The Mansion

Cutting Red String(Short Hiatus)

I woke up with the biggest, Cheshire smile on my face. This is it, the plan starts now. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After applying some light make up that complimented my face and brought out my best features, and spraying my favorite fragrant of perfume I went on to choose an outfit.

“Girly or Min Ji style?” I thought out loud. If I do girly maybe Kai will be more willing to listen to me. But Min Ji style is so me and it’s comfy. But what if Kai doesn’t like it. Wait why should I even care?

“Aish I don’t know!” I screamed. These thoughts were just killing my head. In the end I went with my style because being you is better right? Istraightened my caramel locks to give myself a soft, cutesy look.

“There. Have fun dealing with his!” I smirked in delight as I stared myself.

I walked out of my apartment, lock the door, and started my journey to Kai’s mansion. After what I felt like a thousand miles of walking I finally arrived. I sweated a little bit, but thank god it wasn’t that noticeable. I have to admit, I’m not the type who loves to exercise or even move in general. I walked up to his door and pressed the buzzer.

“Who is this?” A soft female voice asked.

“I’m Kai’s friend from school. He locked me out yesterday and left my standing in the cold rain when I tried to ask him where we would meet up for our project that determines if we pass or fail the class. When I tried asking he kept telling me to leave.” I told her with a sad voice hoping that I got her attention.

“You poor thing! Jongin isn’t awake yet, but please come in.” The line hung up as the large gates opened to allow my presence into the house.  A beautiful, elegant lady in her 30’s walked out. Her short, black strands were perfect with her small, pretty face. Her frame was very good for a woman her age. I now see where Kai gets his looks from. I gave her a 90 degree bow to show my respect.

“Thank you so much Mrs. Kim”

“No problem sweetie, follow me.” She guided me into her big mansion. Gold chandeliers and amazing family portraits scattered around the wall welcomed me. She guided me into the dining room. It was a pretty typical dining room. The ones you see on TV you know; with a long table, mores chairs than there are family members, and the best of all, the Holy Grail, fancy food. My eyes sparkle in delight and Mrs. Kim gave me a sweet smile when she noticed my action. I took that as an okay, so I quickly pulled out my chair and took a seat.

“Feel free, have anything you want.” I held the spoon in my mouth, trying to decide where I should start first. There was so much good food, I couldn’t pick so I started to gather everything on my plate in a fast manner. I took a big bite out of the fluffy, golden brown hot cakes. They just melted in my mouth.

“It’s really good!” I gave her a thumbs up. She gave me an eye smile in return.

“I’m glad you are enjoying it.”

“By the way Mrs. Kim, where is Kai?”

“That boy is still sleeping?”

“Chinja(Really)? It’s almost noon though!”

“I know it’s weird. I guess he was worried about something last night! He was pacing around the house saying the words, ‘rain’ and ‘sick’ many times. I wonder if he is okay.”

“Wait, ‘rain’ and ‘sick,’ could he be possible talking about me?” I thought to myself. Nah, why would he care anyways probably thinking about himself.

“He probably is! Don’t worry Mrs. Kim! Kai is a strong person!” She smiled.

“Thank you for saying that! You are the first person he has brought here in a while. Who are you anyways?”

“Mianhe(Sorry), I forgot to formally introduce myself.” I hit myself in the head. I stood up and said, “I’m Song Min Ji, nice to meet you Mrs. Kim.” I bowed. Mrs. Kim just stared at me.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked curiously.

“It’s nothing dear…” I just said back done wondering what that expression meant.

“Mrs. Kim sorry for asking something out of the blue like this, but a Mr. Kim lives here right?”

“Yes of course dear! Why wouldn’t he? He’s at work right now” She let out a small chuckle at my sudden words that surprised her.

“Okay. So that means his dad not being part of his life can’t be the reason why he’s cold. Then what is?” I thought I silence. Part of the plan to make Kai my friend was to find out why he was like this..

“Min Ji sweetie, will you please me a dear and wake up Jongin for me? Upstairs second door down on the right. Thank you dear!”

“Yes mam!” I stood up shocked at what I just heard. This is good. I now can’t wait to see his face when he sees me in his room. Every girl knows that a guy’s room is precious sanctuary that they want to keep hidden. Kai just you wait. I sprinted up the wooden stairs and made my way to his room.

This is it. I held my hand firmly on the golden handle. I slowly turned it so he wouldn’t wake up. The door quietly clicked open. His room was breathtaking. A big white bed took up the middle part of the room, while the dressers were around the edges of his room, a tall window was just behind his bed that allowed you to see the front of his lawn, and his desk was neatly organized. I crept up to Kai in a sneaky ninja way. I gradually opened the velvet curtains allowing some light to get in. He stirred in his sleep. How could he still be asleep now? He’s like missing out on our fun day together!  Before I yelled at him to wake up he pulled down the white sheets enabling me to see his sleeping, angelic face. He looked really peaceful in his sleep and I couldn’t  help but to get a closer look to stare at his face in amazement. I slowly pulled out my phone to take this once in a lifetime picture.

