The Guy

Cutting Red String(Short Hiatus)

A Soul Mate…

Are they really that special?


I let out a hefty sigh and grabbed my golden half, shaped necklace and stared deeply into.

“Is this really the thing that’s going to tell me who I love?”

I let out a small giggle. I didn’t even understand how that’s possible. I released my grasp on the small trinket and sat up in the soft, grassy field. From a distance I could hear the bells chime warning us that we were going to be late for class.

I admit, I Song Min Ji, at school in general. School isn’t my forte; it isn’t easy peezy lemon squeezy for me. I’m not the best at math or science, or even language. The only thing I’m good at is eating…eating a lot. It’s very tough you know! To handle all the comments on how that’s impossible for a girl my size. Being a petite 5’1’’ with long, slender legs, milky, pale skin, and jaw-dropping curves topped with sweet caramel, brown hair wasn’t my choice. My big, round doe brown eyes, small nose, and pouty lips are the reason why people have to stop and stare at me. It’s not like I don’t enjoy the attention. It’s true that it makes my ego soar sky high beyond the clouds, but honestly it annoys me. I feel like their stares are violating me. I get the shivers every time.

The utmost thing I hate in school are the couples. Those couples who are making out nonstop in the hallway, I mean like just seriously get a damn room! It fuels my jealously when I see people already find their soul mate. I haven’t even found felt mine.

 I forgot to mention this to you guys. You see, Fate and Destiny are the controllers in this world. They are the ever so mighty kings who control the world. And then there’s Karma, the jealous sister, who screws everything up when you do something wrong. You know what they say, Karma’s a .  Any hoo Fate and Destiny are the reason you get a “Soul Necklace” when you are born. The half-shaped necklace starts to feel warm when the person you are bounded with are near, and they only fit with your soul mate's other half. Fate and Destiny already decide who you are going to date, marry, and grow old with. Apparently that person is perfect for you, or so I’ve heard. But how is that even possible? Nobody’s perfect remember? But still, I really want to meet mine! 

I stopped in front of my classroom, already feeling the cold air blowing at my face. I knew today wouldn’t be any different. I dragged myself to the desk in the very back corner located next to the window. The window was my only escape from this hellhole of a place. Then he walked in, the man that I hated my guts with, the man who doesn’t allow any eating in his class, this demon, Mr. Kim. He was your average teacher, not that old, but not that young, cleanly shaven, nicely dress, and strict as heck. At first glance you could already tell his life was dedicated to educating people. I hate him so much! He would always make me do all the problems, I think know he has it out for me. He already knows I , it’s like he’s trying to embarrass me. Whatever, this year I’m going to be the badass to show him who is the boss. Just kidding! I hate the thought of being bad. Man, I can’t even take a pencil on the floor when I need one.

Mr. Kim started his lecture over trigonometry something like that with the triangles. I think? I let out one of my signature sighs in his class. He was too focused on teaching to notice me lay my head on my arms. I glanced to my left to be greeted by his beautiful side view. I admit this person is the first person ever to make my heart flutter. Many countless guys have tried to flatter me, but Karma kicked all of them in the balls (in this world, we aren’t allowed to find someone else we weren’t supposed to be with.)

This guy, Kim Jongin, was really different. I remember he used to be all happy in middle school, but starting around freshman or sophomore year, he just completely changed into someone else. For 2 years since he’s been like this. His dark aura makes a veil for him, his sunken eyes have no soul, but his amazing face makes up for it. His sharp jawline and pouty lips makes me think differently of him. He was just mysterious. I’ve heard many rumors about him from him doing drugs, to being suicidal, and then the major rumor, the main reason everyone stays away from him; he killed his soul mate. Of course I don’t believe that! I know that can’t be possible because Karma should have dug him a grave by now. But then again, being in Mr. Kim’s class was an equal punishment too.

I just want to know more about him. My new goal is to make Kim Jongin my friend! Since I don’t have any friends, he shall be my first one! I used to have friends, but I don't really want to talk about useless things at the moment. Anyways, Kim Jongin should be glad I’m even trying to befriend him.

The bell rang loudly signaling that the short break started and it also means that my plan starts now.

“Hey Kim Jongin!” I let out a small wave.

His soulless deep brown eyes looked up at me and down again. I gave him a puzzled look before he grunted out a mean, “Leave me alone.”

This little sentence angered, being the stubborn, short-tempered girl I am I couldn’t help but start to fight back.

“Yah, Kim Jongin!” Don’t try to use that tone with me! I’m trying to befriend you, can’t you see?!”

“Did I ask you to befriend me? Go away.” He used that harsh, cold tone again. He got up and towered me with his tall frame as if he’s trying to make me fear him. Before I could attack, he left the classroom. I knew I had to follow him. Maybe he has a secret he’s trying to hide. 

Kim Jongin, you sir are making me go crazy with curiosity.


A/N: Thank you for reading this story guys! I feel like this chapter was a bad way to open it up! I'm sorry! I will do better in the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also I was just rereading the chapter for errors and I AM SO VERY SORRY YOU HAD TO DEAL WITH SPELLING/GRAMMAR ERRORS. It made me cringe when I read it over. I am sorry! I will do a better job!  It would be awesome if you would check out my other stories if you enjoyed this one! Please show love by subscribing, commentings, and upvoting! Until then~ One again thank you for reading! Please support this story my commenting and subbing~

Updated 7/2/13



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UNIQcorn #1
Chapter 1: nice story
Tarantulax #2
ArianaMaddi #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it