Voicemails (Sequel)

I got up and went to the living room,my head pounded a bit.

"Hyunmin ah,aigoo my little girl are you okay?"

I looked up at my mother,"Umma?"

She smiled and hugged me,"You gotta stop fainting like that,my heart cannot take it."

"Mianhe umma."

My father and Daehyun's parents were also there.

I looked around,"Where is Daehyun?"

"We had to force him to go back for practice,you've been out for three days."

"Woah,for so long?"

"My dear if you go fainting again you're staying with us okay?"

I giggled,"Mianhe appa."

Daehyun's mother handed something to me.

"What's this?"

"Daehyun got it from your house,he wanted me to pass it to you."


My mother went to the kitchen to get some food for me while my father stayed in the living room with Daehyun's parents.They were talking about their business and what companies to invest in,I sighed and sat close by.

I read the book,oh its our book.

I giggled,aish I'm really slow.

I flipped through and smiled at the memories.I flipped to the last page,Daehyun had to do this huh?

I smiled,good thing its all over.

I flipped to my last entry and found another long entry after mine.

Daehyun's handwriting.

-Hyunmin ah,mianhe.Our parents don't know this.They think I'm practicing back at the company.Well I'm not.I'm sorry okay?

You'll probably scold me.I caused you so much pain.When you said you remembered I felt happy but sad at the same time.I didn't want you to remember all the bad stuff.

Remember Yoora?I was so angry with her but I realised it was also partly my fault.She came to the hospital to see you,I chased her out.I couldn't stand seeing her anywhere close to you.

I felt so dirty,I never wanted to kiss anyone else but you.When you were awake,I wanted to kiss you so bad.To just wash off all the guilt I felt.Now I know how you felt when other guys kissed you.

But I was there to make it better I guess.But at that time you still couldn't remember me.I don't want to scare you.I cannot afford to lose the people I love anymore.

Halabeoji is gone,I cannot lose you too.When I saw you crouching on the road,I saw my life flash before my eyes.I cannot lose you,I really can't.I know I sound stupid to you right now.Get angry at me,whatever it takes.

I just don't want you to get hurt because of me again.Yoora came to apologize,she even got a boyfriend.I treat her like a sister,she knows that.I'm going to miss you.

Komawo,for kissing me that night,I know you won't initiate the kiss,but I feel happy every time you do.You just made everything a whole lot better.I promised you that I won't do something so stupid like this again.I'm sorry,this is probably the last time I'll do this.

I won't hurt you again,so promise me you'll be okay.I love you so much,so so much.I don't think anything can compare to how much I love you.I will remember the beach we used to go to when we were tired and had nothing better to do.You remember right?Of course you do.Visit that place often okay?Until you don't feel any anger towards me.

I'm sorry baby,I love you.Your co-writer,Jung Daehyun.-

I stared at the book,tears falling uncontrollably.You've got to be kidding me.

I just remembered everything and you leave me?

My hands started trembling,my mother came over and held my shoulders.

"What is it dear?"

I slammed the book shut and ran out of the house.

"Damn it Jung Daehyun!"

I ran across the road and felt someone pull me back.I crashed into his chest.

I looked up and saw Himchan.

"Hyunmin ah,be careful,do you want t-"

I pulled away from him and ran to the company building.

It was really far away but I didn't care.I flew into the building and glared around,"Hyunmin ah,goodness what happened to you?"

I stared at Jaejoong,"Daehyun,where is he?"

"Ah,Hyunmin ah,he-"

"Where is he?!"

He stared at me,"Woah cool down okay?He left about an hour ago."


"Goodness can you relax?You're dripping and god your face is pale."

"Jaejoong oppa!"

"Aish sheesh I don't know okay?"

Jongup came out and Himchan ran in breathless.

"Noona,what are you doing here?"

"Where's Daehyun?"

"Ah noona he was just-"

I turned and left.

If none of them are going to tell me then I'll find him myself.

I walked out and Zelo appeared out of nowhere,grabbing my arm.

"Noona,what are you doing here?"

"Shut up,you're not going to tell me anything anyway."

"Noona,don't ignore me please?"

I shrugged him off and walked away.


He grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him,"I need to bring you somewhere,please don't make this difficult for me."

"What are you talking about?"

He smiled,"Kaja."

