Into the Wolf's Den

Running Away from Fate


            Series of bullets continued to fire, the days of running had become a week, and Mi Yun was sure that if she had her cell phone there would have been at least 40 missed calls from Suho.


            “Why are they desperate in killing me?” Mi Yun thought trying to hide behind a dumpster in an empty alleyway.


            Mumbles ringed through her head. The Reaper clutched to her head. She was stressed from the odd voices and the continuous exercise. Yet, it was the voices that helped her avoid the onslaught of Reapers and Archangels that targeted her. She peered at her shoulder where the hole still remained, now smaller than before.


            “Now I really wish Kris or Tao was here.” Mi Yun retorted going deeper into the shadows. “I can’t keep hiding in the alleyways for long.”


            “Mi Yun?”


            The girl snapped to the source, her gun now in her hand, and positioned at the person’s head. The boy screamed from the sudden attack, and fell from the fear.


            “Wait, I’m not here to attack you!” The person countered.


            Mi Yun stared down at the familiar male on the floor. “Sehun?” She dropped her gun to glance at the male. “What are you doing here?”


            The boy’s mouth slightly open, ready to retort, “Mi Yun behind you!”


            Mi Yun turned to hear a series of chimes. She turned to pick up Sehun and leapt into the shadows once more. Her gun close to her, hiding behind the dumpster, hearing the voices of their shortening distance.


            “Sehun, stay here.” She ordered.


            “What about you?” Mi Yun glared at the boy, who quickly silenced himself. Muttering a few curses, she glanced around her area. The several garbage bins and small stores that lined about. There wasn’t much room for her to move, but it was worth a try.


            She pocketed her gun taking the two garbage bin’s lids. She glanced at the reflection from the lids, seeing the Reapers lined up at the entrance, armed. With the one lid, she chucked it towards the wall, watching it ricochet towards her enemies. Finally, she stood from her spot. Hearing the constant ricochet from her enemies’ bullets from her shield, she took her few chances to shoot.


            The firing stopped, and so did the voices. She lowered the garbage bin’s lid, seeing the series of bullet dents on it, and the four other Reapers who lay on the ground.


            “Are they dead?” Mi Yun flinched from the statement. With a huff, she slid down the wall. She turned to Sehun, her energy slowly draining her from all the activities.


            “No.” Mi Yun slurred. The Reaper tried to stare up at the tall male, but gravity continued to push her eyes down. “They-they’re not dead.”


            Sehun quickly caught the girl. His mind wandered to their first encounter, reminded of the similarities, but this time he knew what to do. He heard the groans from the people around him, with haste; he picked the girl up in his arms, and ran.


            “You’ll be safe, Mi Yun. I promise.”


            Mi Yun’s mind wandered. The anxiety and pressure from the limitless voices pained her. Her eyes tried to adjust herself to the light. The odd silence that came about the environment worried her.


            “You’re awake.” The girl groaned from the odd sensation. The never-ending voices continued to chatter around her.


            “Sehun?” She glanced at her surroundings, while the odd sensation rushed through her. “Where am I?”


            “Stay still. You’re still healing.” He glimpsed at the hole on her shoulder, amazed at the wound.


            “You can touch it. I won’t feel it.” Sehun was flushed; embarrassed that she had caught him glancing at it.


            “No thanks.”


            She chuckled at the odd silence. “It’s just like the first time we met.” She thought.


            “Nice place.” She commented. “This time I mean it.”


            “Oh, we were lucky. After we met you, everything seemed to be in order. Luhan got a full time placement at the children center, and then Taemin and Kai were ellibable to be teachers at the local dance studio.” Sehun proclaimed in his room. “I just have a part-time, but someone has got to watch over the house.”


            “That’s good.” Mi Yun exclaimed. “At least someone I know has been receiving some good luck.”


            A series of fabric quickly flew towards her, while covering her face in the process. Mi Yun pulled off the fabric that obscured her vision. “What’s this for?”


            “I know that you won’t tell me anything, and I’m sure you have your reasons for it. However, you saved my friends and I, so I should save you.” Mi Yun glanced at the boy, unsure of what he was advising. “Wear these. If you place your hair up, you’ll look just like a boy. No one will recognize you and it’ll hide that gaping hole on your shoulder.”


            “Thanks.” A small tug twitched from the corner of you lip.


            “Oh, you can change in the washroom.” He guided the girl towards the small room in the corner of the hall, “If you need anything just scream.”


            The girl closed the door behind her, glancing at the mirror in front of her. Her usual look had paled even drastically then before. Her clothes were covered with dirt and holes; if she were alive she would have stunk.


