Chanyeol- EXO K

Random One Shots/Scenarios



"Hey Krystal! Wait up!" Chanyeol called out as he ran towards Krystal. 
Krystal stopped in her tracks and turned towards him with a bright smile on her face. "Ah hello Chanyeol oppa! How are you today?" 
"I'm great, and you?" he said as he looked at her admiringly, unable to hide his affectionate gaze. Though it didn't go noticed by Krystal.
"I'm better now your here" she said, playfully punching his arm.
"Hmmm well how about I make you day even better by taking you to the park" He said as his facial features lit up with excitement.
"Alright sounds fun" Krystal giggled.  
Both Chanyeol and Krystal left the SM Entertainment building. "We can walk it because the parks only a few minutes away" Chanyeol informed Krystal as they headed down the side walk. Krystal responded with a nod of her head. 
Only two minutes into the walk the two were already in stitches of laughter. "Yah put me down" Krystal squealed as Chanyeol picked her up and spun her around. As Chanyeol spun Krystal, he tripped over, luckily they landed in a pile of Autumn leaves on the side of the path way. 
Krystal was still laughing but Chanyeol wasn't. Instead he was looking at her face, admiring everything about it. 
Krystal felt his intense gaze on her so she stopped laughing and looked at him. "Is something wrong?" Krystal asked, arching an eyebrow.
Chanyeol's cheeks flushed a shade of red. Chanyeol got up off his feet, releasing their intertwined bodies. He was so nervous he couldn't even speak properly so he just shook his head. Chanyeol then out stretched his hand to help Krystal up. She took his hand and got up off the ground. 
"Thanks" Krystal said as she dusted her jeans off. 
"Here" Chanyeol said as he leaned in closer and pulled a autumn leaf out of Krystals hair. When his hand touched her hair he felt an electrifying jolt go through his body, though Krystal remained very normal. It seemed as though his feelings had developed into something very strong. 
'Get yourself under control' he mentally scolded himself.
Chanyeol blinked a few times once he got himself back to reality, then realised that Krystal was no longer standing in front of him. He turned and jogged back up to Krystal who was a few paces in front. 
Until they then got to the park they both walked in silence, a comfortable silence like they were just happy to be in each others presence.
Once they got to the park they headed straight to the kids play area. Krystal sat on the swing as Chanyeol pushed her. Their simultaneous laughter could of probably be heard from all ends of the park as Chanyeol pushed Krystal higher.
After ten minutes the pair stopped playing on the swings and explored other areas of the playground. They ended up sitting 
in the playground equipment.
"Thanks for inviting me out today, I had a really great time" Krystal said as the corners of twitched into a quick smile.
"Your welcome" Chanyeol replied, then paused. 
'Tell her...Now' the voice inside his head screamed. He hesitated and opened his mouth, only to quickly close it and decide that he just better leave the confession for another day.
"Hey I should get going. Luna unnie said she was going to pick me up from the SM Entertainment building" Krystal said, breaking the silence that seemed to engulf them. Krystal was about to stand up but was stopped by Chanyeol.
"Wait do you... I dunno... Want to watch the sunset first?" he said, pointing to the sky that had taken on a shade of red mixed with orange. 
"O-okay" Krystal said, slightly surprised by the romantic idea. 
They both sat side by side, awestruck by the beauty of the sunset. "Wow it's amazing" Krystal breathed.
Chanyeol took a side glance at Krystal. The corners of his mouth tugged into a smile. 'Not as amazing as you though' he thought.
Once the sun had finally set Chanyeol escorted Krystal back to where she was supposed to be meeting Luna. When Luna pulled up Chanyeol faced Krystal and looked into her eyes. He wanted to be able to be lost in them forever. "So I will see you tomorrow?" he asked with a hopeful tone.
Krystal smiled and nodded her head a little. "We will see" she said as she turned and made her way to the car. 
Even once the car was long out of sight Chanyeol still stood in the same spot. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. "If I see her tomorrow I will tell her how I feel. I want... No I need her to be mine, forever" he uttered barley above a whisper. And with that he turned and made his way towards were his car was located. He was going to need to start planning on how he was going to confess. It needed to be perfect.
---At Dorm---
Chanyeol anxiously paced his room. He just couldn't sit still. The thought of telling Krystal his true feelings was too much for him to handle. All the possible worst scenarios ran through his head, only making him more nervous. 
"Hey what's wrong?" Baekhyun asked, which snapped Chanyeol out of his thoughts. Chanyeol stopped walking for a second, looked at Baekhyun, then resumed his pacing. "What are you doing?" Baekhyun asked as he tilted his head to the side.
This time Chanyeol didn't stop moving. "I'm thinking" he replied. Baekhyun plopped himself onto his bed and continued to watch Chanyeol walk around the room. 
"About what?" Baekhyun asked curiously. 
"Someone" Chanyeol said slowly.
"Is that someone Krystal?" Baekhyun said as an evil smirk formed on his lips.
This time Chanyeol did stop in his tracks. He turned and faced Baekhyun with a mixed expression, of both shock and horror. "How'd you know?" Chanyeol said more like a demand rather than a question.
"I heard you talk about her in your sleep" Baekhyun snickered. Which earned him an annoyed glare from Chanyeol.
"Sooooo when are you going to tell her that you loooovvvveee her" he said, purposely drawing out the word 'love'.
Without even denying the 'love' comment he answered, "Tomorrow."
"Ooohh so what do you have planned?" Baekhyun asked as his eyes widened in curiosity.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes dramatically. "So what were you doing here in the first place?" he asked.
"Ok so one, we share a room. Two, you didn't answer my question. And three, you don't know what your doing are you?" Baekhyun retorted. 
"True. No I didn't because it shouldn't bother you. And yeah I don't know what I'm doing" Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
For the first time since they started the conversation Baekhyun didn't know how to reply. "Hmmmmm" he mumbled as he scratched his head. "I guess just to something romantic that will surprise her" Baekhyun shrugged.
"Hmmm well I think I may know what I could do" Chanyeol said excitedly. Without another word he exited the room.
Before he left out the door Baekhyun called out "Fighting!"
---The next day---
"Suite, check. Flowers, check. Okay I think I'm ready" he spoke to himself as he walked up to where Krystal said she would meet him. 
Chanyeol made his way to the door and was about to open it but he stopped when he heard voices within the room. He leaned against the door and strained his hearing in attempts to figure out what was going on. The next words that he heard almost made his heart stop.
"So Krystal would you be my girlfriend?" asked the familiar voice that belonged to non other that Suho. 
How could he???
Chanyeols heart got caught in his throat. Then he heard the reply...The one he dreaded the most.
"Yes!" Krystal sqealed excitedly. 
In his head Chanyeol envisioned her throwing her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his lips. When the whole time it should be him not Suho...
 The feelings inside Chanyeol grew bigger and bigger until they became overwhelming. Though with a solemn face he chose to leave the feelings locked away, in the deepest parts of his heart. 
He had to get away and fast. He didnt care where he was going he just had to get away from everything that had just happened, so with that he let his feet guide him, while his heart and mind drowned in sorrow. His head pounded and his heart ached, it was too much for one person to bare. 
Without realising it, the next thing he knew he was outside and walking to the park. With clenched fists and gritted teeth Chanyeol fought back the years that stung his eyes. 
Meanwhile in the room Krystal had heard the footsteps outside the door. Letting curiosity get the best of her she walked out to see who was outside. She looked around and didn't see anyone, but she did a bouquet of pink carnations. Looks like Chanyeol dropped them when he left by accident. Krystal bent down and picked up the roses, with Suho peeking over her shoulder. Krystals eyes were drawn to the love heart shaped card that was on the flowers. She carefully took it off, making sure she didn't ruin the flowers in the process. 
Dear Krystal,
If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realise how beautiful you are to me. Until then to show you my feeling, I offer you my heart and my soul.
From Chanyeol.
