When two people become one / CHRISTMAS SPECIAL

Super Dad? (Sequel to "Love Game")

this has no relevance to Chapter 20 and is a small Christmas present from me to my lovely subscribers. 




this has no relevance to Chapter 20 and is a small Christmas present from me to my lovely subscribers. 




-          Seung-Hyun, remember that we’re buying toys for Ji Geun and not for you.

-          I know…

-          And when you pick a gift, you shouldn’t pick what you want but what you think he would want.

-          Yes, mom!

I patted his head.

-          Good boy!

We held hands as we walked through the toyshop together. Places like these were perfect because everyone in here were either focused on toys or on keeping track of their kids so no one recognized my hubbie.

-          This one! This! It’s perfect! His eyes glittered as he picked up a robot.

-          Ji Geun likes cars though. We gave him a robot before and he hardly used it.

-          But this one is different! Look it can even shoot rockets.

-          We’re not buying robots!

I pulled him away.

-          You’re mean, he pouted and looked at me with his “innocent look”. I sighed and shook my head before leaning  in against him.

-          Let’s do all the things we need to do fast then go on a date together, I whispered lightly and I could see in the corner of my eye how he started to smile.

-          Cars! It’s over there right? He picked up his pace and basically pulled me over to the cars section. These kind of things were what made me love him. How to him dates were still fun and a reward. If I was sad and needed to talk he was never too tired to listen. As my mind came back to the real world I took a tighter grip of his hand and leaned in closer. We walked out of the toy shop only to realize soft snowflakes were falling down. Seung-Hyun immediately stuck his tongue out trying to catch them.

-          Babo!

We both laughed as we walked down the streets of Seoul.

-          What do you want to do?

-          I don’t know, I’m happy as long as I’m with you, I sighed.

-          Omo, was that Eun Mi, my wife, that said that?

-          Why do you always have to do that when I try to be a good wife?! I slapped him on his shoulder and he chuckled.

-          Because you’re cute when you’re mad.

I bowed down my head and hid my face in my scarf. I felt how a smile formed and I bit my lip trying to stop myself from laughing.

-          I love you, you babo.

-          I love you too… He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

-          Are you cold?

-          Hm.. A bit.

-          Let’s go in there.

He pointed towards a small coffee shop and I just nodded. We walked in and it was semi filled. They played calm music which made me overjoyed since I hated when all the stores played the exact same Christmas songs. There’s nothing wrong with them it’s just that after hearing them for the thousand time you kinda get sick of them.

-          Go sit down, I’ll order for you.

-          Okay, oppa. I said and he flashed a smile before walking to make an order.

Since it’s Christmas I guess it is alright for me to act like this. I remember the first time he tried to make me say it. Just the thought made me laugh.

-          Here it is, I brought us some hot chocolate with whipped cream.

-          Thank you, it looks really good.

-          We’re really bad at dating if you think about it, we don’t even have any dream dating places.

-          Maybe because we both prefer to sit uncomfortably close to each other in the couch eating ice-cream.

-          That could be the reason.

-          Do you remember when we first met and my father forbade me from meeting you and now he calls you more than he calls me.

-          Who wouldn’t like the neat and cool guy, T.O.P.

I just laughed and shook my head.

-          I was sure that you were gonna break up with me then.

-          What? Why?

-          Uh? Crazy dad?

-          Uh? If Ji Ah dated some guy behind my back I would hit that guy so hard that his grandchildren would resemble my fist.

-          Why?

-          Because he’s obviously taking advantage of my pure and innocent daughter.

-          But you did the same?

-          But that’s because I had no idea you hadn’t told them about me.

-          And the reason why I didn’t do that was because I knew that would be my fathers reaction.

-          Wait a minute. So you’re saying that if I keep on being like your kick father then Ji Ah is gonna turn out like you?

-          Well, I guess so, in that situation.

-          Ah, so we need to trick her into thinking that I’m okay with her dating and when she reveals that scumbag I’ll punch him.

-          Well, she still thinks she’s gonna marry you and that boys are gross so there’s no idea in worrying about that. And why are we talking about this on our date?

-          Oh right, date!

-          We at dating, we both sighed.

-          Oh!

After noticing we said the same thing we started laughing.

-          Eun-Mi, do you ever regret marrying your first love?

-          No, why would I? I looked at him confused.

-          Well, you weren’t my first girlfriend so I knew that this felt different and that you were the one. None of the other girls could ever measure with you and since you’ve never dated anyone before me I just got curious.

-          No, I don’t regret it at all and I don’t think about things being different if I married someone else. I’ve never looked at another man and felt attracted to him. It’s just you. It’s like I’m completely locked with you.

Seung-Hyuns POV

I smiled when I heard those words from her. It came from the bottom of my heart, I was completely and utterly happy. I reached over the table and took her hand. She looked as beautiful as ever and I could just sigh.

-          Seung-Hyun, I just remembered there is a dessert convention not long from here. People from all over the world are going there.

-          Seriously?

-          Mm! When I read the ad I immediately thought it was something I wanted to go to.

-          Should we go then?

-          If you want to.

-          Of course!


When we stepped into the massive hall that it all took place in I was taken aback by all the different kind of sweets. There were just so much of it. Eun-Mi’s eyes sparkled and she couldn’t look away.

