Mi Yun vs. Everyone

Running Away from Fate


            The humid air felt heavier then it did that day. Hidden amongst the group of civilians, Mi Yun stumbled her way through the crowd. Voices continued to go through her mind, the endless chattering had only been worse in the crowd. She turned around the corner, towards the alleyways, to avoid the loud voices echoing in her head.


            “This is it.” Mi Yun thought.


            She turned to another corner once more, finding herself within the small room. The room was dark, and it didn’t help that she was the only one there. Suddenly, streams of fire shot from around her. Her gun summoned to her hand and aimed at the endless darkness that surrounded her.


            “Welcome back, my little toy.” The voice called from the shadows.


            Her gun aimed at the sound of the voice. Only to hear more guns loading around her. “Now, do you really think you can defeat me without any bullets that can hurt me?”


            She scuffed at her predicament. Her world suddenly froze, her gun disappeared from her hand, and she found herself lifted from the ground. She constrained from her spot, her eyes guided to the person who had control of her. The familiar face within the shadows scared her. “Why? How is this possible?”


            “Oh, you didn’t know?” Yunho asked with a smirk on his face. “Luhan was already dead along with Sehun and Kai.”


            “Then why did you punish me for not killing them?” Mi Yun bitterly remarked. “If they were dead then why give me the mission to kill them.”


            “Only 1 out of the 4 was supposed to die, and you didn’t kill that one. So, I had to punish you for that extended life.” Yunho casually stated as he watched the levitating girl be confined to her spot.


            “So, this was all planned?” Mi Yun questioned.


            “Your life was always planned. Do you not understand the term ‘fate’? Even your own friends had something planned for you. I’m just kind enough to let you go from their own torment.”


            “Lies!” She shouted. “All you do is lie! This is just another ploy, another game to make things interesting!”


            “True,” Yunho casually remarked. “But what game would you prefer? Mine or theirs? I’m not the only one who lies.”


            “What happens if I choose to play your game?” Mi Yun casually asked.


            “Good choice.” A ping rang from her gun. “You heard it didn’t you. I gave you one last bullet, which I hope you can use to eliminate a thorn on my side. Then everything you’ve done will be well and forgotten.”




            “Kris, of course.” Yunho smirked. “He’s been lying to you, to everyone. He’s going to use you and throw you away. He doesn’t care about you or anyone else.”


            “Then why don’t you kill him.” MI Yun venomous voice echoed through the chambers.


            “Cause only Reapers can kill, Archangels are the masterminds behind everything.”


            The series of flames that Yunho had casted flickered, Mi Yun rose from her spot to avoid the raised flames. The telekinetic placed her beside him watching the red flames turn blue and spring to life.


            “What’s happening?” Yunho shouted. “What are you waiting for attack the traitors!”


            A series of shots were aimed at the shadows. Mi Yun could feel the tears from her body, the endless holes that attacked her, but the two continued to run.


            “Come on Mi Yun. We’re almost there!” Luhan shouted as he guided the girl.


            “Just get out of here!” MI Yun shouted. “I’ve caused enough troubles. Damn it Luhan, live!”


            “Sorry, but we weren’t paid to do that.” Another voice called. Another pair of hands clutched onto hers and she found herself whirled into another realm of darkness. A glimpse of light flickered through the darkness, but the series of shots continued to ring.


            A chuckle escaped the man’s lips. The trio turned to view Changmin in front of them, with his own army, while Yunho and his own army was behind. “You’re surrounded.”


            “No,” Kai remarked with a smirk. “You’re surrounded.”


            Kai held onto the pair with him. The trio watched from above the alley and smirked at their leader’s face. “Yunho, as commanding officer of the disciplinary committee, you are under arrest for murder and conspiracy against him.”


            “You’re kidding me!” Yunho shouted. “You’re going to restrain me when Kris is the one who is pulling the strings!”


            “I wasn’t the one who told everyone of your plans to kill me.” A familiar voice claimed among the crowd.


            The crowd scattered to show the tall, brunette with a smirk on his face. “Do you really think you can create an army that quickly without any flaws?”