“Achoo,” a little sneeze interrupted the moment. I closed my hands on my mouth quieting it, hoping that Kai didn’t hear. That look on his face when he fluttered his eyes open. Let me tell you. THE BEST THING EVER. I wish I took a picture of this instead! It was totally hilarious. His eyes bulge out of his head as he scrambled to hide his body with the white sheets. I let out a huge roar of laughter. This is just too great. His shocked expression and embarrassment was the best part.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? BETTER YET, WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE INSIDE OF MY HOUSE?!” He yelled so loud that the neighbors could probably hear. I wanted to answer him back, but this scene was just too funny. Only laughters escaped out of my mouth. Before I could even see what was happening he stood up, grabbed my wrist hardly, and dragged me out of the room.


“Kim Jongin that is no way to treat a girl considering after what you did to her! Go and change and come down to the living room. All of us are going to have a talk about this incident.” Mrs. Kim appeared out of no where.

“But Mom, she-“

“No buts Jonginnie!” I tried my best to hold back the laughters from that silly nickname. He just glared at me with his cold eyes.

“Now.” She strongly commanded. He sighed, went to his room in defeat, and locked the doors.

“I apologize on Jongin’s behalf. I have never seen him act like this before.”

“It’s okay Mrs. Kim. He said many things to me like that! I don’t mind.”

“He did what?!” I could see steam pouting out of her ears. She was pissed off. You better not hurt me Kai, I was only telling her the truth.

“Let’s just go on down to the living room.” I followed right behind her until we reached the  grand living room. I plopped myself down on the comfortable white couch. Mrs. Kim did a little “come here” sign with her index finger, so I turned myself that way in her direction. My gazes wouldn’t come off of him as I followed his every move until he reached the couch. His brown locks were down today, he was wearing a dark blue V-neck that showed off his hot collar bones, a navy, purple cardigan over it, and some black skinnies. Even though it was simple, he looked extremely dashing. What am I thinking about again? Before I could internally hit myself for these thoughts, Mrs. Kim’s loud voice caught my attention.”

“Not here. Sit next Min Ji right now.”

“But Mom-“

“What did I say to do?” She glared those same exact daggers that he glares at me, never letting go her gaze. I know see everything he gets is from his family.

“I heard what did to poor, sweet Min Ji over here.” She directed her hands over my way. He sat down next to me, his frame taller than my own. The second he sat down he started to fight.

“Psh poor, hah sweet, Mom that’s bullshi-“

“”Kim Jongin, that word that you are about to say better not be completed otherwise! Now listen to what I have to say!” Kai immediately lowered his hand, and I let out a small smile at the thought of him being submissive like this.

“Min Ji tells me that yesterday you left her standing out in the cold rain by herself in the middle of the night. She says all she’s was trying to do was ask you where you guys will meet for this very important project, that you happen to not tell me about. Anyways I also heard that you say mean things to her in a cold attitude too. Kim Jongin what I have been hearing better not be true. Young man I have raised you to be a polite gentleman, but what you have been doing behind my back, I can’t forgive this. Is this entire story true, yes or no? You better not lie to me!”

He let out a big sigh. “It’s true.” He quietly answered. I smiled in victory. He finally admitted what he did was wrong.

“Thank you for telling me the truth. From now and here on out, if I ever hear any word from Min Ji’s little mouth that mentions you being mean and/or hurting her, you will ever be so grounded that I shall not let you see even one hint of sunlight.”

“Yes Mother.”

“Okay, now I want you to take Min Ji out somewhere to cheer her up. And if what she tells me doesn’t meet my expectations, oh I swear I will be a living nightmare.”

“But- Yes Mom. I’ll take her out somewhere.”

“Good. Those places better be amazing and great. Well go on now. I’ll see you later Min Ji dear.”

“Yes mam! See you soon Mrs. Kim.” Both Kai and I exited out the front door. The moment we got away from the house he started his usual anger thing.

“What did you say to my mom?”

“Nothing I simply told her what you did to me the other day.”

“I’m sure you lied in the process! That’s it we are going back!” He roughly grabbed my hand and yanked me back. I had to do something so urgent so he had to follow Mrs. Kim’s order.

“OH MRS. KIM DID I TELL YOU WHAT KAI DID THE OTHER DAY. HE YELLED AT ME WHICH CAUSED ME TO CRY MANY TEARS-“ Before I could continue on shouting Kai harshly covered my mouth with his hand silencing my screams and lowered his voice to a whisper.