-          Isn’t it wonderful? She sighed. Will you still love me even if I get fat from all of this?

-          Babo! I’ll love you no matter what!

-          Good, let’s go and eat!

We walked around the different tables and Eun-Mi suddenly stopped.

-          Woah, that looks so good.

It was a small cute dessert with chocolate ornaments.

-          Are you a couple?

A young man in a chef suit came over to us and I assumed he was the creator. I held up my left hand.

-          Married.

-          Then this is perfect for you. It’s a couple cake.

-          A couple cake?

-          The creator of this cake made it to his wife on their wedding day.

-          How romantic, Eun-Mi sighed.

-          Hey, I wrote you a song!

-          That was years ago.

-          So you want a new song?

-          No, I want to eat that cake.

-          Fine, I’ll buy you that cake. I pouted as I paid for it.

-          Thank you yeobo, she said and smiled and of course I couldn’t help but to smile back.

-          You’re welcome. Is it tasty?

-          Mm, it’s really good!

We continued walking around.

-          Besides, that song was more than enough for me. You kept your promise.

-          My promise?

-          Yeah, in the song you said: “I’ll never disappoint you, girl I promise.” You kept that promise so far.

I just smiled and held her hand tighter.

-          So this is the spirit of Christmas!

-          What is?

-          Being with the one you love.

-          Ah, you’re so cheesy, she said and slapped me.

-          What, you’ve been cheesy all day and now I’m the bad guy.

-          You’re always the bad guy.

We stuck our tongues out towards each other and acted like kids. We walked around there for about an hour before Eun-Mi admitted defeat.

-          Take me away from here, it feels like I’m going to die.

-          Where do you wanna go now?

-          I don’t know, you decide this time!

-          Han River?

-          Isn’t it to cold?

-          Ah, it probably is.

-          I wonder how the kids are doing.

-          They’re probably asleep by now.

-          Hey, do you want to go to my parents place? They’re not at home so it would be fun to look at the place where it all started.

Eun-Mi POV

We unlocked the door and fumbled into the dark hallway. I instantly remembered the day Seung-Hyun came here to beg for my father’s permission to date me.

-          Do you remember the day you came here and begged for my father’s permission?

-          I was so nervous, I thought I would die. It was worse than our debut stage.

-          I was totally shocked.

He suddenly just leaned in and kissed me.

-          Yah, what are you doing?! ert, I muttered.

-          What? I’m not allowed to after all those cakes I bought you? He said and smirked while raising an eyebrow.  By the way you taste really sweet.

-          So cheesy.

I pushed him to the side and proceeded into my old bedroom, which was an exact replica of how it was all those years ago. Seung-Hyun went to my dusty tv and picked up a playstation game.

-          Do you wanna play tekken?

-          Sure.

-          I swear that I’m gonna beat you now.

-          Not a chance.

-          Did you know I bought a mic because I wanted to talk to you?

-          But you didn’t know I was a girl before you did?

-          Yeah, but I was really lonely back then, I couldn’t talk with anyone because I was scared that it would be in the news the next day so I insolated myself. So I thought that I’d become friends with you instead.

-          Are you still lonely?

-          I haven’t felt lonely since the day I first talked to you.

I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder.

-          Okay, round 1!

The match almost ended in a tie before I won.

-          One more time!

After I had 5 consecutive wins Seung-Hyun gave up.

-          Do you hear that?

That phrase went through my mind and I remembered that it was one of the first thing he said to me.

-          What? I said while smiling brightly.

-          The sound of my pride crumbling, he said before gently kissing the tip of my nose.



Merry Christmas guys! :D

i wrote this as a small Christmas present for you since you said you've missed Eun-Mi and Seung-Hyun so I decided to give you exactly that, and yes there will be even more of this in the next chapter when we will read about their camping adventure! 

This is my first Christmas here on AFF and i just want to thank all of you for being so wonderful and amazing! Have a good Christmas everyone!

For updates on your dashboard + any other info, please visit http://sleepyskyff.tumblr.com/

btw, i'll focus on Long Ago now so for those who are reading that, don't get impatient :)



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stephypoo #1
Chapter 12: I absolutely positively love this story, its literally the best one I've ever read! I can't even stop reading to take a break its just to amazing! Me want more!
Chapter 25: kk omg i really realllllllly love your story! update soon! hwaiting ^^
Chapter 25: yyeehheeyyyy!!!an update:)))
ssoooooo sweet
lov it:D
can't wait for the next update
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 25: Yeay update
Eun mi overthink but who wouldnt think like that when u have husband like seunghyun
Thx for update
Vivilexy #5
Chapter 24: Such a sweet story!! Update!!! :)))
Chapter 24: finally you updated!:D
the interview is sooooo sweet and cute at the same time:)))
can't wait for the next chapter
update soon!
Chapter 24: The interview is so sweeeeet!
That describe how much seunghyun love eunmi
Thx for update
Chapter 24: Aaaaa omg this is so sweeeeeeeeetttt kyaaaaaahhhhh
Chapter 24: This story is just sooo beautiful! OMG THE FEELS! i really can't take how cute this is! Thank you for writing! Hwaiting
secretlyinluv #10
Chapter 24: They are just soo sweet. I do hope another baby pits way..hehehehehehe see you next chap..,