Hunhan- EXO

Random One Shots/Scenarios
~Sehun POV~
"Minah guess what happened today with Luhan hyung?!" I said to my girlfriend as she sat cross-legged in front of me on the floor of my bedroom.
"Yes Sehun? What happened with Luhan now?" She said with a sigh followed by her eyes rolling. 
"Well hyung and I went to play soccer together yesterday at the park and-" I was cut off by the sound of my own laughter at the thought of our antics. The image of Luhan trying to do his victory dance but falling over during the middle of it was too much for me to handle. It was like watching a baby deer trip over on its first time walking. Ah his doe eyes... I always loved his ey-
"Sehun are you even listening to me?" Minah scolded, "Seriously it's like sometimes when you're with me you aren't even here." 
"Minah I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you about what Lu-" I said but got cut off again, but this time by Minah.
"Sehun don't say that name again" she said flatly. 
"What? Luhan?" I asked.
 I honestly didn't know what her problem was lately. Whenever we hang out she always rolls her eyes and looks unimpressed. Am I not good enough for her? 
All these thoughts ran through my mind as I waited for her answer. But she just sat there looking at me expectantly. "You seriously don't know? I'm talking about Luhan. You always bring him up and talk about him and whenever he is around you never pay any attention to me. I'm sick of it Sehun. You need to pick it's either Luhan or me" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
How she just asked me to choose between my best friend and my girlfriend? 
"Minah you can't seriously ask me to not be friends with Luhan" I said in disbelief.
"Sehun honestly I think there is something going on with you and Luhan that make you more that 'just friends'. I have tried to ignore it... But I just can't live like this anymore. Not while I know you're in love with someone else." She said as she stood up and walked out the door. "I wish you and Luhan happiness" she said. I could tell she was crying by her broken voice but I just couldn't make myself get up and stop her from leaving. 
You chose Luhan...
 Yeah sure, Luhan was the member that I felt closest with, we undeniably had a special connection from the rest of the members. But that didn't necessarily mean I was in love with him did it?
"Hey Sehun what happened with Minah?" Chanyeol asked as he popped his head into my room. 
"She broke up with me because I chose Luhan over her" I said with no emotion on my face or in my voice. My girlfriend just broke up with me... I should be upset. Even just the slightest bit disappointed but yet I'm not. 
Chanyeol blinked in surprise and leaned against my door frame. "What do you mean?" He asked, curiosity was written all over his features. 
"She basically said I was in love with Luhan and not her" I replied. 
"Soooo are you?" He said as he bit his lip ever so lightly, "What is it about Luhan that you think you like?"
"Well" I said as I looked up at him, "I like the way the way he looks when he laughs, smiles, turns blank, acts cute and well basically does anything. But that isn't why I love him. I love his personality and how we just get each other, I love that we can just hang out, I love the way it feels when we accidentally brush our hands against one another." Once I had finished my mini speech I quickly realised she was right. I did love Luhan but I had always been afraid to admit it. So now what? 
"You love me too?" I didn't need to see the person to realise it was the voice of Luhan. "I never wanted to tell you because I thought you loved Minah" he said shyly as he walked into the room. My heart started to beat quicker at the sight of his cheeks forming a slight blush. I nodded my head slowly in response.
"Well I'm finally glad that's all cleared up" Chanyeol grinned as he dashed out the door to another room. He knew Luhan had been standing there the whole time that lil .
I stood up and made my way over to Luhan. I wasn't really too sure on what I should do. Should I hug him? Take his hand in mine? 
All those questions got answered for me as Luhan leaned foreword and kissed me on the lips. It was the most exhilarating thing I had ever experienced. My whole body felt warm and fuzzy and made my head spin. Yes this is what love was like and what it really took to make me realise was being with someone else but only having him on my mind.
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Chapter 20: Ohmygod this is so asdfghjkl♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ssulove10 #2
Chapter 20: WOW~ I am pregnant... and the father is JUNGKOOK
oh how i wish it will become true.. LAWD JISUS PLEASE!!~~
LennyV #3
Chapter 7: N's name is Hakyeon~ hehe
I love this story! I hope it is longer ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: Ughe chen's story .....
ugh i cant .
Chapter 12: This is like a fairy tale wt a charming handsome prince! :D
Chapter 20: Are you still open for requests? If yes can I request one?
1.bangtan sonyeondan's jimin
2.Jimin X Yeonsung
3.they meet at the park, because Bae Yeonsung's best friend park raejoon who is going out with jin, invited her to the park, jimin and yeonsung meet there, fall in love and happily ever after xD
Lovely0303 #7
Chapter 24: But, can I have another request Unnie?!?!?
Please make my dreams come true! >.<
- Bts's V
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 23: So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much Unnie!!!! :) :) :) :) :)