Don't ignore me

Voice 목소리

Don't Ignore Me!


Song: K.will's 'Please don't'

It's sung by Ssaem~


I don't know you guys, but I think the story is advancing really fast... It's already the second week of May by the end of the chapter... (only 2-3 more weeks for the music project!)




Daehyun's POV

I'm really excited! Today I'll see Sunmi and she'll call me with her beautiful voice! ...B-but how will I reply? ...well, at least I'll get to listen to her~

I went to school earlier than usual and waited in the classroom.

"Jung Daehyun! Where were you yesterday? Why didn't you come to school? Were you sick? Or were you just skipping?" Youngjae nagged as soon as he saw me. I just layed down on the desk and pretended to be asleep.

"Yah! Don't try to ignore me!" He kept on yelling

The classroom was slowly filled with students, and Youngjae finally stopped being a nuisance when the nerd came in. Sunmi also came in with her. I stared at her as she made her way to her desk, and she stole a quick glance at me. She sat on her seat and rested her head on the table, facing the window...

Won't she say hi to me or something? Or should I take the first step and greet her?

For the rest of the class, she ignored me completely, just as if I wasn't there!

"Sunmi-ah! Let's go get a snack!" Eunji called her, but she just nodded as a reply and left! Doesn't she usually talk to Eunji? Maybe she feels tired today...


Sunmi's POV

I couldn't sleep quite well last night... 1) I was still bewildered by the conversation I had with Daehyun last night. 2) I spent hours thinking on how to deal with him today. I mean, yesterday we talked like best friends, so today we should speak comfortably with the other? But Daehyun doesn't talk!

I entered the classroom with Eunji, and I saw Youngjae-shi's face brighten up as soon as he saw us Eunji. As for myself, I quickly glanced at Daehyun. I could see he was staring at me with expectant eyes...

I just... I just can't bring myself to talk to him! What if I open up to him? What if Daehyun gets to know the real me? What if he hates my real self? I don't want history to repeat itself! I wouldn't stand losing someone close to me... So I don't want to get to close to you Daehyun...

I ignored him for the rest of the class, but I felt his stare boring a hole on my head.

"Sunmi-ah! Let's go get a snack!" Eunji said. I raised my head to look at her, but I could see Daehyun, waiting for my reply, so I just nodded and left.

I kept on ignoring him for the rest of the day... I know he won't come to me, but I won't take the first step either!


Later at night...

I looked at my phone and saw 7 messages from Daehyun...

Why did you ignore me today? Are you tired or something?

I am quite tired, but that's not the main reason...

We need to start working on the project, Sunmi...

Oh, crap... I forgot about it! What about the project?

You're not going to reply to my messages either?

Nope, I won't.

Sunmi-ah! I thought we were friends!

We are! I-I'm just to scared of growing fond of you...

At least reply to one message! Say hi or ok, but just say something!

Should I? He sounds a little desperate...

Do you want me to take the first step? Do you want me approach you?

You wouldn't even if I asked you! And, no... I wouldn't be able to talk to you anyway...

The last message tore my heart a little...

Sunmi-ah, please! How will we do the project like this? We're partners! We have to work together! What's more important, we're friends! Or so I thought...


My eyes started getting a little watery after reading those messages. I'm a coward and I'll always be one...See! This is why I don't want to grow closer to anyone, specially any guy... It only hurts us both...


Daehyun's POV

Next day...

Sunmi didn't come to school today... Is she still avoiding me? Well, skipping classes is too much! Oh, wait... I skipped once, too... What if Sunmi is sick? What if she had an accident or something? Should I ask her? She didn't reply to any of my messages yesterday...


Author's POV

During lunch, while the younger ones played around, the two adults had a serious conversation...

"Yonggukkie~ What's wrong with those two?" Himchan asked pointing at Daehyun an Youngjae.

"I don't see anything wrong with them" Yongguk answered blatantly.

