The Turning Point

Running Away from Fate



            The three teens stood, pushing the little girl away from view, as they watched the scene unravel. The elderly man threw the cans to the ground, his screams and cries raged to the lawn, where remnants of the window and furniture laid. Chairs and lamps were thrown through the window, where they could see the fallen curtains, broken glassware, and fallen shelves within the disastrous room.


            “You!” The male’s nostrils flared, his arm grabbing ahold of the female Reaper, flinging her to the ground, “Where is she? What did you do to her?” He shouted.


            Mi Yun sat on the floor, barely grimacing at elderly man, “I took her to the Lotte World.”


            “Lotte World! Are you an idiot? You’re a maid not a tour guide! She’s supposed to be at home where she’s safe! Not some amusement park!” The man shouted once more, “She could have died! She’s sick you idiot!”


            A soft cough squeaked from behind the two males. Suho was the first to react. Pushing the girl into his chest, he patted Ji Hyo’s back to calm her down, his shirt growing heavier and wet with each cough.


            “Ji Hyo!” Suho was flung to the ground, the man pulling the girl towards him, “Get inside right now!”


            “Suho, you’re shirt.” Kris mumbled. Suho glanced at his blue shirt, now stained red. He glanced at Ji Hyo, her lips and skin pale, blood seeping past her chin, and the dress she wore stained with her blood.


            Ji Hyo’s father glared at the three teens, his gaze heated at the Reaper’s calm presence, “You’re trying to kill her!”


            His hand rose, ready to strike the girl out of fury, but was stopped. “Who do you think you are?” Ji Hyo’s father shouted at Mi Yun’s savior.


            Mi Yun glanced at the male, his eyes flickering golden, “She made a mistake. Lets not bring more attention than you already have. Mi Yun, go inside with Suho and check how Ji Hyo is doing.”


            Mi Yun could only nod at the Archangel’s request dragging the flabbergasted male with her. The two went inside, glancing at the destruction that was caused, but didn’t dare go upstairs to see the child.


            “What were you trying to do?” Suho whispered.


            Mi Yun glanced at the male, remaining silent of her endeavors, “I’m doing my job.”


            “Is your job taking away a little girl’s family or to kill her?” He shouted, his own rage fueling the girl’s silence, “She’s just a child!”


            “Anyone can die, Suho.” Her voice almost hoarse, “I don’t control who dies. I just ensure that they do.”


            “So you take it to her to an amusement park to speed up the process?” Mi Yun’s silence continued to fuel his displeasure, “She already lost her mother, her father is a drunkard, and she’s sick! What are you trying to do?”


            “I’m making sure she smiles before she dies. If I remember correctly, it was an idiot who asked me for this ridiculous request?” It was Suho’s turn to remain silent, listening to the Reaper’s words, “You’ve seen her house; her life. She’s trapped, and all she wanted was to go to the zoo. So, if it were you, what would you have done?”


            “You’re just twisting my words!” He shouted, “What gives you the right to destroy a life?”


            “I don’t have a right, I just have a job.” The room went cold. Suho’s body froze, his knees weakened, as gravity took its place. “And to do that job, you’re only going to be in the way.” She swept the boy away leaving him to head towards her destination hearing the small chime echo through the halls.


            Mi Yun glanced at the bare room. Ji Hyo bundled in her small corner with a white cloth now stained red, Mi Yun could hear the whimpers softly leaving her lips. Her blank eyes softened, her tense shoulders fallen, finding her way towards the frail girl. She wrapped her arms around Ji Hyo’s small shoulders.


            “Mi Yun,” Ji Hyo muttered, “did I do something wrong? Am I bad girl?”


            “No,” Mi Yun whispered, her eyes glancing at the ceiling, “you could never be a bad girl.”


            “But daddy said that if I did something bad, I was just being punished.” Ji Hyo sobbed.


            “You’re not being punished,” Mi Yun muttered, “it is just people playing their games for their selfish needs.”


            “I just want everything to be the same again.” The child mumbled, “I want to see mommy again!”


            Mi Yun glanced at Ji Hyo, “Remember how I told you that I was magical.” Ji Hyo could only nod, remembering the girl’s remarks listening to the Reaper, “I can help you grant your wish. I’ll let you see mommy again. Would you want that?”


            “Like a happy ever after?” She muttered.


            “Yeah,” She half-heartedly smiled, “a happy ever after.”  


            Ji Hyo smiled; her head nodded excessively, “I really want to see her again! Please let this happen!”


            Mi Yun pulled away from the girl, her hands behind her back, gun loaded. “Ji Hyo, you’ll be hearing something weird before the magic starts, and once my magic is ready it will shoot through you. It’s going to hurt, but it’ll be quick. Okay.”


            She watched the girl smile, nodding at the remark, but waited patiently. Mi Yun’s eyes flickered golden. The cold and blank look remained on her face, as the Reaper patiently counted down.


            “Three. Two. One.” The door slammed open. Mi Yun glared at the male behind her, watching the fury of the man’s eyes as he ran towards the girl.


            “You devil!” The Reaper watched the man, tangling his arms within hers, reaching for the loaded gun. “I'm not going to let you kill my daughter!”


