Chapter 22 / Not even death can do us part

Super Dad? (Sequel to "Love Game")

 I was in a good mood and walked quickly up the mountain, Seung-Hyun on the other hand begged me to wait every 3seconds so he could catch his breath.

-          I... didn’t know it… be so exhausting… he huffed.

-          What do you mean? This is awesome!

I took a deep breath of the fresh air and felt filled with life.

-          This was exactly what I needed!

-          Yeah it’s great, he sighed.

My motherly instinct took over and I walked towards him and hugged him.

-          It's really really really is great, I happily sighed.

He kissed my forehead before taking my hand and started walking.

-          I guess I better stop complaining and start walking if we’re ever going to get there.

-          Where exactly are we going to sleep?

-          There’s a cabin on the top that’s totally secluded. The only thing I could think of when I first heard of it was how much I wanted to take you there.

-          Seems a bit scary…

-          Why? He said and chuckled.

-          Because… Ah never mind.

-          Tell me!

-          You’re gonna laugh!

-          No, I promise. I would never laugh at you!

-          You always laugh at me!

-          Tell me!

-          Well… All horror movies start like this!

He chuckled.

-          See, you laughed.

-          No I didn’t!

-          Yes you did!

-          Don’t worry, you’re not alone, the almighty ChoomBingu is by your side.

-          That’s true… I could always sacrifice you then run for my life.

-          Hey!

-          What? I gotta take care of the kids, you know!

-          Whatever, you’re such a liar.

-          What?!

-          You’d never sacrifice me because you’re in love with me~

-          Tsk! The only reason I’m still with you is because it takes to much paperwork to get an divorce.

-          Such a bad liar!

I just stuck my tongue out and he childishly did the same. We walked with our fingers intertwined and it felt like my heart could burst at any minute. Sometimes the thought scared me that our spark had gone away and that our newly wedded feeling had since long faded, but moments like these reminded me that Seung-Hyun was my soul mate and the person I wanted to spend my eternity with. We heard a small click sound that got stronger and stronger the further we walked on the trail. The small cabin showed up behind some trees and the sound turned out be a small fountain.

-          A shishi odoshi?

-          That’s odd.

-          It’s very calming though, I said and smiled.

-          Let’s see if the key fits.

He walked up onto the small porch and pulled out the keys from his pocket. I looked around and the view was breathtaking. The cabin was small but cute and cozy, it looked like it had recently been built. It was made out wood and it looked like it was from a fairytale. We were at the top of the mountain and it had taken us 3hours to walk here but it was so worth it. It was amazing to look down and see the valley in between. We were hours away from the busy life of Seoul. We walked into it and there was a small kitchen with a radio and a big fireplace. Other than that it was only a bedroom and a bathroom but it was more than enough.

-          It’s so pretty~ 

-          Do you like it?

-          Yes, a lot!

-          There is supposed to be a bbq place behind the house. I brought meat and stuff so we can barbeque later tonight.

-          Did you bring marshmallows?

Seung-Hyun POV

-          Did you bring marshmallows? As she said it her eyes lit up.

-          Yes, I brought marshmallows.

She giggled and gave me a hug.

-          This is perfect.

-          Seung-Hyun, the King of details and surprise events, I said and proudly shook my head.

-          Don’t think to highly of yourself, she said and let go.

-          Hey!

I pulled her back in and hugged her even tighter.

-          I missed you a lot when I was gone.

She giggled.

-          I missed you a~~~lot.

-          I missed you too, babo!

-          But no more tours now for a year, so I’ll be home!

-          Lies, you’ll be stuck in that studio producing music.

-          I won’t~

-          Then you’ll call me in the middle of the night freaking out and asking for forgiveness because you fell asleep on the studio couch.

-          Okay, that might, but just might happen.

She shook her head.

-          We’ll see.

Since we both we’re famished from the long walk we unpacked our food and I tried to start the grill.

-          God damn it, it’s not working, I muttered.

Eun-Mi put down the vegetables on the wood table and walked over.

-          You need to put the wood like this, just like a pyramid, then place the newspaper under it, then light the paper. If you just throw the wood in there the fire is going to suffocate!  She quickly demonstrated and shortly after the fire was alive.