“Okay, let’s just go and forget this conversation.” I shook my head out of his hands and decided to get back at him

“Shiro(I don't want to)! MRS. KIM”

“Shhhh, alright! Let’s just go to many different places and hang out okay! Just nod if you agree” I gave him a light nod and he slowly took his hands away from my mouth. I forgot the entire conversation and we both walked off. They way there everything was silent except for my jittering of excitement, curiously wondering where we were going.

We finally arrived at a little bakery. The store window was aligned with small treats such as sweet chocolate truffles, rainbow macaroons, and other decorated sweets. I was psyched when we entered the shop. There were many people so it must have been really good! We walked up to the counter to take our order.

“My mom told me to take you here, something about you liking sugar. What do you want?”

I eyed the glass that held different desserts. I couldn’t pick what I wanted to eat. There were many different flavors and treats to choose from. This was hard to choose. I looked up back at Kai and used my eyes to plead with him.

“Can I have everything?”

“What are you stupid? Just hurry up and pick something!” He meanly sneered. I gave him an angry pout. I was angry about how he didn’t fall for it. I guess my charms are only a onetime thing. I put down my head.

“Wait until I tell your mother about this.” I whispered quietly, but enough for him to hear.

“Fine take your time.” My eyes lit up again.

“Pick for me?”

“What are you a little kid? Why can’t you order yourself.” I pulled out my phone and pointed to it. I slowly dialed a number.

“What are you going to do? Call the police.” At that second the person on the other line picked up.

“Oh hello Mrs. Kim.” I said flashing him an evil smile. He tried to take my phone away but didn’t succeed as I kept it so close to me and pushed him away.

“Oh you are wondering why I called you early? And asking if Kai did anything wrong? Well you see Mrs. Kim he-“ Kai somehow yanked the phone away from me and continued on the conversation.

“-Is  being the best gentleman ever! We are fine mom! I took her to that cake place and I’m taking her order for her! So don’t worry everything is fine. Bye” He angrily pressed the end button as he gave me that same evil smile I gave him earlier. I clenched my teeth in anger. Aish how does he keep on winning?

“2 strawberry crepes please!” Kai said his order.

“Here you go! These are the best items here!” A sweet voice ranged. I looked up to be greeted by a smiling face from him.

“Jinyoung…” I hoarsely said.

“Min Ji.” He answered as he stared into my eyes. He was still the same. His fiery brown locks that covered his forehead made me want to brush away the strands to see his doe brown eyes again. I was the first one to turn away and I stormed out in pain.

“Hey you should at least wait for me!” Kai yelled as he followed behind.

“What the hell is your problem? Who is that person anyways?” He furiously asked.

“It hurts.” I croaked.

“What did you say? I can’t hear you!”

“It freaking hurts!” I screamed as I threw the parfait at the ground.

“What is the matter with you? That thing that you just threw was expensive!”

The hurt was slowly coming back to me as I remembered that horrible memory. Why did I have to see him again? I thought he was gone for good. I thought I wouldn’t feel anything when I saw his face. But I’m wrong. All the pain rushed back to me that very minute he just looked at me. I told myself I wouldn’t be bothered by this anymore, I obviously at listening to myself as small tears were coming out.

“Hey Min Ji, don’t cry I didn’t mean to sound that mean. You know I always act like this.” He looked stunned as he tried to find a way to make me stop. I heard as small tsk before he pulled my in a warm embrace. I hid my tears in his hard chest taking in the good smell of his cologne.

“Please don’t cry anymore. I’ll take you to a somewhere else. Let’s have fun today! Yes?” I stopped my light sobs and gave him a small nod in his chest. He pulled me away and gave me a slight smile. He used the napkins to wipe off the remaining tears and grabbed my hand to lead the way to the next destination.

I smiled all the way there. His warm hands never leaving my grasp made me feel loved. I haven’t felt this feeling before. Was this love? Aniyo impossible! Red blushes start to creep on my face due to the thought of it.

At least the plan was working! Kai is really opening up to me, but it’s weird how quickly this is happening. I thought it would take some time, but apparently it’s faster than I imagined. Not like I’m angered by this, I am actually very touched. I thought he wouldn’t do that due to the fact I thought I was too annoying and bratty. It made my heart do flips when he tries to cheer me up. This can’t be same feeling I felt for Jinyoung ! This was surely something else. Appreciation? No it’s because I’m thankful. That makes a lot of sense. That day where he saw me crying he stopped my tears and I’m thankful because I don’t know how to repay him back! This makes a lot of sense! Right?


A/N: Dun dun dunnnn. What's going to happen next?!!! Even I don't know.... I'm still trying to decide. Also should I do POV's of different characters? Thank you guys for readings! I personally love that outfit too! I would totally wear something like that too!  It would be awesome if you would check out my other stories if you enjoyed this one! Please show love by subscribing, commentings, and upvoting! Until then~ One again thank you for reading! 

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UNIQcorn #1
Chapter 1: nice story
Tarantulax #2
ArianaMaddi #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it