Too Close for Comfort?

Beauty and the Beast


                “…So there were these chocolates that came in a pack. Bom decided to bring them just in case we couldn’t handle ourselves here in the human world.” Dara explained, biting her lower lip. “As the CARELESS PERSON SHE IS,” she shouted angrily, turning to Bom in the bushes, “she dropped them somewhere. Now I don’t know WHAT will happen because of this, but I’m pretty worried.”

                “Wait. Wait. Hold up.” CL said, stopping Dara from saying anything else. “You’re saying that those chocolates are MISSING!? Don’t you have ANY IDEA what could happen if those ended up in someone’s hands? They could unknowingly create chaos, put others in harm, or even communicate with our world!”

                Her eyes widened as a light bulb went off above her head. “C-Communicate with our world… L-Lee Seungri…” she breathed, staring straight at Dara.

                “W-What?” Dara asked, feeling panic build up inside her as she saw the pure fear written all over her friend’s face. “Y-You’re white as a ghost…”

                It can’t be. Seungri… finding those chocolates? Is that how he called me…?

                “Did you h-happen to come across a rich, high class boy with jet black hair and a condescending smirk on his face…?” CL whispered, sliding on the brink of losing her .

                “Well, yeah, but his stupid condescending smirk soon disappeared when Bom messed with him with some spells.”

                It’s over. He found the chocolates.

                “T-That’s Lee Seungri.”

                “Yeah, so?”

                “W-What does he know…?”

                “He knows Bom and I are witches, but we threatened him to keep his mouth shut or we’ll do something to him.”

                “So you didn’t use a mind-wiping spell on him!?” Chae Lin cried, almost shattering the mirror into pieces with her fist.

                “Y-Yah, you know that we aren’t supposed to mess with humans!” Dara cried out of disbelief.

                “You don’t understand the consequences with this little rat knowing our secret. And congratulations. You’ve given him the keys to wreaking havoc in this world and potentially ours.” CL said darkly, grabbing all of her stuff and storming out of the bathroom, ending the call.

                “H-Hello?” Dara cried again, trying to get ahold of CL again, chanting the spell multiple times in hopes that it was just a bad spell reception. “C-Chae Lin.” Dara said weakly, hanging her head.

                “What’s wrong?” Bom said, ruffling her hair to get rid of the leaves stuck in her hair.

                “We may be the reason this world will come down in flames.”


                Seungri ran. I mean, he ran. Or was he a she now? No one knows for real. But anyway, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He bolted out of his room, not even stoping to the screeches and screams of a confused Jessica.

                “Yah, Lee Seungri!!! Where the hell are you running to!? Are you ditching me!? And what’s up with the wig??”

                He reached in his pocket and fished out his wallet without skidding to a halt, throwing the wallet behind him. “HERE, ENTERTAIN YOURSELF WITH MY WALLET. MY CREDIT CARDS ARE IN THERE. HAVE FUN!”

                With that said, he bolted out of his house at the speed of light, hopping into his car without even summoning his usual chauffeur.

                Wait. I kinda at driving.

                He hopped out of the car and began to run again. Run to where, though? He didn’t know. He just ran mindlessly. All he wanted is to clear his head and try to sort everything out without that Jessica around.

                Eventually, he found himself in the middle of the shopping center that he was at a couple of days ago with Jiyong. He slightly chuckled to himself as he remembered what a good time he had over here. If it weren’t for that Daesung, they would’ve gotten much farther than they are now.

                He sat down near the central water fountain to catch a breather, listening to the rushing water to calm his nerves. Tilting his head over, he looked at his reflection once again, cringing at the mere sight.

                To be honest, he wasn’t bad looking. In fact, he retained most of his good features but was added with many feminine ones as well. Including long hair. Why the long hair!? He was just not used to the fact that he is now a female. Did my disappear…? He thought to himself, closing his eyes. Probably. Probably…

                He shifted uncomfortably as he saw a girl sit close by him, her outfit almost scarily similar to his. She had dark skinny jeans on, a gray scarf, a white v-neck, and a black jacket to complement her whole outfit. Just like his. He looked down to confirm that both were wearing the same clothes.

                Oh, that’s awkward.

                He proceeded to attempt to not make any eye contact whatsoever, fearing that he may create such an awkward atmosphere. While doing that, he closed his eyes and breathed, trying to center himself and think logically on this dilemma.

                How am I going to turn back to normal…? He thought to himself, biting his lower lip.