Tears brimmed Krystals eyes. That was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever written for her, especially since it sincerely came from his heart. 
Suho has read the note too. His immediate reaction was of anger and jealousy, but it was quickly replaced with guilt and worry. He bit his lip nervously and waited for Krystals reaction.
With widened, tear filled eyes Krystal looked up at Suho. "I need to find him" she said in a broken voice. Suho understood, so he nodded his head in agreement. Honestly he felt just as worried about Chanyeol as Krystal did.
By this time Chanyeol had already gotten to the park. He sat down on the swing that he and Krystal once played on and pushed himself on the swing a little. He miserable sat and watched as his feet grazed along the ground. He just could not get her out of his mind.
"Chanyeol" called Krystal. Had he just imagined it?
'Great I'm really am going crazy now' Chanyeol thought bitterly. 
But he heard it again. "Chanyeol" she called, a little more desperation in her voice this time. Chanyeol looked up to see Krystal running towards him. A feeling of hope flickered within him, that was until he spotted Suho.
When she reached Chanyeol, Krystal doubled over, panting. "Chanyeol I thought I would find you here" she said as she looked up and recovered her breath. Chanyeols  only reply was a grunt. "Chanyeol please, please don't be mad at me" she pleaded, guilt and sadness was evident in her eyes.
Chanyeol thought for a moment so he could figure out how to reply. "I'm not mad" he said finally.
"Your not?" she asked, half surprised.
Before he could answer Suho spoke up. "Chanyeol I'm sorry, I had no idea. Can we please talk in private?" he said in a small voice.
Chanyeol could see that Suho was being honest, so he nodded his head in agreement. Krystal walked back further down so she could give the boys some privacy. Once she was out of hearings distance Suho continued to speak. "Chanyeol I don't want you to hate me... If that means breaking up with Krystal I will do it" he said in a serious tone. 
A wave of shock washed over Chanyeol. He bit the inside of his cheek, he knew what he had to say. Without even a slight bit of hesitation he replied. "No you asked her first. I could never hate you for being in love. That still doesn't mean I don't feel hurt, but I could never ask you to do something like that. I still care about Krystal which means I obviously still care about her and her happiness. She will be happy with you as her boyfriend." Chanyeol then took a few steps forward and placed a hand on Suhos shoulder. "Just promise me you will take care of her, Ok?" he whispered. 
"I promise... And thank you" Suho sadly smiled and nodded. 
Chanyeol removed his hand from Suhos shoulder and motioned Krystal to join them again. Looking extremely nervous Krystal walked over and stood next to Suho. Chanyeol grabbed both Krystal and Suhos hand, then placed them together. They intertwined their fingers and Chanyeol let go. He stood back and smiled even though he was now had silent tears falling down his cheek. "I wish you two the best of luck" he said truthfully. He then turned and walked back to the SM Entertainment building. 
"If you love something let it go, if it comes back its yours. If it doesn't, it was never yours" he reminded  himself over-and-over. 
Sorry for the delay!
I wasnt to sure about the ending, so I hope it's ok! 


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Chapter 20: Ohmygod this is so asdfghjkl♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ssulove10 #2
Chapter 20: WOW~ I am pregnant... and the father is JUNGKOOK
oh how i wish it will become true.. LAWD JISUS PLEASE!!~~
LennyV #3
Chapter 7: N's name is Hakyeon~ hehe
I love this story! I hope it is longer ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: Ughe chen's story .....
ugh i cant .
Chapter 12: This is like a fairy tale wt a charming handsome prince! :D
Chapter 20: Are you still open for requests? If yes can I request one?
1.bangtan sonyeondan's jimin
2.Jimin X Yeonsung
3.they meet at the park, because Bae Yeonsung's best friend park raejoon who is going out with jin, invited her to the park, jimin and yeonsung meet there, fall in love and happily ever after xD
Lovely0303 #7
Chapter 24: But, can I have another request Unnie?!?!?
Please make my dreams come true! >.<
- Bts's V
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 23: So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much Unnie!!!! :) :) :) :) :)