"What do you mean by 'nothing wrong'? Look at Youngjae! He has that stupid grin on his face, and it's obvious that he'd rather be somewhere else than here with us!  And look at Daehyun! He has a colder, sad gaze that worries me..." Himchan explained.

"What?? How can you tell how Daehyun feels by his gaze?"

"Motherly instincts, maybe? Anyway, it worries me!" Himchan said while pouting.

"Oh, don't worry, mommy! Our kids are just growing up!" Yongguk said with his gummy smile.

"True... "

"Yongguk-hyung, can we get cherry tomatoes?" Zelo asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"Actually, only Daehyun and Youngjae are growing up; the other two are still childish babies... " Himchan said


Daehyun's POV

Sunmi only skipped classes that day, but she still ignores me! A week already passed, and I'm starting to worry about our project... composing a song isn't easy!

"Daehyun-shi?" Eunji came out of nowhere. I quickly grabbed a notebook and wrote:

'What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Youngjae?'

"Have you noticed that Sunmi has gotten colder this days?" She said with a concerned expression, "She's talking less to me this days and she's grown distant... "

So she's starting to give her friend a cold shoulder? Is talking to me such a bad thing to make you stop talking to Eunji?

"I'm really worried about her... I'm afraid she'll close herself again..."

'Don't worry, she wouldn't ignore you. You're her best friend after all!'

"I hope you're right Daehyun-shi... I'll go work on the song with Youngjae now, thanks for listening to me" She bowed and left.

"I really hope she opens up to both of us..."




It might've been confusing, so for you to know, the last line was said by Daehyun. It was SAID not thought, and actually, it's his first phrase in the story so far... But no one heard it... (Daehyunnie! Talk more, we love your voice!)

Writing this chapter made me so depressed, you have no idea... T^T Everything will be alright soon! ...I hope...



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Chapter 1: Lmao this is weird who's Lee Sunmi. T^T
aegyo-kid #2
Chapter 65: Finally finished re-reading this story!!!;) it's 3:25 AM in our country haha. I really wanted to finish this before i sleep. ;) thanks for a good story author-nim. So many conflicts but everything was solved. You should have added some cheesey stuff with Jaeeun couple thought. And what happened to Himchan? I think you should right extra chapters though... like what happened to the rest of bap members and to bongcha. But if you don't want to it's fine :) reading this again is definitely the best choice i made :D
aegyo-kid #3
Chapter 18: Author-nim so did the bullies drop a pot on haneul or a desk? It says in the previous chapter that it was a pot but it says desk here
thatasian07 #4
Chapter 8: Daehyun's eyes when he did that hair flip in that gif thoooo. xD <3
syayuuri #5
Chapter 65: Ah I love this story :D
Chapter 65: Se acabó :( this is the end .... this fic was amazing I really like it
Chapter 65: First of all: T^T The story ended~ Uwaaa~
Next:The ending is cool and the best~ Even though it was simple but its still sweet! I'm very satisfied in its ending~
Blablabla: I will miss this story.. Sorry bcoz I just arrived from the Philippines last nyt at 3 am~ and only now I finished reading it~ U are my favorite author ever !! Friendly and sweet~
#2Blablabla: The note after the story in the chapter 64 totally touched my heart! I totally agree with it!
#3Blablabla: I will miss u a lot authornim^^ Thank u for replying all my replies^^ I wish u luck for ur school days! And sorry if I had said some mistakes or wht so ever~ lol.. Its been fun knowing u authornim~^^
Chapter 65: Your story was amazing author-nim. I hope you make another one, maybe of Zelo? I don't, he's my bias so ... you know =) anyway, deabak and hope you to have more stories =D
nasomi2011 #9
Chapter 65: Thank you, Authornim. This was a wonderful story, a wonderful concept, and a wonderful cast of characters. I hope that whatever you plan on writing next will get lots of love and support! Thank you for such an amazing story! :)