            The two struggled, Ji Hyo’s father grabbing the hold of the gun, but watched as it fumbled out of his grip. Mi Yun glanced behind her, kneeling to the man as he held the gun, ready to shoot at the Reaper. “Just a little more, Ji Hyo. I promise.” She whispered to the girl. 


            “A demon like you should just disappear!”


             “Sure.” Mi Yun smirked, “You’re wish is my command.”


            The man pulled the trigger. A smile brightened on his face. The elderly man ignored his strained hand, the muscle strain from his arms, and ready to laugh with glee. But before he could open his mouth, his eyes widened. His legs weakened, his hands shaking in fear, finally looking at the pool of blood that stained the floor.


            “What just happened?” He mumbled.


            The man’s blood ran cold. Then gun in his hand disappeared, and found in the cold hands of the Reaper, sitting comfortably at the child’s bed.


            “You asked me to disappear,” The Reaper remarked, barely glancing at the little girl’s body, her voice losing its strength, “so I did.”


            “No,” The man whispered, his arms wrapped around the child’s cold body. “No!”


            He glared at the Reaper, “It was supposed to be you! You killed my wife and now you killed my daughter!”


            The ghost’s expression was pale, her eyes blank, staring deeply at the man’s heated glare, “No, you did.”


            The man snapped, his head shaking, “No, no, no! You killed her! I was just trying to protect her! She-she was – you were – you tricked me!”


            “I didn’t trick you. You pulled the trigger.” She remarked.


            “You used your magic on me! You controlled me like a puppet!”


            Mi Yun could only chuckle at the man’s remark leaving the bed, walking towards the man’s fallen stature, her smirk as she lowered her head to glance at the male. “You humans are all the same. You blame everything on something but yourself. Admit it. You killed your wife, and then you killed your daughter.”


            Mi Yun watched the man cover his ears, his entire body reacting to each word that the Reaper mumbled, “The anger that coursed through your veins, the bottled up emotions, they were ready to burst. You didn’t want to kill them.”


            “No, I didn’t.” He mumbled. “I didn’t want to kill them! You did it! You made me! You’re a devil! An incarnation of the devil! You should have died! Not her! Not my daughter!”


            “You’re right,” Mi Yun remarked, her bangs covering her cold black eyes, “I am a devil.”


            A gunshot echoed through the room.


            Mi Yun could barely glance at the scene. “I wrote this story, so why can’t I stare at it without feeling any pain? Why can I not stare at Ji Hyo’s dead body like I did with the others.” She thought.


            “Hey. You’re done, right? I called the police. They’re coming soon. We should head out.” Mi Yun turned to Kris, his body supporting the sleeping male. “You okay?”


            “Yeah, just fine.” She muttered. “Lets go.”


            The two walked out from the building. Their eyes not looking back, hearing the sirens that ran through the streets and the bustling neighbors standing in shock.


            “A creative story. When you told me to stall the father and tell him the truth, I wasn’t sure what you were planning, but it made sense. Not something I would have expected from you, but it is an odd way to ensure that the father dies much later than his wife and child.” Kris muttered.


            “He would have been suicidal if I didn’t make it seem like he killed his wife and child.” Mi Yun remarked, “So what’s next?”


            Kris glanced at Mi Yun, her usual sardonic attitude disappeared and replaced to this stoic, monotone voiced girl. “You finish off the test.” Kris told her, to see her nod slowly, expecting an annoyed reply.


            “Suho is going to be shocked at the news. He’ll probably hate you.” The Reaper continued to walk, with no reply to his words, leaving the Archangel behind. “Ya!”


            Kris grabbed the girl by the arm, pulling her towards his embrace, but froze. The bangs that shadowed her face flew past her face to reveal a stray stream fall down her face.


            “Mi Yun,” He whispered, “you’re crying.”


            The tears continued to fall, but the Reaper stood still. A rigid hand cautiously moved to her cheek, feeling the wet substance land on her skin before disappearing from her touch.


            She swiftly turned from the Archangel, “Take Suho home. I need some time alone.”


            “Mi Yun,” Kris mumbled, “Are you-”


            “Just do it!”


            Lightning , the rumblings heard soon afterwards, and the streets were drenched. The two stood comfortably, the streetlights flickering to turn on, as the rain poured. The Archangel stood, with his friend beside him sleeping comfortably on his shoulders, unfazed. A short chuckle escaped from the boy’s lips, his eyes flickering golden gazing at the crying skies, “This really is a game to you.” He mumbled listening to the rumbling once more, “Well, I’m getting tired of your stupid game.” 

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Chapter 40: AAAAW man! This was awesome. I just wish it would have a different ending hahaha
Chapter 38: No no no!!
Chapter 33: I wonder how she'll react when she finds out!
Chapter 32: Yes! A date!
Chapter 15: SAY WHAT??!! And here I'm thinking he's jealous of Suho because the three of them looked like a family! Damn, what a twist!
Chapter 12: I feel like Kris and MiYun have a history together before she lost her memory. Because Kris clearly has feelings for her...
Chapter 6: What the heck is going on hahah I wonder who Suho would take it when he finds out...
Chapter 5: I hope she'll get attached to him! I wonder how that would work out!
Chapter 1: This is so exiting!
5SooYoungiYoung #10
Chapter 40: SEQUEEEEEEEEL~~~~~ please ? (: