Chapter 25 / I'm scared because I love you

Super Dad? (Sequel to "Love Game")

“Hi yeobo, I just wanted to tell you I love you. I love you so so so so sooooo much~”

I sat there looking suspiciously at my phone before gazing the room, suspiciously looking at each one of my members.

- Hyung, what's wrong? Seungri seemed a bit uncomfortable by my gaze.

- A-ha! It was you, wasn't it?!

- Hyung, seriously, what's wrong with you?

Ji Yong snatched the phone out of my hand and started smiling really big. 

- Yah, is this really Eun-Mi?

- What does it say? I could see how the curiosity in Seungri's eyes made them glow.

- "Hi yeobo, just wanted to tell you I love you. I love you so so so so soooo much~"

- That's really Eun-Mi?!

I sat there pouting. Of course, on the inside I was dying but at the same time I wondered what that girl was up to.

- Wow, you really messed up. That has to be the only explanation, Ji sighed.

- Really, you think? I don't know what i've done though, i sulked.

- Did you break something?

- No.

- Lie about something?

- No! Never, would you dare to lie to that woman?

- Ne-ver ev-er, Seungri playfully said.

- I know what it is! Ji proclaimed loudly as he snapped his fingers.

- What?!

- The interview! Of course Eun-Mi would get angry over that.

- But it hasn't come out yet, also wouldn't she get angry directly after?

- Well she does work at the magazine, maybe she just saw the first printing, Seungri added.

- Anyways, what you need to do is write back and do some major damage control when you get home.

- Sometime I wonder if your biggest anti is your own wife...

- Yah! I raised my hand and was seconds away from slapping Seungri's head when someone else beat me to it.

I looked up and saw Youngbae grinning.

-  Yah, why did you beat maknae?! Ji tried to sound scolding but he was suppressing his laughter.

- Yeah, what did  I do you? He rubbed his head and gave Youngbae a dirty look.

- Looked like he deserved a beating.

- You know what my personal motto about Seungri is. If he isn't up to something bad, he's planning something bad, Daesung added.

- Exactly, so can someone inform me why I hit Seungri?

- He said that my wife was my biggest anti fan!

- Yah! Daesung slapped him on the head again.

- Exactly, that's my wife we're talking about!

- Yeah! How could you say such an awful thing about the woman who brought me and Min-hee together?!

- But hyung, isn't it a bit true? Youngbae thoughtfully added and everyone got silent before they erupted into laughter.


Eun-Mi POV

Choi Seung-Hyung.

You are in deep trouble.


I sat in the couch looking at my phone and he still haven't sent a text back. It was dark outside and the kids were in bed so I sat there alone, complementing on my revenge as I finished my glass of wine. Did I even mention that i've drunk like half a bottle?

As always once I got alcohol in my body I got really emotional so from being super angry I went to being super sad. I picked up my phone and called Min-Hee.

- Eun-Mi~

- Min-Hee~ I'm so sad.

- Omo, why? Do I need to come over? She sounded really worried.

- No, no, it's fine. Seung-Hyung didn't answer my text message. He ALWAYS answers.

- Maybe he forgot?

- No, he never forgets, i sulked. Never.

- Daesung said they had been producing all day, maybe he read it and didn't have time to write back.

- You don't understand, i wrote a *aegyo* text, i whispered.

- You, Choi Eun-Mi, wrote an aegyo text?

- Shhhhh!

-  And he didn't answer?

- That's it, he doesn't love me anymore. He got what he wanted, now i'm used. Done, forgotten. Finito.

- Have you thought about the fact that Seung-Hyung might have gotten so excited by your text that he got an heartattack and died?

I started laughing so hard that i snorted.

- You think?

- Yeah, that's the only reasonable explanation.

(Min-Hee, are you coming? I picked out a movie!)

I heard Daesung's voice in the background.

- Is Daesung home?

- Yeah, he got home an hour ago.

I swallowed hard, the studio was closer to our house so if Daesung had been home for an hour then Seung-Hyung would've been home ages ago,

- Hello, are you still there?

- Yeah, sorry, i got a work call, i'll text you later, Good Night!

- Oh, alright, good night!

