Frog in a bowl

Idol Lockdown [REUPLOADED]

Kyungsoo woke up the next morning to see Minwoo and Daehyun sleeping on a table. To be specific,the kitchen table. "Wake up,you morons! The kitchen table isn't a bed! My poor baby....." he wailed. Minwoo and Daehyun just kept on sleeping,causing Kyungsoo to get mad and grab his frying pan. He was about to hit them when Minwoo woke up. "Ahh! Sweat boy abuse!! I'm telling Youngmin!!" he yelled. His screaming woke up Daehyun who grabbed a spatula and threatened Kyungsoo with it. "Duel?" he asked. Kyungsoo was still happy about the conversation he had with Jongin from the night before,so he happily agreed.

 Kris came into the kitchen to see Kyungsoo and Daehyun having a sword fight using the frying pan and spatula respectively. "Am I the only normal one around here?" he muttered while pouring some milk into a glass. "NO YOU'RE NOT, KREASE! YOU'RE NOT NORMAL AT ALL! JUST ADMIT YOU'RE ON THE DARK SIDE!!" yelled Gongchan who just pranced into the kitchen. "I am not on your so-called dark side,Gongchan." Kris deadpanned. "Yes you are! Don't deny your roots!" said P.O,who was carrying a guitar. Kris' eyes widened when he saw it. "No. No. No.Not another wake up call." he said and desperately tried to run away.

 Zico burst into the kitchen. "I WOKE UP THIS MORNING SCREAMING." he yelled. "Screaming." echoed P.O. Kris facepalmed and let himself fall onto the table. "I DREAMT OF BEING EATEN BY TURTLES." "By..tur...tles.." echoed P.O again. "How does Block B live like this...." Kris muttered in between his fingers. "THEY'VE GOTTEN USED TO IT." Zico sang. "" "U-KWON JUST STARES AT HIMSELF IN THE MIRROR" "The....mir...ror.." "AND JAEHYO AND B-BOMB JUST MAKE OUUUUT." "Just...make...out.." "MY KYUNGGIE ENJOYS MY VOICEEEEEEE." "Enjoys..." started P.O, then he looked up. "No he doesn't,he hides under the sofa." he said,earning a smack on the head from Zico.

 "Hey,where's brother in law?" asked Minwoo.The rest of them looked around,and,sure enough,Kwangmin wasn't there. Sandeul and Zelo had come in somewhere during the turtle part of Zico's 'performance' and were sitting with Gongchan. "Kwangmin?" Kris called. They heard a groan coming from the laundry room,and Minwoo,Sandeul and Daehyun rushed over. Kwangmin was lying on a pile of clothes. "Brother in law? Are you alive? No,don't die,I need a bridesmaid for me and Youngmin's wedding!" Minwoo yelled.

 "You idiot,I was sleeping. And I will not be your bridesmaid,go ask Jeongmin." said Kwangmin suddenly. "No,Jeongmin already agreed to be Youngmin's best man." whined Minwoo. "Why were you sleeping in the clothes pile?" asked Daehyun. "It looked comfy." said Kwangmin,pouting. Kris came into the room,just in time to hear the last sentence. "Isn't a bed more comfortable than a clothes pile?" he deadpanned. He continued before Kwangmin could respond. "The MC called,we're going to Jeju." he said.


 "OMG! THIS PLACE IS SO PRETTY!!" yelled Minwoo. The MC was already explaining their task. "You see those bowls over there?" he asked,earning obedient nods from the boys. "You guys will have to throw these into them." he said, handing them each a packet of plastic frogs. "The team that catches the most frogs wins." he said. "These people are really running out of ideas." whispered P.O to Gongchan. Kwangmin started first,and the frog went in. "It looks like it's dancing!" yelled Sandeul. "I AM A FROG,AND I AM DANCING IN A BOOOOWWWWLLLL." sang Gongchan,causing the others to join is,even Kris. Kyungsoo saw the opportunity and took out his phone to film Kris,sending the video to Tao.

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chattenoire #1
Chapter 5: The story is just.. err.. random.. very random..