To the rescue

Voice 목소리

To the Rescue!


Song: I have no idea, actually... Feel free to listen to anything~




Eunji’s POV

I’m really worried about Sunmi and Daehyun-shi… According to Youngjae they haven’t even started the project… and Daehyun has grown more distant towards B.A.P. Sunmi isn’t any better. She won’t talk to me! It’s like our friendship never happened and it hurts so much…


Author’s POV

There was one more week left before the project was due, but the two kids wouldn’t start it…

“Sunmi-ah! Eunji and Youngjae said that you and Daehyun are not working on your project! Don’t you know it is worth a lot? I might even have to fail my favorite student if she doesn’t do it!” K.will tried convincing Sunmi, but failed. She, curled up in a ball in the sofa, wouldn’t reply to his threats.

“Aigoo! That’s it!” K.will took out his phone and called the only person who could solve this…

“Why are you calling at this hour?! Don’t you know I’m a busy woman?” She answered in an annoyed tone.

“Jagiyah… it’s about Sunmi! You should come see her!”

“What? My Sunmi-aegi! I’m going right now!!” She yelled and hung up.


Some minutes later…

“Sunmi-ah! Gwenchana? What’s wrong?” Lee Saemi ran to her little sister, but Sunmi didn’t reply.

“She has to do a project with this guy, Jung Daehyun, and it’s due next week, but they haven’t even started yet!” K.will explained.

“Oppa, could you please leave us alone?” Saemi asked, “I think we need a girl talk.”

“Arasso, I know you can do it, Jagi!” he cheered on his beloved fiancée. He kissed her softly and left.

“Now, we’re alone, so tell me what’s wrong” Saemi said

“U-unnie...” Sunmi answered in a shaky voice, “I’m scared... I’m really scared that it will happen again!”

Sunmi began crying in her sister’s arms.

“It’s fine, aegi-ah... You must like this Daehyun guy a lot if you feel like this~” Saemi

“U-unnie! Don’t joke around at this time! I think he’s a good person and would be a very nice friend, but I don’t want him to leave me just like Oppa did...”

“Oh... you’re still bothered by that? At that time you were young and foolish, but it was mostly his fault! If you say Daehyun is a good guy, I’m sure he won’t leave you like that idiot did~” Saemi assured.

“I’m still scared, though... and what happened before WAS my fault... I was too stupid, thinking I could compete with that woman...”  Tears started b Sunmi’s eyes again.

“There, there, don’t cry anymore, ok? I promise you, everything will be alright...” Saemi said, drying her sister’s tears with her thumbs.

“How will everything be alright? K.will-oppa said he’d flunk me...” Sunmi looked down guiltily.

“I will make everything alright, got it? And don’t worry about Hyungsoo, if he dares flunk my little sister, he’s going to get it!” Saemi said, making Sunmi laugh.

“Unnie, you’re the best, you know?” Sunmi said.

“I know~ Now go sleep, arasso? I’ll go see Hyungsoo.”

“Neh! Goodnight, Unnie!” Sunmi smiled as she went upstairs.

“Goodnight, Aegi~”


“Hyungsoo-oppa!” Saemi called, entering his house.

“What did you do about Sunmi? Is she ok?” K.will asked

Saemi sat on the couch tiredly and rubbed her temples, “The memory of that boy still haunts her...”

“Well, it’s her first love after all. And the things he said to her aren’t the type that would be easily forgotten...”

“I know that, Oppa...” she sighed, “Being the older sister is hard! ...By the way, what do you know about that Daehyun guy?”

“Aigoo... that boy is like a male version of Sunmi, only that he’s more silent. Jung Daehyun is in the famous group B.A.P., but he always has this mask on and doesn’t talk at all.”

“Hmm... that’s interesting...” Saemi said, “Do you know why he’s like that?”

“Nope... I think no one does... Maybe his friends know?” K.will answered

Saemi kept on thinking on a plan, and then it clicked.

“Oppa! Get me a piece of paper and an envelope!”


Next day...

The two kids kept on ignoring each other and their friends, and everyone was really worried about them.

“Jung Daehyun!” K.will called on the cold, silent boy.

Daehyun just faced him with an icy glare.

“Ehem... I don’t really know what the problem between you and Sunmi is, b-but I was asked to give this to you...” K.will said, while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

Daehyun looked at the envelope in weirdly, but accepted it and stuffed it into his backpack.

“Y-you won’t read it?” K.will asked, but Daehyun just ignored him.


Later at night...

Daehyun spent his night just like the rest, doing all his chores in a sad, depressing manner. After eating, he remembered the envelope K.will-ssaem had given him. Slightly curious of what was inside, he opened it and found a letter...

Jung Daehyun-shi,

          You probably don’t know who I am, and this letter might freak you out a bit, but please read it thoroughly.

         Who I am isn’t really important right now, but what matters is your relationship with Sunmi. I heard you two are good friends, but she started ignoring you, didn’t she? You might be a little confused and upset as to why she did this, but then I ask you: Why is it that you don’t talk to others? Why is it that you close yourself to even your best friends? If you know the answers to these questions, you should be able to understand how Sunmi feels. Sunmi is scared; she’s scared of opening up and being hurt again, and I suppose you feel like that, too.

          I can’t tell you why she is scared, though. It’s up to Sunmi whether she trusts you enough to tell you. For now I’ll just tell you that if you really care about Sunmi as a friend, or even something more, take the first step! Sunmi is a real coward, and she probably won’t try doing anything, even if she is suffering. But if you do something and go to Sunmi, I’m sure everything will be fine between you two. I don’t know what happened to you for you to be like this, but whatever it was, I can tell you that Sunmi will understand you. So man up and show her that you’ll be her friend and won’t hurt her. Believe it or not, Sunmi is in a lot of pain right now, and if she doesn’t get better, I’ll personally hunt you down.

                                                                                                                                         Sincerely, Lee Saemi


After reading the letter, Daehyun was really confused, worried, and angry at himself.


Daehyun’s POV

Who the hell is this Lee Saemi? She seems creepy... How does she even know me?! But if what she says it true... Sunmi is really suffering because of me? I’m a coward myself; I’m too scared to approach her. I just can bring myself to do it...

I don’t know what happened to you for you to be like this, but whatever it was, I can tell you that Sunmi will understand you.

I know Sunmi would never do something to harm her friends...

So man up and show her that you’ll be her friend and won’t hurt her

I should! I care about her... I need her, and it seems like she needs me, too...

‘...if she doesn’t get better, I’ll personally hunt you down.

This woman scares me...


On the other side of the letter, I saw this:

P.S. Didn’t I tell you to man up and go to her! Do it! These are the directions to her house...

This person really wants me to do it now?

Now that you read the entire letter, go! NOW!

Arasso, arasso! I’ll go!


Sunmi’s POV

I have been feeling horrible these days... my everything hurts a lot... especially... my heart...

I have been staring at my phone for an hour already, doing what? Re-reading the conversation I had with Daehyun...

What are your favorite types of songs?

Many people think they are sad and gloomy, but I like ballads...

Really? I like them, too...

Our project song should be a ballad, then ^-^

Arasso :3

This guy! I have never felt so messed up before! Not even with Oppa!



Wh-what was that sound?


A-a thief?!

“Lee Sunmi!”

I-is someone calling me? How does that thief know my name?! This is how I’ll die!!!

“Yah! Lee Sunmi! I’m not a thief, so open up!!”

WTF?!?! The banging sounds kept on coming, and I finally realized they came from the window. I slowly opened the window and found...




Oh... cliffhanger... This is the longest chapter so far~ And just in case you don't know, aegi means baby (like Hoaegi~)


Thanks for all you awesome subbies! I love you with all my heart! Feel free to comment on anything if the story isn't going well~ (I think it's going too fast...)

Now you guys might not care, but today while cleaning my room I found two treasures: 1) Cards I've been recieving throughout the years. Re-reading them made me feel all nostalgic... 2) Old stories I never finished writing. One of them (named Kiss) made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside~ I'm so sad I never finished it... it's really cute. Well, the Kiss story inspired me, so be prepared to find a fluffy chapter tomorrow ^.^

Ah, I also use glasses now... Big, fat, hipster glasses (my mom calls them grandma glasses), so I feel like Eunji...


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Chapter 1: Lmao this is weird who's Lee Sunmi. T^T
aegyo-kid #2
Chapter 65: Finally finished re-reading this story!!!;) it's 3:25 AM in our country haha. I really wanted to finish this before i sleep. ;) thanks for a good story author-nim. So many conflicts but everything was solved. You should have added some cheesey stuff with Jaeeun couple thought. And what happened to Himchan? I think you should right extra chapters though... like what happened to the rest of bap members and to bongcha. But if you don't want to it's fine :) reading this again is definitely the best choice i made :D
aegyo-kid #3
Chapter 18: Author-nim so did the bullies drop a pot on haneul or a desk? It says in the previous chapter that it was a pot but it says desk here
thatasian07 #4
Chapter 8: Daehyun's eyes when he did that hair flip in that gif thoooo. xD <3
syayuuri #5
Chapter 65: Ah I love this story :D
Chapter 65: Se acabó :( this is the end .... this fic was amazing I really like it
Chapter 65: First of all: T^T The story ended~ Uwaaa~
Next:The ending is cool and the best~ Even though it was simple but its still sweet! I'm very satisfied in its ending~
Blablabla: I will miss this story.. Sorry bcoz I just arrived from the Philippines last nyt at 3 am~ and only now I finished reading it~ U are my favorite author ever !! Friendly and sweet~
#2Blablabla: The note after the story in the chapter 64 totally touched my heart! I totally agree with it!
#3Blablabla: I will miss u a lot authornim^^ Thank u for replying all my replies^^ I wish u luck for ur school days! And sorry if I had said some mistakes or wht so ever~ lol.. Its been fun knowing u authornim~^^
Chapter 65: Your story was amazing author-nim. I hope you make another one, maybe of Zelo? I don't, he's my bias so ... you know =) anyway, deabak and hope you to have more stories =D
nasomi2011 #9
Chapter 65: Thank you, Authornim. This was a wonderful story, a wonderful concept, and a wonderful cast of characters. I hope that whatever you plan on writing next will get lots of love and support! Thank you for such an amazing story! :)