            “Suho would be worried if he saw me like this.” Mi Yun chuckled at her appearance, “though he would focus more on the clothes like last time.”


            “Mi Yun,” A voice called. “Mi Yun.”


            The Reaper glanced at her reflection, the appearance of the girl quickly fogged, her long black hair shortened to a blonde, and her sharp eyes softened. Her usual height almost shortened, and finally she saw the new figure.


            “Mi Yun! I was looking everywhere for you!” The male shouted. The Reaper quickly reacted; her hand raised, fingers tightened to her palm, “Wait, I’m not the enemy!”


            Pieces of the mirror fell to the ground, leaving small fragments plastered on the wall. “Mi Yun, what happened?” Sehun slammed the door open. His eyes widened at the broken mirror. “Are you okay?”


            “Oh yeah, you worry about her, but what about me?!” The reflection retorted. “I’m in pieces!”


            Mi Yun searched for the piece with the boy’s face. Her foot rose to slam at the shard with the male. “Wait, Mi Yun, it’s me!” Her foot stopped centimeters from the shard.




            “Yah, you never told me she this temperamental!” The stranger’s voice rece more. “We almost lost our connection!”


            “Who are you?”


            “Hi, hi! I’m Baekhyun!” The boy grinned inside the shard, waving his hands frantically at the girl glaring at him. “I’m your senior with the power to manipulate light!”


            “How were you able to find me?” Mi Yun asked, glaring at the boy, unsure of how to feel about this.


            “I had to search through every mirror to find you! Do you know how much Kris nags!?” Baekhyun cried.


            “Trust me, I know.” The girl thought.


            “I’m right here!” The leader shouted, snapping the two from their thoughts.


            “Yeah, yeah.” Baekhyun muttered shoving the leader away from the shard. “I’m here to relay you a message before others find out. Without your phone, Reapers and Archangels are unable to track you, but that also means you’re a sitting duck! None of your attacks will be that affective, you can only stun them! Not only that, we can’t relay any information to you!”


            “So, what do you want?” Mi Yun questioned. She glanced at Sehun, who was currently unsure of the situation, “What do you want me to do?”


            Baekhyun’s image replaced to Kris’s. “Meet us at this address.”


            She watched as the image began to fade. “Yah, what’s happening?!” The leader shouted from their end.


            “Someone’s trying to intercept our call.” Mi Yun could feel the cold glare radiating from the other side. “What?! I’m not the only light bender!”


            Without any last remark, the image disappeared, and the girl found her reflection once more. With haste, she stomped on the shard, growling at the situation.


            “Mi Yun.” Sehun held the Reaper’s hand, “you should go.”


            “It’s likely a trap.” The girl remarked. “But I can’t risk your life. I’ve done enough to you as it is.”


            Sehun tried to smile at her remark. “This will probably be the last time we’ll see each other.”


            “Don’t say that.” Sehun tightened his grip on her hand. “I’m sure we’ll meet again. Maybe, in the next life?”


            “Just because you have a life, doesn’t mean I will.” She thought as she glanced at the hand in hers. Mi Yun stared at the taller boy and nodded. “Yeah, in the next life.”


            She pulled the hood over her head, running out of the bathroom door and towards the exit. Sehun glanced at the remnants of the bathroom, his smile fell once he heard the chimes echoing from the main entrance door.


            An odd force entered the pit of the room. A rush of air pushed Sehun’s hair forward. “She’s gone.” A voice called.


            “Yeah. Luhan’s watching her, right?” Sehun muttered.


            “He’ll make sure she’ll arrive safe and sound.” The boy retorted, leaning against the wall, “I’m amazed Baekhyun was able to lie. He’s not that great of an actor.”


            Sehun scuffed at the male’s comment. “I wish I got your job, Kai. It’s much easier.”


            “We’re just the messengers, it’s Mi Yun who has the hard job.” Kai retorted.


            “Yeah, because she’s heading towards the wolf’s den.”  

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Chapter 40: AAAAW man! This was awesome. I just wish it would have a different ending hahaha
Chapter 38: No no no!!
Chapter 33: I wonder how she'll react when she finds out!
Chapter 32: Yes! A date!
Chapter 15: SAY WHAT??!! And here I'm thinking he's jealous of Suho because the three of them looked like a family! Damn, what a twist!
Chapter 12: I feel like Kris and MiYun have a history together before she lost her memory. Because Kris clearly has feelings for her...
Chapter 6: What the heck is going on hahah I wonder who Suho would take it when he finds out...
Chapter 5: I hope she'll get attached to him! I wonder how that would work out!
Chapter 1: This is so exiting!
5SooYoungiYoung #10
Chapter 40: SEQUEEEEEEEEL~~~~~ please ? (: