Chapter 1 - Now, who' s that?

♥ Forever Loving You ♥: Season 1

Chapter 1 - Now, who's that?

*In the kitchen*

-You were enjoying your morning breakfast. When you look at your wrist watch.

You: Hulk. (your eyes gone wide) Grandma! I am going to be late for the bus! I'll be leaving now.

Grandma: Okay. Go then. You'll be late. (she was in living room, watching TV while sewing some scarf)

You: (running to the living room while still holding a bread on your hand) Grandpa! I'll be going now! (wave)

-Your grandpa never show some interest in you. He likes to sit on his arm-chair sofa and watches TV all by his own.

-When you already leave..

Grandma: You should reply, honey.

Grandpa: I don't feel like.


*At the Lotus Cafe*

-You came in rushing to the counter bar

You: I am here, boss! Sorry, I am late again. Just for a few minutes.

Ji-Hae [your boss]: It's okay. Now, let's go to work people! Customer is going to be here in any minute.

-You walk to the changing room and change to this..


[This is somehow the Lotus Cafe main outfit to all the female employees. Most of the employees are female. So yeah, female labour-workforce Cafe]

-After done changing clothes, you took some menu on the counter bar, a pen and a small notebook and you're ready to work.

You: (approach a customer) May I take your order, Sir?

A man: Yes, one cup of coffee and some chocolate cake.

You: One cup of coffee and chocolate cake only right. Thank you (bow) and please wait patiently. (smile and walk to the counter bar) ONE COFFEE and CHOCOLATE CAKE FOR TABLE 5! 

*Few minutes later*

You: (serve the order) Table 5 coffee and chocolate cake. Sorry to keep you waiting and hope you'll enjoy it. (bow)

The man: Excuse me.

You: Yes?

The man: May I take some pictures with you? (yupe. he have fallen for you)

You: Oh, I am very sorry, Sir. We are not models for you to take some pictures. We are just serving you some morning food and beverages only. I am very sorry. (bow and walk to the counter bar. You place your tray on the bar and sigh)

Hyesong: Being too pretty is a disadvantage, right?

You: (nodded) Indeed.

Hyesong: You are too pretty and the outfit is pleasing the customers too well, but we can't do anything. 

Ji-Hae: Isn't it good? They'll become our regular customer despite they have that manner. Although they look like erts but as long as they don't touch you. If they do, we are going to file a lawsuit.

Hyesong: Boss, our profit is currently going down this month. Is that a good thing, you say?

Ji-Hae: Hyesong-ah, think of the brighter side, yeah. Haerin-ah, what to do?

You: (hug the tray) Aigoo~ I don't know, boss.

-Suddenly, a sport car [below] park in front of Lotus Cafe. Everybody was looking at it.

Some girl customers: KYAAA!! (fan scream) It's Kim Myungsoo!!

-Then, a brown-hair coloured guy with a cool sunglasses on came out from the car. He was wearing this some casual clothes.

L: (talking to himself) Ahh~ It's so refreshing to come out from the studio. (he look around and look at the fans crowding) Ayy~ This car is making me look so obvious that I am a star.

-Fans non-stop taking pictures using their phones.

-You, Ji-Hae and Hyesong stare at him from inside.

Hyesong: (excited) It's Kim MYUNGSOO also known as L! Tha-That rising hallyu star? DAEBAK!!

You: (look at her blankly) What? Who?

Hyesong: (excitedly explaining to you)  He's all over the the internet and Korea for his perfect and handsome look! He so good-looking and shoot so many CF! Wah~

Ji-Hae: You're that excited? But, why did a hallyu star come to a gloomy place like this.

Hyesong: Oh yeah. Why is it?

*Back to L* 

L: (he look around) Oh, I believe this is a cafe. Let's have some breakfast. (he walk towards the Lotus Cafe)

-Hyesong and Ji-Hae eyes gone wide.

Hyesong: (pointed at him) he-he-he-he is coming towards here.

Ji-Hae: Oh!!!

*tring* [the sound of the main entrance wind chimes indicate that some customers are coming in] 

-Myungsoo pushes the door and came in.


Chapter 1 END

So what happen next when he enters the Lotus Cafe?


Thank you for reading, subsribing and commenting.



I am so sorry for any spelling mistake because I think and type fast to save time and to upload more chapters for you readers. So, I am so sorry and thank you for the understanding.



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MinJung11 #1
Chapter 38: I am a fan of Juniel too!!And I enjoyed this fic!!
ctnajihah #2
Chapter 39: finally.. i done read this fanfic.. <3 it
ctnajihah #3
Chapter 2: i read chap1 n... i <3 it... *_^
-neverwinter #4
Chapter 38: I just read the article part XD
am I late or..? lol , anyways, love it. omgad, I'm going to miss this story lol.
I want a sequeal o/ lol
Visua-Llove #5
Chapter 38: heeeeeeeey i wanted a sequel when they get married !!
HHMLove #6
Chapter 38: The story is really nice. Love it. :)
Chapter 38: I DEMAND SEASON 3!!!!!! ouwaaaaah TT_TT IM SO GONNA MISS THIS!!!!
-neverwinter #8
Chapter 36: omfg, no. Another cliffhanger! ;A;
I should have wait until you update the next chapter orz

Anyways, your writing style is getting better and better o u o (y)
Love it.
infiniteLement #9
Chapter 36: Cliffhanger?!! Asdfghjkl.
Chapter 36: Queen of cliff hanger.. LOL... Its really made me gone crazy... But anyways I WANT TO KNOW WHAT DOES HE SAID!! Update soon.... :DDDDD