            “You bastard! How many of them have you contaminated?!” He shouted with distaste in his voice. “How many of you were on his sides?”


            His question was answered when his army turned to aim their guns at him. Mi Yun froze in her spot. Her golden eyes flickered to glance at her leader, with the same golden eyes on his face and smirk on his face. The body quivered and everything seemed to tremble in place. She wasn’t sure whom she was seeing. Her leader, a man who she wouldn’t admit to admire, the odd fatherly-figure within her group, wasn’t there. Instead, she saw…the devil.


            Her eyes turned to Yunho. Even in the midst of this war, she couldn’t help but feel a heavy pit in her gut. The trembling from the man, her frantic questions and actions, he was like the man she saw. Like every man and woman she had killed in this position. Like any human.


            “Fine then.” The ex-disciplinary leader kicked down the Reaper beside him. “if you won’t kill him. Then I will!”


            The chime rang, and the bullet was shot from its barrel. It wasn’t long before a series of bullets were shot in the opposite direction. Three people fell from the shots, but that didn’t send fear and worry amongst the others.


            “Mi Yun!” Sehun called from the crowd.


            Mi Yun laid on her leader. Kris sat gaped at the action of his daughter. The hole on her arm growing, her arms almost falling from her shoulder, as she struggled to sit up from her handicap. “Mi Yun.”


            “We need a medic! Lay! Lay!” Kris shouted from underneath.


            Her body was lifted from the leader and rested on the ground. The healer reached the two and flinched from the holes on her body. “We need to get her out to a secluded area. Until then will I be able to heal the wounds.”    


            “Changmin, I’ll leave the clean up to you.” Kris ordered. “Kai, Luhan, come here! We’re going to need your help.”


            “Where shall we go?” Kai asked.


            “My house.” Kris answered.


            “Is that smart? You still have pictures of your other life.” Luhan remarked still lifting the girl from her spot.


            “My house! Now!”


            From the streets, the group found themselves in the darkened room. The series of photos were thrown and broken, fragments of glass remained on the floor. The bed remained bare and the atmosphere darkened with every second. Luhan laid the girl on the bed while Lay pulled a chair. His hands, covered in a white glow, hovered over the wounds that remained on Mi Yun’s body.


            “What Yunho said back there? How much of it were lies?” Luhan asked. Kai tugged at his friend’s sleeve, but the elder’s glare didn’t waver from its spot. “Mi Yun didn’t know us for long, but she’s my friend. Sehun’s friend and Kai’s friend, and I don’t like knowing my friends are being used for an ulterior motive!”


            “Get out.” Kris mumbled.


            “I don’t care if you're my superior! Promise me that Mi Yun isn’t going to get hurt!”


            “I said get out!” Kai quickly snatched his friend, and the two teleported away from their leader’s anger.


            “He has every right to ask that question.” Lay remarked from his spot. He could feel the glare from his superior and old friend. “I would ask the same.”


            A sigh escaped the boy’s lips and the golden eyes returned to the usual brown. “And like him, I wouldn’t know what to answer.”


            “Do you?” Lay asked. “Cause I feel like you do, but you don’t want to admit it.”


Author's Note: I'm sorry if the battle sequence felt rushed. In fact, it was meant to be longer but when I wrote it I realized that it was flawed. Cause Mi Yun would only hand-to-hand combat while everyone could have shot her. 

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Chapter 40: AAAAW man! This was awesome. I just wish it would have a different ending hahaha
Chapter 38: No no no!!
Chapter 33: I wonder how she'll react when she finds out!
Chapter 32: Yes! A date!
Chapter 15: SAY WHAT??!! And here I'm thinking he's jealous of Suho because the three of them looked like a family! Damn, what a twist!
Chapter 12: I feel like Kris and MiYun have a history together before she lost her memory. Because Kris clearly has feelings for her...
Chapter 6: What the heck is going on hahah I wonder who Suho would take it when he finds out...
Chapter 5: I hope she'll get attached to him! I wonder how that would work out!
Chapter 1: This is so exiting!
5SooYoungiYoung #10
Chapter 40: SEQUEEEEEEEEL~~~~~ please ? (: