Interview .

Promise Me

Jaehee's POV

The next day .

EXO and 4star are scheduled to have a interview in the morning . EXO , and right after , 4star . Which means , i have to face the cold Jongin . Wait no , its Kai . I sighed . I need to stop the habit of calling Jongin Jongin . However , i thought it was difficult . To me , the name Kai felt so unfamiliar and distant . As much as i fret about these problems , i wanted to have fun in the interview as well , so i decided to throw the thoughts away for a moment .

When we reached the venue , EXO was already there at the waiting room , preparing for their interview . We bowed and greeted to one another . I tried my best to ignore Jongin , not wanting to offend him again . I guess everyone in EXO knows what happened already when i walked past Jongin hastily with just a slight bow . Then , I saw Luhan at the corner of the room , leaning against the wall with his arms folded . I walked towards him .

' Luhan Sunbaenim , thank you for the coffee yesterday . ' I bowed .

' Call me Oppa will do . ' He said , smiling .

' So , are you feeling better today ? ' He asked .

' Err .. Yes , i'm feeling better , thank you , Luhan Oppa . ' I answered , still not used to calling Luhan ' Oppa ' .

' Thats good . ' He patted my head lightly .

Just then , the staff called out to the EXO members to move to the interview venue .

Luhan looked away for a brief moment before looking at me again , ' I got to go now , see you later Jaehee ah ~ ' .

With that , Luhan waved and walked away .

While EXO was having their interview , we , 4star was at the waiting room watching the whole interview .


Luhan's POV

' So , your Hoobaes 4star have just debuted right ? ' The interviewer asked 

' Yes . ' We answered in unison .

' Who is your favourite member among them then ? Can i have Luhan to answer this question ? The interviewer pointed out to Luhan .

' Ehh ? Me ? ' I asked , feeling shocked . I didn't expect that question to be targeted at me .

' Yes you , Luhan-ssi . ' The interviewer smiled .

' Err .. I havent really thought of that but .. ' I rubbed my palms on my thigh nervously , then continued answering the question , ' If i really have to choose one .. Hmm , i'll pick .. Jaehee-ssi . '

The members were shocked upon hearing my answer to the question . They probably didn't expect me to pick Jaehee .


Jaehee's POV

I was frozen on my seat . Why did Luhan choose me ? Of all members , why me ?

My members looked at me in disbelief , and with their jaws hanging low .

' Do you know Luhan Sunbaenim well ? ' Jungmi asked .

' Err .. No , not really . We just happened to talk to each other for a few times . He probably just picked a random name . ' I answered quickly .

' Oh really ? ' Jungmi leaned towards me , smirking .

' O .. Of course ! ' I stumbled upon my words .

Jungmi looked at how flustered i was and giggled a little , ' I was just playing around . ' .

I shot Jungmi a glare and hit her on her arm playfully , ' Yahh , how dare you pabo . '

' Okay okay ! I'm sorry ~ ' Jungmi apologised and rubbed her arm .

We then continued to watch EXO having their interview attentively .


Luhan's POV

' So , what do you like in her ? Well , as a hoobae . ' The interviewer continued .

' Err .. Well .. ' I thought for a moment .

Since i have already named Jaehee , i should just go with it and speak with my honest opinions .

' Hmm , she has a nice personality , her smiles are charming , she is a really nice person to talk to . ' I nodded .

' I see , then lets move on to the next question ! ' The interviewer said enthusiastically .


Jaehee's POV

As i hear Luhan answering the questions one by one , my lips curled up into a smile and i felt like i was about to fly to the sky . I was sitting on the chair with my legs crossed , my elbow on my thigh with my chin on my palm . I tapped my feet on the ground and giggled by myself .

' Someones really happy right now ~ ' Hyojung teased , poking a finger into my cheek .

' Yahh , i'm not ! ' I said , hitting Hyojung's hand away .

However , when i looked closely at the other members' reactions , i realised Jongin's reaction was different from the others . He didn't smile nor joke with the other members , he had a sour look on his face . Was he , was he jealous ?



Chapter 12 is up ! ^^

Sorry , i didn't really have much inspirations for this chapter ~ Hope you still like it ! ^^

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Chapter 23: AND THEY BOTH LIKE HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: OH MY GOODNESS
LUHAN IS THE SECOND OLDEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: OMG I WONDER IF LUHAN REALLY LIKES JAEHEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: Aww~~ Cute !!!!!!!! Yet kinda sad at the same time
Chapter 20: Kai and Jaehee ^_^
Please update soon, I want to know what happened after Kai said to her he hates it when she calls him Kai.
Chapter 19: Aww~~ Too cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: Omgggg update soon kk
Chapter 1: this fic looks nice :D got to continue reading this :)
Chapter 18: Aww~ Kai you better make it there !!!!!!!!