                “Aish…” the girl muttered to herself, shattering Seungri’s thoughts. “I wonder what’s taking them so long. They’re already 30 minutes late…” she huffed, checking her phone.

                She suddenly stood up and began storming off, seeming like she was never coming back. I wonder what’s with her. Seungri thought to himself, shrugging.

                He went back to his own thoughts, immersing himself in the many possibilities of how he could deal with his situation. He… could get a change… but that’d take too long and not exactly right in his morals, if he had any. He could try to find those witches again… but that’d deem impossible.

                His thoughts were once again interrupted by two men, looming over him. They blocked the sunlight and cast a large, dark shadow over him. They wore glasses and were in suits, an uncanny resemblance to Men in Black.

                “C-Can I help you, gentlemen?”

                “Young Miss, we are to you at this time.” one man said, taking a step forward towards Seungri.

                “W-Wait, what?”

                “It is ideal if you do not show any sign of resistance. We might have a problem if you do not agree to come with us.” The other man said, nearing Seungri as well.

                Seungri gulped, not moving an inch as he watched those two men close in on him. “W-Who are you?”

                “I guess you leave us no choice.”


                “Where are you going?” Jiyong said, swinging his legs on Seunghyun’s bed as he watched the prince gather his belongings and chose an outfit.

                “I have a date.” Seunghyun said, throwing on a light blue sweater over his white button down and gray tie.

                “You’re going out like that?” the boy said, pointing to Seunghyun’s auburn eyes and horns. “That’s gonna be hard to look normal when you’re out in public.”

                “Eh, not to worry.” Seunghyun hummed, checking himself out in the mirror. “I ordered some contacts and my hair is growing out long enough that I can cover them if I worked on my hair with some gel.”

                “Please tell me you’re not growing an afro JUST so you can hide your horns.”

                “Aigoo, you’re worrying about my appearance? I’m entirely grateful.” The prince chuckled, trying to apply on some concealer to cover up his scar. He looked like he was struggling.

                “Here, let me help you.” Jiyong muttered, jumping off the bed. He dabbed his fingertip lightly on the concealer and began gently applying it on the beast’s skin, slowly making the scar disappear.

                There was a long silence between the two as both of their hearts began to beat irregularly due to the lack of distance between the two. Seunghyun’s eyes occasionally trailed down to lock themselves on Jiyong’s soft completion: everything from his milky skin to his light pink lips.

                Seunghyun gulped and tried to ease up his uncomfortable state. Any longer in this state and he’d lose himself and maybe do some questionable things to the innocent, unknowing boy. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” he joked, hoping to cut the invisible tension that he felt.

                “Psh, at least it’s better than what you were doing…” the boy said softly, his eyes clearly focused on the task.

                Oh, my Buddha. Jiyong, if you’re going to talk to me in that tone of voice, I don’t know how I’m going to hold back.

                The boy’s lips were all too alluring for Seunghyun. He gulped nervously as he tried to harness every ounce of self-control that he has in his body. His inner beast was not helping.

                Speaking of the devil… I haven’t had any episodes that involved a violent beast threatening to break out of me lately.


                That would explain my heightened heartbeat whenever I near the boy! It’s because the beast inside of me wants to eat Jiyong! That HAS TO BE IT! There’s no other way of explaining it!

                “Tch. Aigoo… this scar is terrible to get rid of!” the boy murmured, his adorable eyebrows furrowing at his frustration. He neared Seunghyun’s face, trying to get a better view of the scar. The two were now probably a fingerlength’s distance away from each other, which was not helping the suffocating beast at all.

                I can’t handle this anymore. “ALRIGHT, THANK YOU SO MUCH JIYONG OH GOODNESS LOOK AT THE TIME I’M RUNNING LATE!” he cried, jerking away from the boy’s touch. He immediately darted out of the room and down the stairs, breathing heavily as his heart was going into hyperdrive.

                “DAESUNG, I’LL DRIVE MYSELF, NO NEED TO WORRY!” Seunghyun shouted as he bolted out the door, leaving no time for Daesung to say anything.

                And with that said, the prince was gone.

                That’s weird… Jiyong thought to himself. I wasn’t even done with applying on the concealer yet.


                Hours passed by and Jiyong wandered the house mindlessly, trying to help Daesung with any way he can. The two cleaned the windows, swept the floors, did the laundry, washed the dishes, make the beds, and tended to the garden. If it weren’t for Daesung’s occasional cheating of using some spells, the two would’ve spent an eternity working on the chores. Nonetheless, the two were pretty much worn out as 7 o’clock came around.