-          Wow, my wife is really capable, I said in amazement.

She just proudly nodded and opened the plastic container with meat.

-          This seasoning smells familiar. Did my mom make this?

-          Maybe~

-          That’s good, at least I won’t get food poisoning.

-          Hey! I’m a perfectly good cook!

-          Sure you are. My taste buds and stomach are just too under evolved to be able to appreciate you’re fine gourmet cuisine.

I nodded in agreement.

-          True.

It started getting darker and we just lazily sat next to the fire watching our food get done. Eun-Mi leaned against my shoulder as I stirred the vegetables and occasionally flipped the meat.

-          Here try some, it should be done.

I blew on it so she wouldn’t get burned before feeding her.

-          It’s really good, even better than usual.

-          Let’s eat then.

-          Woo!

She straightened up and started filling her bowl with food. We silently ate because there was nothing that needed to be said. The evening was calm and after finishing our supper and cleaning up we shared a bottle of wine in front of the fire. As always Eun-Mi got tired from alcohol and from time to time fell asleep leaning against my shoulder and each time she woke up while inhaling loudly.

-          Wanna go to bed?

She just nodded. I lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom.

-          I feel like a princess, she giggled.

-          Oh really?

-          Mm~ With a handsome prince~

I couldn’t stop looking at her lips and seconds later I felt how I crashed against her. I carefully laid her down on the bed and kissed every inch of her. I just couldn’t get enough.

Eun-Mi POV

We laid there holding each other. His body was warm as always and that safe and comfortable feeling enveloped me. The same thought I had when walking here came to me. Those thoughts about him being my soul mate and the person I wanted to be with forever.

-          I remember when we started dating and the thought of spending forever with someone was just so scary.

He didn’t say a word but instead just my hair and listened.

-          I was always so amazed at how confidently you said that I was the person you wanted to marry and spend your life with. Even to this day I still worry that one day you might wake up and change your mind. It’s only now that I’ve realized that the thought is so scary to me because I’m afraid of single handedly wanting to spend a lifetime with you. Because if you were to leave I’d never be able to love anyone else because no matter what happens, my heart belongs to you. In a way it’s so selfish.

He looked into my eyes and gently kissed them. His lips were still close to mine as he whispered my name. I felt how cold tears ran down my cheeks.

-          This is stupid. I always cry when I talk about my feelings.

He just gently smiled.

-          We’ll be together forever. Remember, we took the oath of caring for each other in sickness and in health. We even removed “till death do us part”.

-          “Because not even death can do us part…” we both silently whispered to ourselves. 



hi! it's been 2moths, eh eh heh eh... sorry~ 

please subscribe and comment so i know what you like. 

i didn't recieve a single comment on my last post so i take it as you didn't like the idea? ._. 

i can't read minds (sorry >~<) so it's hard to know if you enjoyed the chapters haha.

Anyways, it feels good to be back, thanks for reading!

and holy TOP's eyebrows, 94subscribers, that's crazy!!! THANK YOU! (yes you!)

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stephypoo #1
Chapter 12: I absolutely positively love this story, its literally the best one I've ever read! I can't even stop reading to take a break its just to amazing! Me want more!
Chapter 25: kk omg i really realllllllly love your story! update soon! hwaiting ^^
Chapter 25: yyeehheeyyyy!!!an update:)))
ssoooooo sweet
lov it:D
can't wait for the next update
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 25: Yeay update
Eun mi overthink but who wouldnt think like that when u have husband like seunghyun
Thx for update
Vivilexy #5
Chapter 24: Such a sweet story!! Update!!! :)))
Chapter 24: finally you updated!:D
the interview is sooooo sweet and cute at the same time:)))
can't wait for the next chapter
update soon!
Chapter 24: The interview is so sweeeeet!
That describe how much seunghyun love eunmi
Thx for update
Chapter 24: Aaaaa omg this is so sweeeeeeeeetttt kyaaaaaahhhhh
Chapter 24: This story is just sooo beautiful! OMG THE FEELS! i really can't take how cute this is! Thank you for writing! Hwaiting
secretlyinluv #10
Chapter 24: They are just soo sweet. I do hope another baby pits way..hehehehehehe see you next chap..,