He pulled me to the bus stop and we went up the bus.

Zelo let me lean on him.I was still crying and he tried to calm me down.

"Hyung had to use such a stupid method,I really can't understand him."

I closed my eyes and hugged him tight,he's just babbling.

"Noona,you still love Daehyun hyung right?"

"Shut up,I'm not answering that."

He chuckled,"Aish goodness,hyung is going to get into big trouble."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Mianhe noona,I can't tell you."

We arrived back at my home and my mum was suddenly more happy.

"My dear,goodness don't run off like that again.Gosh you're so pale."

She took me back and I saw Yongguk follow in.

I stopped abruptly,"What are you doing here?"

He sighed,"I'm on a terrible mission."

"Get out,I don't feel like seeing you."

"Hyunmin ah,don't be rude to your guests." My father called from his room.

I sighed,"Mianhe appa."

My mum dragged me to my room and started dressing me up.

"Umma,what are you doing?"

"Hyunmin,be a good girl,Yongguk brought these for you."

"A dress?Ugh let me sleep,I don't want anything right now?"

"How about I tell you where Daehyun is?"

"Bwoh?You know where he is?"

"Well I can't tell you but-"

"Aish forget it,I don't want to see him anyway."

"Aww he's going to be so sad if he hears that."

"I don't care,he broke his promise,I don't want to talk about him anymore."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm not!"

My mother hugged me,"My dear,don't make this difficult for us please?Dress up nicely okay?"



I sighed,"Whatever."

She made me wear heels and everything,even the necklace Daehyun gave me.

"I don't wanna wear that."

"You have to."


Someone knocked on the door."Yes?"

Yongguk looked in,"Erm are you ready?"

"I don't know,can you get out?"

He chuckled,"Aish I don't really support this but its quite fun."

"Oppa!Your dongsaeng just dumped me and you're laughing?"

"Oh,Daehyun was right,you really won't get it."

"Get out!"

He smiled,"Okay."

"Okay dear,you're done."

"Why am I dressed up like this again?"

"I can't tell you,now go out,Yongguk and Zelo should be there."

I sighed and went out,Zelo and Youngjae stared at me,"Woah,you're really pretty."

"You're selling me off aren't you?"

They laughed,"Yongguk hyung is in the car,pali,we need to go there fast."

"Go where?"

They dragged me to the car and I stared at them,Zelo and Youngjae sat beside me,Yongguk in the front passenger seat and Himchan was driving.

Where?I've got no idea.

"Can't you guys give me some peace?I just had a break up for goodness sake."

They chuckled.

"Can you guys stop laughing?Its not funny."

"Aww,our pretty manager cannot cry okay?You're too pretty to cry."

I felt tears coming to my eyes,Youngjae hugged me and Zelo held a tissue to my eyes.

Himchan slammed the wheel,"I'm going to kill Daehyun,making us do this.I hate it when she cries."

Yongguk turned around,"Hyunmin ah,don't cry,save it for later,not now okay?"

"Ugh,I'm tired of crying."

Himchan chuckled,"You should be more tired after running like that,how did you run that far?"

"I don't know okay?I just,I just,I just wanted to find Daehyun."

Youngjae smiled,"Well you finally admitted it,kill him for us later okay?"


The car stopped and the doors opened.

Zelo and Youngjae went out and I sat there alone.

Someone pulled me out and I smacked into his chest.

Jongup was holding me tight,"You okay?"

"What is going o-"

Yongguk came over and both of them lifted me to the corner of the beach.

"Let me go!"

They set me down gently and ran off.

"Yah!Yah!What in the world?"

I looked around and saw candles lighted up on the sand.Like an aisle.

I folded my arms and glared at it,something weird is going on.

I sensed something flying in my direction and I caught it swiftly,a ball of paper.

I sighed and opened it.

-Are you gonna start walking down the path or what?-

Youngjae's handwriting,I shouted back into the darkness,"Yah I don't want to!What are you going to do about that!"

I heard some chuckling and sighing.I was obviously being watched.

I gave in and walked down the aisle.

There was a red carpet set up so my heels didn't sink into the sand.

I thought about the book and felt like crying again,good god Daehyun had to do this to me.

I looked down at the sand,a note was there.

-You're almost there.-

Yeah right.Even the sand is trying to talk to me.

