
I'm your... WHAT?!
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"Stupid ostrich."



"Babo byuntae."



"I'm going to kill you Byunghyun."





You screamed out loud when you accidentally bumped your knee against the coffee table. Not that you just couldn't find the house's key. Where the hell is your backpack?! When you woke up today, it was already 10 minutes passed as the school bell rang. You were too tired last night that you forgot to set the alarm. It was more frustrating when you barged in L.Joe's room and he wasn't there. He left a note that you can even imagined him talking to you with his sarcasm.


You slept like a pig. I kicked you few minutes ago but you didn't even stirred. Don't blame me when you're going to be late. I already sent Hee to his school. Don't forget to pick him up today after we finish classes. Oh and good luck on jumping over the school gate today.


The sound of your stomach growling made your condition worse. *Jump over the school gate? Yeah right, I'll jump over your dead body instead*

This is the first time you were running late to school. The role model of the school must be on time of course and thanks to Ms Hwang, she always woke up early and managed to woken you. Without her by your side now, you don't know what life you will lead on. 

Never before you were left breathless. This is crazy. Running all the way to school and have to sneak in without getting caught. Not to mention that beads of sweat streamed down and stained your collar. But somehow, you felt a little bit colder than the usual. You shrugged the thoughts away and focused on the back gate and the red brick wall. Yes, you could just go in front and apologized for being late. But no, you couldn't get yourself in a detention.




"Now... Where should I go?" Chunji tapped his chin and paced around aimlessly. Earlier, some of the girls offered to lead the way but he refused politely when he saw the looks in their eyes. They looked at him as if they were hungry and he was the only source of food in the world.

Then he heard a meow from the bushes. A kitten poked its head and blinked showing off its big eyes. Chunji who is an animal lover, almost squealed when he saw the most cute creature in the whole universe. He went closer but the kitten was fast enough to scrambled away with its four legs. *Aww that one is so cute—*

He stopped thinking when he heard the sound of scraping behind the wall. It wasnt long until he gasped out loud because of the things that he shouldn't see. All he knew was that his gasp made him fell on the ground. Hard.





*Al..most... th....ere* Your tongue slipped out at the corner of your mouth as you climbed higher. You tried to convinced yourself not to looked down but the curiosity hit you when you get higher * THIS IS HIGH*

What's worse was that the wind today was coming from your left and right making your skirt swayed around freely. Using your left hand to held on the wall tighter, your right hand supported your whole body as you swung your legs up. Literally, anyone who saw your state right now might say that you were glued to the wall.

When you heard a gasp, you panicked and couldn't balanced yourself anymore. And there you goes, shutting your eyes tight and waited for the pain to attacked your nerves......... which it didn't.


*Weird. Since when did the ground became warm?* Your eyes fluttered opened and was greeted by another pair of eyes. The only theory you can made in your mind was if someone knocked your head even if it was a light knock, you will surely lost your first kiss right now.

The grunted sound from the brown haired boy woke you up from the daze. You rolled over as you were the one who was on top of him. "Joesonghamnida!!"

Chunji who was laying down on the ground waved his hands meekly "G-Gwenchanha— AHH"

You clamped your mouth with your palm and cannonaded him with questions "Ohmygod! Are you hurt somewhere? Does your head hurt?! Did you broke any bones?! I- I'm soryy really I'm really sorry!!"

You helped Chunji when he tried to sit by supporting his back while he used his elbow "I'm okay. It was just an accident. Don't worry"

He got to admit that he were thankful when he saw your petite body and how light you were but when it comes to physic theory, as for how light you are, falling from a higher place and crashed with someone on the ground still gave the impact to the latter. *I've seen him before...*

"C-Chunji sshi?!" You shrieked. He rotated his neck and widened his eyes "Oh? Yoon Ae sshi?"






"I... uh I was—"

"She was helping me seonsaengnim. I was the one who ask her to" Chunji smiled and helped you answered your homeroom teacher when he passed by the hallway just as soon as you and Chunji sneaked in. Ms Kang nodded understandingly. Before she went away, she looked over her shoulder and spoke "You're a model student. Please take care of your appearance."

Your eyebrows met in the middle. What's with your attire?

"I guess you were late this morning, miss-model-student?" Chunji raised a brow and eyed your hair. He outreached his hands and 'plucked' the leaves that were still stucked on your hair.

You pinked and lowered your head to dusted your skirt "I gues— heok!"


So that was

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Chapter 27: Yeay....sweet ending. The unpredictable ending between those two. I like the sweet an playful side of ljoe that always stole kiss. Also the real wonder he is ljoe brother...he is naughty like his hyung. Alao i feel band with chunji. Because as you said that the Lee's never attracted to girls before...
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 27: chappie 26: huhuhu....
such a sweet ending with littles disturd children.....
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 24: yattaaa.....!!
ae came back!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 21: chappie 20: so ae admitted that she love him.......
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 20: chappie 19: T^T
poor ae..........
poor l.joe..........
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 16: chappie 15: yahoo!!!!!!
he confessed!!!!!!
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 15: chappie 14: now......
byunghee's secret busted........!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 14: chappie 13: kyahh!!! he kissed her!!!!
and one more thing....... why ae always scared when she hear gun shot???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 13: chappie 12: how they will stop their backering things??
ish ish ish .....
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 11: chappie 10: ahhh.......
why chunji??!!
i want l.joe to carry her!!!!