5 Years Of Love

7 Years Of Love
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5th Year: The Proposal

"Yeobo, are you free this weekend?" Kyuhyun asked you over the phone.

"Yeah." You replied.

"The WHOLE weekend. From friday night till sunday evening?" Kyuhyun clarified.

"Yeah.. you know I am. You made sure like five times that I had this weekend cleared out. What are you planning Kyu?" You questioned. Kyuhyun had been insisting quite earnestly this last month for you to be free this weekend and it was really spiking your curiosity.

"Ah.. nothing much really. Just wanted to take my cute, sweet, beautiful girlfriend out. After all it is our five year anniversary on Sunday." Kyuhyun replied sweetly.

You blushed and giggled before replying, "Yah stop being so cheesy."

Kyuhyun chuckled and said, "I'll pick you up at 5pm friday night okay?"

"Okay. See you then Kyu." You said happily before hanging up.


Friday came in no time and you were itching to see your precious Kyu. It had been a week since you got to see him because you two decided to stay with your own parents for a week. Brushing your hair and smoothing your light purple dress for the millionth time, you sighed impatiently. Time was passing by so slowly. Finally as the clock struck 5, a knock was heard on your door. Jumping up, you almost ran to the front door and pulled it open with a massive smile.

"Kyu!" You shouted happily before hugging him tightly.

Kyuhyun smiled before hugging you back. "Someone missed me." Kyuhyun said with a smirk.

"You didn't miss me?!" You gasped playfully.

Laughing a bit, Kyuhyun pulled you out of the house towards his car. "Of course I did."

Then turning back to the open door, Kyuhyun shouted, "Umma, Appa! We're leaving!" Before closing the door softly.


"Kyu, where are we staying?" You asked, gazing at the beautiful city scenery.

"You'll see." Kyuhyun winked mysteriously.

Soon enough, Kyuhyun stopped the car and got out, holding your door for you before passing the car to a valet. You looked up at the building and gasped in surprise. Trying not to squeal too much, you turned to Kyuhyun.

"The Raeseon Hotel?!"

"It sure is." Kyuhyun nodded happily at you.

The Raeseon Hotel was biggest and best hotel in all of Seoul, with the most luxurious rooms and top quality service. It was also majorly expensive and you needed to book months beforehand to get the right date.

"Kyu, how expensive was this?! And did you book this like a bajillion years ago?!" You asked still gaping.

Kyuhyun chuckled, "Don't worry. This weekend just think about having fun and enjoying yourself. Relax. Don't worry about the price. Because at the end of the day it will be all worth it if you're happy."

You turned to Kyuhyun and gave him a big hug. "Kyu, you're so sweet."

"Well, let's go in and see how it is!"


"THE LIMITED PLATINUM DELUXE COUPLE ROOM?!" You more or less screeched when Kyuhyun handed you the key card outside the room's door for you to open.

"Shh. We're in a hotel honey." Kyuhyun said with a massive smile, enjoying your reactions.

"BUT IT'S THE MOST EXP-" You couldn't say anymore because Kyuhyun covered your mouth and leaned closer to whisper.

"What did I say earlier? Just enjoy okay?" You nodded before quickly swiping the card and bolting into the room.

For a full minute, you stood there stunned as you took in the amazing place. It was so spacious. A floor to ceiling glass window, looking out to the city, replaced the opposite wall. A humongous four poster king sized bed was placed at the far left against the wall with light blue sheets and pink flower petals scattered about. In the middle of the room was a small elegant cherrywood coffee table surround by very confortable looking sofas. On the right side, a wall with a wide window on the top half of

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yo guys, heyy. i havent forgotten about this, its just a bit hard to write a wedding when ive never even been to one before. so.. yeah. itll be up eventually...


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Chapter 7: aw cuute. i thought it was gonna be angsty coz the lyrics are all like that.. but then this is like... a prequel to what happened in the song hehehe
Chapter 7: Oh that was a sad ending
Chapter 7: My first impression was O.O Dafuqq man!!!.. But then i started to squel hahahhhh LOL... I LOVE IT VERY MUCH.. AWWWW KYU I LOVE YOU TOO... XDDDDD
Chapter 4: sweet..

update soon~
Chapter 1: that was so sweet and i don't know what else to say....
thanks for writing~!