
→ Namu's Chase of ❤


Red : Song Jihye

Blue : Nam Woohyun

Teal : Infinite

Black : Random



The night fell and it was dawn. The candle aroma was still on. Hmm, someone was here? I could hear door cracking. That was strange. My mind was awake but I couldn't move my body. Suddenly, a hand slammed on my pillow.

"Hi, Jihye. Did you rest enough?"



Woohyun sensed something fishy. He was still in his pyjamas and went straight to his door. He turned the knob but it was no avail.

"Oi. Someone out there? Why can't the door open?"

"Pardon our rudeness, young master, but you are forbidden to go out of the room for a while."

It was his butler for sure. He got angry that he kicked the door until it was split. He walked briskly from his room. Soon, he barged into my room.


He saw his blood brother grabbing my wrist, tempting to take advantage on me.


"What are you doing, Boohyun?! I thought I could barge in here at night!"

"It's not really something you need to bother about, right? Because..."

OMO! Boohyun just sat on my tummy!!!!

"I'm going to marry Jihye!"


He even shut my mouth!

"What are you talking about, hyung?"

"Nam Woohyun, this is my revenge on you!!"

Boohyun's personal bodyguards arrested Woohyun.

"What the...What kind of grudge?"

"I've always hate you. Your insolence, discourtesy and autocracy. I can't live a happy life. You know why?"

Boohyun was another victim of bossy Woohyun?

"Woohyun, it's because of you're here."

What did Woohyun do until his own brother despise him so much?

"I'm always just a runner-up. You, with that spun look on your face, without noticing it, stole the limelight from me! From presence and behavior; I'm always being compared to you. I was supposed to be next heir! Not you!"

His grudge on Woohyun was deep. I...understood how he felt.

"Even now, I'm still suffering from humiliation even though we've now in separate lives. It makes my blood boils from anger whenever I hear news about you."

"You know, it's not really my fault that you're always left behind me."

"Shut up!"

He calmed himself down.

"Anyways, that time, I swore. That someday, I'll let you feel the same sufferrings I felt!"

He picked up my stiff body and held me tightly.

"Fortunately, I heard about Jihye. This scent is effective on girls. It makes your muscles numb. A very antique item."

He laughed evilly when he tempted to nibble my cheek. That was disgusting but I couldn't move much. Woohyun was struggling from Boohyun's bodyguard.

"Boohyun, you bastard! It looks like you're looking for trouble."

"It's rare to see you get angry, Woohyun. Your suffering is my happiness."

He ordered his guards to pull Woohyun out from the room.

"I'll take good care on Jihye."

"Boohyun! Wait! Don't hurt her; you !"



The effect started to wear off. I managed to get down from the bed. Damn it. Boohyun realized that I was escaping so he grabbed me when I was too weak to reach the door.

"It's dangerous, you know. If you don't want to get hurt, just stay quiet."

I really couldn't feel my muscles. My body was still numb and restless.

"Moving is impossible until the effect fades away and Woohyun won't be able to help you." 

"Marriage is only for people who love each other. Are you willing to marry someone you don't even love but just for revenge?"

"It's already too late. Everything is going according to my plan without a hitch."

Boohyun watched the sunrise.

"It's morning already. I invited many guests for tea party. Everyone present here today will become our witnesses of our marriage."

I was nervous as I began to sweat much. Was I going to marry Woohyun's brother? By this time, Woohyun usually would came out of the blue and rescued me. What was taking him so long?

"What would be Woohyun's reaction if he sees us swear our love for each other?"

I was worried about him. Boohyun threw a gown, forcing me to wear it.

"NO! You can use me to taunt Woohyun now, but in the end, I don't need Woohyun to save me!"

Maybe Woohyun was locked up in a room, watched by few bodyguards. In that case, I had to do on my own. I didn't need to be greedy. I needed to acknowledge myself.

"Silly girl. Why do you say like Woohyun will save you when you're in trouble? Woohyun's also from upper class family. He's not like any normal people out there. He's not the kind of person who will put in effort to gain a little happiness. He's also same like me! He's just use you as his toy to seek fun ~"

Why did he seem...right? I was just a commoner. Why would Woohyun want to risk his life to save this out of ordinary girl?

( Hoya ) "Miss Jihye! BACK DOWN!"


( Dongwoo ) "Point A and B, explosion successful."

OMG. What was that? Dynamites?? That...nearly killed me and Boohyun. It was the same like the incident of kidnapping from the assassin that day!

"What was that?!"

I gasped when someone grabbed me but I held that person tightly. In a blink of an eye, I was already on the rope that was attached to a...HELICOPTER?! I looked up, out of my expectation, it was him again. That blissful smile of his didn't make me afraid of the height.

"Boohyun, did you forget what you've said? When it comes to love, I'm better than you. By the way, I'm getting my Jihye back."

Even though...I was reliant on being ordinary, Woohyun never laughed at me.

"Jihye, I love you more than anyone...and I want you to be aware of that for the rest of your life."

You fool. Kissing me while holding onto the rope was dangerous, you know. But I couldn't feel the risk. His kiss won over my fear. You treated me unfair,...again.


"It was a short acquaintance, hyung. It seems like I'm not welcome in this house anymore."

He faced me closely.

"Let's go home, Jihye. Back to our normal life."

"Don't mess with me, Woohyun! I haven't given up on anything! I WON'T EVER GIVE UP!!"

He yelled from the bottom of his heart. I could spot a tear flowing along Boohyun's cheek. He didn't want to destroy Woohyun, he just wanted Woohyun to test his brother's painful experience. Too bad, the heli flew further away. 

Woohyun was like a storm. With his powerful influence, I wondered how far he would take me.



How's it?




Stay reading.

Thank you.

Hugs and kisses ^_^


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HHMLove #1
Chapter 19: Love the storyline damn nice!!!
Annyeong!!New reader here~!!!! :D
Chapter 20: OH NAMU :)
after all,
our woohyun is goofy :D
Chapter 20: THIS WAS AN AWESOME STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 SARANGHAEYO~
myungsoosasaengfan #5
Forever_without_love #6
Chapter 20: Great ending *wips a tear* :D
Forever_without_love #7
Chapter 17: OMO! You updated finally! I Missed this story OMO you go gurl! You saved him!:D
Forever_without_love #8
Chapter 16: Nooooo jihye!
Get there quick!!!!
Chapter 16: OH NO :(
update soon!
myungsoosasaengfan #10
Chapter 16: l joe !!!omg!! but authornim,,nice gif,,who pour the water to our namgrease??