I reached the end of the path,a small stage was set up,roses and white satin decorated the beautiful set.

There was a table there,I gasped and ran over,our plant.

I giggled and touched the petals,it turned a relaxed blue.

"Mm,I feel better seeing you here."

I stood up and glanced around,"So what now?"

I heard a familiar song being played.I froze,Daehyun singing Baby Baby.

I felt someone cover my eyes.I froze again,those hands,I'd recognise them anywhere.

"Guess who?"

His beautiful voice rang in my ears.

"Daehyun oppa."

He chuckled and hugged my waist,"Hey baby."

I covered my mouth,oh god,what's going on?He kissed my cheek and turned me to face him.

I stared at him,handsome as always.He wore a white suit with silver collars and cuffs.

Only then did I realise my dress was also white with silver flowing down my skirt.

He kissed my forehead slowly,carefully,I bet he knew I was going to faint.

"You okay?"

I shook my head and hit his chest,"Shut up you idiot!Why did you leave me?!Why did you break your promise?!Writing like that!"

I punched him like crazy."What are you doing here now?!"

He hugged me tightly.I couldn't do anything,I melted in his arms.

"Mianhe my princess,but I didn't say I was leaving you did I?"

I thought about it,he was right.

"Shut up you jerk,anybody would think you left."

He chuckled and pulled away,wiping my tears,"I told you I won't hurt you anymore right?"

"You just did."

He laughed,"I'm sorry."

I looked away and ignored him,he pulled my waist close to him till our faces were just inches away.

"I'm not going to fall for it."

"Oh yeah?"

He leaned in and I pushed him away,"Yah they are watching."

He laughed and grabbed my wrist,"I know."

I glared at him,"You want others to see how weak I am?"

"Why?Do you become that weak when I kiss you?"

I blushed like mad,"No,go away."

He turned me to face him,"You're so pretty when you blush."

"Shut up."

He chuckled and looked into my eyes,"Can I ask you something?"



I smiled and nodded,"Okay what do you want?"

He kneeled down and I stared at him,"Oppa."

"I want you to be my wife."


"Lee Hyunmin,will you take me,Jung Daehyun to be your husband?To let me love you,care for you and to protect you no matter what happens?"

I didn't know what to say,he was holding a beautiful diamond ring out.

But I didn't even see it.I felt tears falling down my face,"Yes,yes of course."

He hugged me tightly and I heard our family and B.A.P coming out,clapping for us.

Daehyun pulled away reluctantly and wiped my tears,"Don't cry,my heart can't take it."

I smiled,"Mianhe oppa."

He took the ring and slid it on my finger,"You're mine now."

I giggled,"Only after our wedding."

"I don't think so,"he held my face and kissed me gently,everyone was going ooh and ah and my parents and Daehyun's were watching.

But it didn't matter.

He's mine now,and I belong to him.

Whatever may happen,that fact isn't going to change.



A/N: There you go! The last chapter! I'm starting another fanfic about Daehyun again! Thanks to all the feels he gave me today from Rain Sound...

The link to the fanfic is below.

And the link to B.A.P's Rain Sound is below!

Thank you for reading! Enjoy!


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I don't own anything in the story but the storyline. Please do not plagiarise and enjoy reading!


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Chapter 20: Ahhhhhh so sweet!!!! Never. Thought daehyun fic could be this sweet....
Chapter 6: goooooosh. ..
sweet daehyun <3 <3 <3
i love this part sooo bad! !!
from the mute daehyun became a sweet daehyun. .
love it soooo <3 <3 <3
Chapter 8: What ? What happened to lee joon ? :O
RangerDita #4
Chapter 21: gomawo author-nim for written this story!
I like it!
Vk00kie #6
Chapter 20: Why... Just why do you have to end it?? Make another sequel!! I want another sequel!! I command you to make a sequel for this!!
14 streak #8
Chapter 20: Noooooooo!!!!! why did it have to end so fast!!
Awwwww i wish daehyun would be my boyfriend ;) ^^
Anyways............ You should make another sequel for this ~..< ♥♡♡♥
Chapter 20: How can it end already! My heart broke when I saw that it was complete! Wae, wae!!!!! *sniff sniff* Great job author-nim. I love this story so damn much. My Daehyun feels, omfg!!!! <333
Chapter 20: My favorite story BY FAR!!!