3 Years Of Love

7 Years Of Love
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3rd Year: First Fight


"Kyu~ Are you busy at work today?" You asked over the phone. You were currently at home and had nothing to do since you didn't have work and wanted to surprise Kyuhyun at his workplace.


"Not really. How are you?" Kyuhyun replied.


"Bored like I usually am when I'm off." I said pouting even though he couldn't see it.


"Well, I'll come over as soon as I finish work then." Kyuhyun said.


"Okay Kyu! I'll be waiting." You replied smiling. Little did he know you were going to beat him to it.


"Bye~" Kyuhyun said.


"See you soon Kyu." You replied before hanging up. You would see him very soon in fact. Quickly you changed into a pretty dress, grabbed your phone and wallet and left your house.


You took the bus to his work place and walked in excitedly. Kyuhyun worked as a game designer at a really famous company. He was really talented and well respected in his company despite being young and graduated not long ago.


You stopped at the reception and smiled at the lady. By now she recognized you since you came so often.


"Annyeong unnie! I came to surprise Kyu today." You said.


"Annyeong. That's fine, go straight in!" she replied.


You bid goodbye before skipping to the elevators and pressed the button. You smiled to yourself as you stepped out and went down a hallway towards Kyuhyun's office. You heard a muffled noise coming from inside and wondered what it was. Disregarding it, you pushed open the door with a bright smile and cheerful greeting.


"Hey Kyu! I- " You stopped as you saw the sight before you. Horrified, your eyes widened and mouth dropped open.


Kyuhyun was on the floor with a girl on top of him. And they were kissing. It wasn't just any girl either. It was his personal secretary who, you knew for a fact, had a crush on Kyuhyun. Plus Kyuhyun had once said she was prettier than most girls. Well what do you know. Looks like both of them acted on their feelings now...


"____..." Kyuhyun said as he caught sight of you standing there. He started pushing the girl off but before you could see what else happened, you ran off while trying to keep the tears in.


"_______!!!" you heard Kyuhyun calling but you didn't stop. You kept going. You kept running till you were back in your room in your house and on your bed. There you started crying uncontrollably as you thought about what happened.


Was Kyuhyun.... Cheating on you?! But he wasn't like that. He was always sweet and nice and... He wouldn't do that. But what if he was planning on breaking up with you or something so he could be

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yo guys, heyy. i havent forgotten about this, its just a bit hard to write a wedding when ive never even been to one before. so.. yeah. itll be up eventually...


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Chapter 7: aw cuute. i thought it was gonna be angsty coz the lyrics are all like that.. but then this is like... a prequel to what happened in the song hehehe
Chapter 7: Oh that was a sad ending
Chapter 7: My first impression was O.O Dafuqq man!!!.. But then i started to squel hahahhhh LOL... I LOVE IT VERY MUCH.. AWWWW KYU I LOVE YOU TOO... XDDDDD
Chapter 4: sweet..

update soon~
Chapter 1: that was so sweet and i don't know what else to say....
thanks for writing~!