Flying Dragon

Idol Lockdown [REUPLOADED]

 D.O was the first to wake up in the green team dorm,meaning he also had to wake the others up. He went over to Sandeul first,then realised it was a bad idea,because the moment he woke up he started checking for 'Cousin B.O'. D.O decided to use this to his advantage,and told him to wake up P.O for 'checking'. That left him with Minwoo and Zelo to wake up. He poked Zelo with his finger. "Wake up." Luckily for him,Zelo was a light sleeper. Unluckily for Zelo,he was on the top bunk and stepped off the bed,only to crash on the floor. "NGAHH!" he yelled,successfully waking Minwoo up.

 The boys in the blue team were having a harder time waking up. Kris managed to get up first,but that was only because he had to sort out an argument in the Exo M dorm by phone. He woke up Kwangmin and Daehyun easily,leaving Gongchan and Zico. After a few failed attempts,he decided to just yank them off their beds. Gongchan let out a simple "Ow!" while Zico responded by singing. "I WOKE UP BECAUSE A MEAN FACED DRAGON PULLED ME OFF THE BED!!" he sang,though it sounded more like shouting. Kris rolled his eyes. "Get ready,all of you." he ordered. When both teams when to the kitchen,P.O was already waiting with a guitar. Zico ran to sit next to him. "Why do I get a bad feeling about this?" asked Daehyun. "Because something bad is going to happen." answered Sandeul.

 "I WOKE UP BECAUSE A MEAN FACED DRAGON PULLED ME OFF THE BED." sang Zico. "Off...the...bed..." echoed P.O. "Yes,this faced dragon right here",continued Zico. Kris looked extremely annoyed while the rest of the boys were doubled over laughing. "...faced..dragon." echoed P.O again. "THIS DRAGON WHO'S IN LOVE WITH A PAN-DA." sang Zico. "In love with a...pan..da." said Zico. "And we all touched loopy moss." "" "Kwangmin's obsessed with pikachu." "Pi...ka...chu" "P.O's relative visited today,I can smell him from here" "" After realising what he just said,P.O shot a glare at Zico. By then even Kris was laughing.

 "Okay,time to postpone the singalong. Today,we have a slew of physical activities for you guys. You guys are going to your opposites." said the MC. His last sentence drew confusion from the boys. "The sea is blue and the forest is green,therefore,green team,you guys are going to the beach and the blue team will be going to a forest." he explained. This gained a resounding "OHHH" from the boys. "Hopefully we won't encounter anymore loopy moss",Gongchan said bitterly. "Trust me,you won't,that moss only grows in this part of Korea." said the MC. 'How convenient for us',thought Gongchan.

 The MC led them over to a flying fox contraption. "Blue team,you guys slide down the one on the right. Green team,you guys go on the left. Both take you to different places." he said. The first ones to be strapped in were Zico and D.O. Zico let out a "WHEEE!" while he was sailing down the line. D.O yelled "KAI!!" when he went down. Kris smirked and took out his phone to record it and he sent it to Kai straight after. Next up were Minwoo and Gongchan. "Not one of these again..." Minwoo said. He'd had to use one during the filming of W Academy. When it was Kris' time he was a bit tentative. "Are you scared,Kris? Do I need to call Tao to comfort you?" taunted Zelo. Kris' face scrunched up with determination. "Hell no,Imma dragon,I CAN FLYYYYY!!" and he was down.

 The blue team members found themselves on a landing pad on a tree,and the green team members had no landing pad,they landed in the water .They had to swim back to shore,and when they got there and saw the sandcastle making equipment,they were dreading what was to come. D.O got a text message from none other than Kim Jongin himself.

Missed me,huh,Kyunggie?

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D.O's eyes widened when he opened the file to see himself going down the line yelling "KAI!!". "Kris Wu Yi Fan Kevin Li Jiaheng,you are so dead." he said. Back in the forest,the blue team saw the various mud(?) house building equipment. "This is gonna be a long day." said Zico.

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chattenoire #1
Chapter 5: The story is just.. err.. random.. very random..