                “Ah. I forgot. Where’s Chae Lin?” Jiyong asked, wiping his forehead as he slumped into a couch.

                “Um, she had to go do some business. I’m not sure if she’ll be back soon.” Daesung said, scratching the back of his head.


                It was true. This morning was pretty rough for Chae Lin. She was crying in frustration in my room and never came out. I stayed by her side for most of the day, comforting her as she tried to calm down. She told me everything that happened: the whole Seungri/mirror fiasco, Bom and Dara, the chocolates, the mind-wiping spell, everything. She was stressed out, to say at the very least.

                I talked her through all of this and we’ve both concluded that the best thing to do at this time was to send Chae Lin back because of her second strike at messing with humans- the mind wiping spell.

                First Seunghyun, now the mind-wiping spell. Oh, the administration won’t be happy about this… But voluntarily coming back to the wizarding world would be better than being sent a summoning letter by a centaur or even worse- being forcefully pulled back by death angels. Nope. Ain’t gonna happen.

                It was painful to let her go, but it was necessary for her well being.

                I know, it was necessary for me too. I had to focus on my work…


                It was nice having her around.

                “Call me often, okay?” I softly said, putting my hand on her shoulder as she packed her belongings.

                “I will.” She said softly, quietly zipping up her luggage. She mumbled a spell and shrunk her bag, picking it up and shoving it in her pocket. Chae Lin bit her lower lip and tried to fight the burning tears that threatened to escape. clenched as she choked out a sob.            

                “Oh, Chae Lin.” I said softly, “Please don’t cry. Please. Shhh.” I whispered, pulling her in for an embrace. She began sobbing silently in my chest as I gently patted her back, continuing to whisper comforting words in her ear.

                “How long is this going to go on…?” she whispered, continuing to cry in my arms. She held onto me tightly, afraid that I may disappear if she let go. “I cannot handle this anymore. I can’t stand to think that I’m going to have to spend another day without you by my side.”

                I knew that I didn’t have a definite answer for that. And it pained me. So very much. The thought of her spending restless nights waiting for me to come home just clenched my heart so tightly that it was on the brink of bursting.

                “I… don’t know. I’m so sorry, Chae Lin.”

                She didn’t say a word but just continued to allow her tears to flow freely.

                “I’m sorry for being such a reckless person. Because of my actions, I have caused you to hurt so much. Do I even deserve to be called yours?” I whispered, allowing tears to well up in my own eyes.

                Chae Lin brought up her head and looked into my eyes, glistening with such sorrowful tears. “Yes, you do. You do deserve… to be called mine. Because there is no other man who can make me laugh, make me smile,  or make me stay up all night, restless and worried because of his well being.”

                I allowed her to say not another word, pulling her in to capture her lips, the taste of bitter tears lingering on her lips. She responded, kissing me back with such yearning, such melancholy. This kiss was not rushed, rather it was a gesture both of us wanted to relish in; if not delicately handled, the opportunity may vanish in thin air.  

                I felt tears continue to stream down her face, both warm and heart wrenching. I kissed her cheek to stop the tear from falling any further and she chuckled, to my surprise.

                “You’re such a goddamn romantic.” She muttered, feeling her face turn red from embarrassment.

                “That’s why you fell in love with me.”

                “I guess that’s true…”


                “Ah, I see.” Jiyong hummed to himself, waltzing over to the T.V. “Wanna watch some sappy romantic comedy while we wait for Seunghyun to come home?”

                “Why, you wanna make up for the lost time he’s not here with you?” Daesung joked, slumping in the couch right in front of the T.V.

                “What’s that supposed to mean?” the boy pouted, choosing a movie.

                “Nothing… nothing at all.”

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I updated twice in a day! Make sure you read both "goodbye... For now" and "crotchshot" both!


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Chapter 56: you broke the 4th wall!
Chapter 17: Oh no evil seungri no. Ji is not ur new found toy
I want gtop gtop gtop
yolanee #3
Chapter 53: Tablo? Evil? Can't see it. xD
Chapter 28: LMFAO!!!! Top is such an idiot he is too much haha
Chapter 72: This story was amazing filled with mixed emotions! I'm going to read the sequel now, keep it up! ^^
Vip_Elf #6
Chapter 73: I loved this story!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 67: Omg these past two or three chapters have me crying so hard I'm just glad they're all alive
Elizabeth_081906 #8
Chapter 74: Lmfao I'm dying! I am not ! Just curious...(;
mzjonghyun #9
Chapter 72: such a great story I love it