I hanged up and tears started to burn in my eyes. What if he really was cheating on me? Had he gotten tired of me?

I bit my lip trying to calm myself down but the wine didn't do it any better.

- I guess there's only one way to find out.

I picked up my phone and called him. I nervously waited and it felt like my heart broke when i reached voicemail. For some reason I started crying hysterically and i held my hand over my mouth trying to muffle out the sound so i wouldn't wake the kids. My vision was cloudy and I could barely make my way to the bedroom. I sat down in the edge of the bed hugging my pillow and cried.

Was this really the end? What pushed him over the edge? Was it because I was so unromantic? Had I gotten old? Did I work to much? Didn't I give him enough attention? All these questions filled my mind and it was so weird and new, after all these years of marriage.

Suddenly I heard a light thud on the ground, as if something was dropped, before I felt a pair of strong arms around me.

- Honey, what's wrong?

Seung-Hyungs worried voice made me cry more. He lifted my chin and started drying my tears.

- It's alright, you can tell me, i looked at his concerned face and it filled my heart with so much pain.

He was beautiful, amazing, kind, wonderful, everything i ever wanted or need, what if he really left?

- Don't you love me anymore, I managed to say.

- What? He looked at confused. Of course I love you, why would you think anything else?

- Because you didn't answer my text or my phone call, and Daesung got home an hour ago and you are at home later.

His eyes went blank for a second.

- Oh no, it's not at all like that. I didn't answer your text because I started talking with the members so I forgot. And I didn't hear your call, i promise, and i'm late, well, because i bought those. He pointed to the ground and a bouquet of flowers laid there and I started to cry even more.

He kissed me and smiled.

- You've been drinking, haven't you?

I nodded.

- You've had a lot to do at work, right?

I nodded once again.

- And you're really tired, but still you sat up waiting for me.

I nodded and felt ashamed.

He got out of bed and laid me down before tucking me in, he gently kissed my forehead before removing his clothes. He carefully laid down beside me wrapping his arms around me.

- You see, I can't leave you. Even if I lose my mind, I wouldn't be able to leave you, because I love you too much. I'm addicted to you.

I kissed him and my eyes felt heavy from all the crying.

- The flowers were pretty, i mumbled.

- You're pretty, he said and smiled.

- Seung-Hyung~ I felt how i blushed.

- I love you, he said and kissed me once again.

- I love you too. Too much, obviously.

He laughed a bit before tightening his grip.

- No matter how much you love me, i will love you more.

I was about to protest but he kissed me again.

- Shh, sleep now.


i'm really the worst at getting updates out,

i thought it might be good to add a misunderstanding to the story,

because you know, that's what happenes sometimes ^^


as always, i want to dedicate this small part to all of you! Every single one of you 117subscribers.

Which is CRAZY! I remember when I wrote Love Game and I was freaking out over 10subs (still do my "omg i'm freaking out" dance everytime someone comments and subs, because i'm a dork.)

I LOVE YOU, REALLY!  you bring me so much joy!<3 so thankful!

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stephypoo #1
Chapter 12: I absolutely positively love this story, its literally the best one I've ever read! I can't even stop reading to take a break its just to amazing! Me want more!
Chapter 25: kk omg i really realllllllly love your story! update soon! hwaiting ^^
Chapter 25: yyeehheeyyyy!!!an update:)))
ssoooooo sweet
lov it:D
can't wait for the next update
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 25: Yeay update
Eun mi overthink but who wouldnt think like that when u have husband like seunghyun
Thx for update
Vivilexy #5
Chapter 24: Such a sweet story!! Update!!! :)))
Chapter 24: finally you updated!:D
the interview is sooooo sweet and cute at the same time:)))
can't wait for the next chapter
update soon!
Chapter 24: The interview is so sweeeeet!
That describe how much seunghyun love eunmi
Thx for update
Chapter 24: Aaaaa omg this is so sweeeeeeeeetttt kyaaaaaahhhhh
Chapter 24: This story is just sooo beautiful! OMG THE FEELS! i really can't take how cute this is! Thank you for writing! Hwaiting
secretlyinluv #10
Chapter 24: They are just soo sweet. I do hope another baby pits way..hehehehehehe see you next chap..,