Big Misunderstanding

Expectations of Love

Morning had arrived, and Sooyoung was the first to wake up. She went to the kitchen and observed the things in it. Then she looked at the same cupboard L took popcorn out of, and suddenly remembered the events from last night.

          "You eat it."

          "Are these your pills?"

          "Pills? I don't need pills."

          Sooyoung's eyes widened, "How do you survive?"

          L shrugged, "I was never sick." He took a handful of popcorn and ate it. Sooyoung slowly copied his actions.

          She brightened, "This is so good!"

          "Right? Have some more–"

          Before L could finish, Sooyoung already took two handfuls and began stuffing everything into . L was about to pull the bowl away, until she suddenly started to choke.

          "Sooyoung!" L patted her back, and quickly ran for a glass of water. She kept coughing and just stared at the cup.

          "Drink this! Ppali!" He urged, and tipped the liquid into . Sooyoung didn't know what to do, and instinctively swallowed.

          The coughing went away.

Sooyoung chuckled. It took almost an hour until L finished explaining what water was. After recalling the memory, Sooyoung took a big glass bottle and poured herself a drink.

          When she took a sip, she spit it out. Is this the same stuff I had yesterday?

          What she didn't know, was that it was a bottle of champagne she grabbed. She bit her lip and took another sip. This time, she didn't mind. She took another sip, and another, until the cup was empty.

          "What are you doing?"

          Sooyoung jumped, and turned around to see L. She smiled, "Drinking water. You want some?"

          L didn't notice the bottle of champagne out and shook his head, "I'm gonna head to the shower. Feel free to drink as much water." He said and walked away.

          "Okay!" Sooyoung gleamed, and poured another cup.

          It only past 10 minutes, and the bottle contained a quarter left of it's remains.

          Sooyoung burped and started giggling to herself, chugging the rest in one go.

          L was about to leave the bathroom, until his phone rang.


          "Yo man, what happened to you yesterday?"

          "Woohyun hyung, uh.. about that.."

          "Yeah? Did anything happen with the girl?"

          "She just...choked."

          A laugh was heard on the other line, "Typical. You must've enjoyed it a lot, huh?"

          L raised a brow, "What are you–" he finally caught on, "You're disgusting hyung."

          "I know. Anyways, can I meet up at your place?"

          "Uh," L thought about Sooyoung, but he thought it was about time to explain his situation, "Sure, why not."

          "Nice, I'll be there in 5." With that, the call ended.

          L was only wearing shorts, and had his towel around his neck, when he walked out. Shock over came him, once spotting Sooyoung on the ground. He ran over.

          "Sooyoung.." He said, shaking her by the shoulders.

          She giggled, and seemed to be having trouble keeping her eyes open.

          He looked over at the table and finally spotted the empty bottle of champagne, "Oh god."

          "L~" Sooyoung sang, poking his abs. He jerked with every touch, being the ticklish man he is.

          "S-Stop!" L grabbed her hands, but she wouldn't stop moving.

          Sooyoung suddenly pulled him towards her, and his face just hovered over her chest. He turned red.

          "L! I'm here–" Woohyun froze from where he stood and scanned the scene.

          L's eyes widened, "H-Hyung! How'd you get in?!"

          "O-Oh uh... sorry for interrupting." Woohyun quickly said, and turned around, "Have fun."

          "No! It's not what it looks lik–" The door slamed shut, cutting L off.

          Sooyoung was still in her drunken mode, and murmured incoherent words. She finally released him.

          L fastened himself on his feet, and opened the door to see if Woohyun was still there. He sighed, after finding the halls empty.

          He quickly ran for his phone, and dialed up his number.

          "Done already?"

          "No, that was a misunderstanding."

          "Yeah right man, you could've told me you were busy. Or at least invited me when you guys were finished!"

          L pulled onto his hair, "Hyung! Trust me! Nothing happened!"

          "Ahuh, it's alright man. You have your urges. I get that."

          L couldn't believe what he's hearing, "Listen, the girl–"

          "Hold up, scary ex is coming my way. Continue where you left off with her. Peace!"

          "Wait! She's just–" L got cut off with a sound of a beep. He looked at his phone, blankness on his face.

          Slowly, he put it away in defeat. There's no way he can clear things up today.

          "I'll deal with this tomorrow.." he sighed, and suddenly remembered Sooyoung. With grief, he walked out of the bathroom.

          His eyes began to widen.

          "No Sooyoung! Stop!"

          He couldn't have done anything else to stop her. It was already done.





          ...She had already undressed herself.



A/N: Comment(s) pleaseeee! I'm craving comments (> w <)


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Chapter 10: Update ASAP.
New Reader btw
sasa_o #2
Chapter 10: Author-nim ! Please update soon ^^
ShinLTaec #3
Chapter 10: Omg freaken update soon!
I'm hooked onto your story. i find it really cute that she so clueless..
Will update soon!! brings a really good laugh and theres not that much stories like this out there. :)
hoha28 #4
Chapter 10: This story is such a laugh :D
Chapter 10: myungsoo is so stupid to not realise haha
Chapter 10: I want more!^^
haruma007 #7
Chapter 10: i know it is all about infinite, but what happens to minho?
lavenderkitten #8
Chapter 9: i wanna see what happens next author-nim! so funny and please update more! author-nim fighting! ^^ ~