Random One Shots/Scenarios


You skipped happily up the front steps of your house. Seeing as work was finally over for the year because you were on holidays you couldn't of been happier. Nothing could ruin your mood most of all because you, Jung Eunwoon were in love. You were planning on confessing to N on the weekend when you all caught up at VIXX's dorm. 

As you unlocked the door and walking into the house you were surprised to be greeted by your older brother, Leo. Leo slouched on the chair at the dinner table with his head in his hands. His body was shacking which showed you that he was crying. Your body immediately felt terror-stricken to the core as your stomach started to churn at all the possible things that could gone wrong.
"Teakwoon" you said in a small, weak voice.
Leo's head shot up and into your direction. His eyes were red and swollen from the endless tears that fell from his eyes. "Please sit down" he said as he ushered you to sit next to him. You sat down wearily and prepared yourself for the bad news. "Hack Yeon" was all he could say.
"What about him?" you questioned as the knot of nervousness in your stomach intensified making it hard for you to focus.
"I'm sorry Eunwoon but his in hospital" he said as a new round off tears started to stroll down his already-pale cheeks.
You jumped up from your seat, unable to stay still from the information you had just received. "What happened" you asked as you face suddenly became blank and the shade of paper.
"We aren't sure but all we know is that he is in a coma" he said as he tried to hold back his tears for your sake. He forced on a smile onto his face. Although the smiled had formed on his lips it hadn't in his eyes, it just wasn't the same. His eyes looked dark and clouded with grief.
At first you were too numb with shock to even process what was going on. No tears seemed to fall because you kept telling yourself that this was just a bad dream that you were going to wake up from. 
"Eunwoon" shouted your older brother as he quickly reached out to stop you from falling to the ground. 
You mind had gone completely blank and you hadn't even of realised that your body had crumpled to the floor. Leo pulled you in for a tight hug in hopes that it would ofer you support. His body was so warm against yours, which in comparison felt cold and limp. That's when you felt the tears come on. Each time you body racked with another sob it seemed as though your eyes shed salty, bitter tears. You crying sounds echoed off the walls and back to you mockingly.
Unable to take it any more you stood up. You needed to be near him, see him. You headed to the front door and flung it open with Leo following behind closely. 
As you opened the drivers side of the car up Leo snatched the keys off of you. "Give it back" you demanded fiercely. 
"No. Look at you Eunwoon your in no state to drive" he said as he gestured to your hair which was once a sleek bun that now resembled a disheveled birds nest. Then he pointed to your face. You spun around and looked into the cars mirror to see what he was talking about. You gasped.It was like looking at a complete stranger. You pale face had taken on a reddish tinge from the tears, your face was slightly swollen and you had black lines down your face from your make-up that had run. You cringed. You then turned and made you way to the passengers seat.
--------------Three Months Later--------
"What do you mean we have to turn off life support?" you shouted at the doctors. Other people in the wing of the hospital probably could hear the ruckus coming from the room you and the members were located in. The other VIXX members exchanged worried glances. Then Hongbing was brave enough to interfere. 
"It's ok Eunwoon. We will find out another way to help him" he reassured you as he placed a hand on your shoulder. 
 You frowned and turned around to face him. "No we won't. Did you not just hear what the doctor said?!" you screeched and flailed your arms as you let your feelings get the best of you. A littles taken back from your reaction Hongbing to a step back. Being in the room was starting to drive you crazy. You needed to get out of it and fast. 
You quickly exited the room and into the hallway. You didn't know quite where you were going because you tears were blinding you vision. Your feet ended up subconsciously taking you to Hackyeon's hospital room. 
As you walked into the room your eyes fell upon N's peaceful face. Had he not been covered in wires on you could've sworn that he was just asleep.  
You sat down on the chair beside his bed cautiously. You then grabbed his hand and held it. With you other hand you gently traced your fingers over his facial features as you admired his looks. Swallowing the burning lump that had formed in your throat, you repaired yourself to say goodbye. "Ah I can't believe this happened. Everything felt so right but now life is so...empty. I never even got to tell you that I love you." As you said the words you started to feel as though if he was gone a part of you would be missing, it was like losing a limb, no it was deeper than that because it was like losing a pice of your heart.
A single tear rolled down your already-damp cheek as you bent over to kiss his forehead. The tears landed on his lips as you pulled away. His facial expression changed slightly. As more and more of your tears landed on his cheek, N moved a little. Too consumed in your own grief you hadn't even of noticed. 
Slowly N's eyes fluttered open. He looked around the room confused. Then his eyes landed on you. You were leaning over him with your head on his chest. "Eunwoon?" he said in a frail voice.
You head instantly shot up. Your eyes became big and round. You got up and flung your arms around him. "Your back! Your really back" he said in between sobs. 
 N lifted your face to look into your eyes. He cupped your cheek and gently wiped away your tears. Once your face was dried of your tears he used his thumb to trace you lips. Pulling you closer to him he let his lips meet yours for a kiss. The kiss was only short but it was sweet. Once it ended he allowed his lips to linger on yours. "I love you too" he smiled.
Yay finally finished another story! Hope you liked!
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Chapter 20: Ohmygod this is so asdfghjkl♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ssulove10 #2
Chapter 20: WOW~ I am pregnant... and the father is JUNGKOOK
oh how i wish it will become true.. LAWD JISUS PLEASE!!~~
LennyV #3
Chapter 7: N's name is Hakyeon~ hehe
I love this story! I hope it is longer ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: Ughe chen's story .....
ugh i cant .
Chapter 12: This is like a fairy tale wt a charming handsome prince! :D
Chapter 20: Are you still open for requests? If yes can I request one?
1.bangtan sonyeondan's jimin
2.Jimin X Yeonsung
3.they meet at the park, because Bae Yeonsung's best friend park raejoon who is going out with jin, invited her to the park, jimin and yeonsung meet there, fall in love and happily ever after xD
Lovely0303 #7
Chapter 24: But, can I have another request Unnie?!?!?
Please make my dreams come true! >.<
- Bts's V
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 23: So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much Unnie!!!! :) :) :) :) :)