanyeol, your love for ____ is scary and more than plutonic. But, anyway, I think it’s easy to shop for them. Will you get something for Kai, too?” He asked and both you and Chanyeol peered at him curiously. Baekhyun raised his brow, staring intensely at Chanyeol for a moment before Chanyeol nodded. “Ahh! Ah, yeah… Kai will be staying as well…”

“But his parents live here…” You said, confused. Why would he stay here when he can go with his family? Who doesn’t want to be with their families during Christmas?

“I can tell you’re curious but it’s best you hear it from him… the only thing I will say is he and his parents aren’t on the best of terms.” Baekhyun nodded and Chanyeol gently pat your back.

“I see…” With that you got up and left the room, heading to your room and noticing Tao was gone. You assumed he was in the bathroom and shrugged, taking the chance to change and get ready to go out shopping.


How did it end up like this… You asked yourself as you peered up at Tao while the both of you walked towards the bus stop.

“Oppa? Do you think you could come with me to shop fo—“ You stopped, staring into Chanyeol’s room. He was asleep again. As was Baekhyun. You sighed, needing someone who knew the city to go with you shopping. You hopped down the stairs and peered into the living room only to be greeted by a medley of snores. “Aish…”

You turned to walk up the stairs only to be greeted with a completely dressed and groomed Tao. “I’ll go with you.” He said sheepishly, wrapping a yellow scarf around his neck.

Oh. Right. You thought, grumbling quietly. You had reached the bus stop. An awkward silence built up around the both of you and you frowned.

“Mei.” Tao spoke finally as he peered down at you out of the corner of his eye. His mouth was covered by his scarf so his words were muffled. You looked up at him.

“I’m really glad I met you again…” He said before nuzzling his face deeper into the scarf but not before you could notice the blush forming on his pale face. You smiled happily, nodding.

“I’m really happy about it, too… I missed you a lot. I really thought you had forgotten about me, though.” You said, giggling.

Tao gaped at you. “How could I!? Remember? I promised that I’d find you. I keep promises~” He sang triumphantly, causing you to snicker.

Before you could reply the bus arrived and you both got on, shuffling towards the back to sit down. After a few minutes you unconsciously huddled yourself against Tao’s side, closing your eyes.

Tao blinked, glancing down at you before smiling. So cute.


You both had arrived at the shopping center and went into random stores. You had purchased a few things for Luhan and Lay because they were amazingly easy to shop for. It was Kris, Tao and Kai you would have an issue with. What could I even buy Kai? Why should I even buy him anything?

“I can tell you’re curious but it’s best you hear it from him… the only thing I will say is he and his parents aren’t on the best of terms.”

Ah. Right. That’s why. You looked around the store you were in. A men’s clothing store. Tao was looking around, quietly murmuring to himself about buying a shirt for ‘duizhang’. You shrugged, looking around the store. Your eyes immediately shot towards a blue button up shirt. It reminded you of the shirt Kai had worn in a picture he sent you.

“Ready to go back?” Tao asked, walking up behind you.

“Ah. I’m just going to buy this, then yeah!” You smiled up at him as he nodded.

I’ve yet to actually see him wear the shirt and apparently that picture was old. So. I’ll get him a new one~

You bowed to the cashier before walking out of the store with Tao. Your nose scrunched as you came face to face with a mid-afternoon rush of people who were also shopping.

Tao looked down to you as you stopped walking, noticing you watching the crowd of people with an anxious gaze. He buried his face in his scarf, blushing hard as he reached his hand out to grasp your own before he trudged out into the crowd.

Your eyes widened as you stared down at yours and Tao’s hands, fingers intertwined together as he weaved you and him through the crowd. Your face grew warm and a huge smile plastered itself on your face.

I don’t want to leave this crowd for a long time…

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Chapter 7: Hey. Hey You. Update this too. (I told you I become a selfish reader that doesn't care if you have a life, just wants updates updates updates)
Chapter 7: AWWWW TAO. ♥
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