D.O: Po-Po-Hae!~

EXO request fanfics



D.O walked down the street happily smiling as he held a bouquet of flowers in front of his chest,he sighed happily as he rung the door bell,he quickly looked in the window at his reflection to see if he looked ok,suddenly he noticed a big fat cat staring at him,"Aagh!" he screamed out of shock while stepping backward,the next thing he knew he was surrounded by flowers,he fell into the flower bed,you opened your door only to see your boyfriend laying on the grass with his head in the flower bed,"Oh",you said then beginning to giggle,D.O sat up quickly knowing you were there,you giggled again then reaching down to him and taking a flower out of his mouth,he smiled up at you gently but on the inside he was embarrassed,he just wanted to give you a bouquet of flowers and charm you but of course,...it went wrong.


"D.O oppa,what brings you here?" you asked as you helped him up,"Ahh haha" he said ruffling his hair,"I'm here to..." he said then suddenly putting the bouquet practically in your face,"Oh,gomawo oppa,they're lovely" you said taking them from him,"You're most welcome but...don't I get anything in return?" he asked then making that heart-racing heart shaped smile appear,"Oh...uh.." you said not knowing what to give him."I was joking" he said then chuckling,"Ahh,aish,you made me worried,I didn't know what to give" you said then walking into the house and placing the flowers in a vase and filling the vase with water. Meanwhile,D.O waited outside then noticed that the cat was still sat at the window,he walked over to the window,crouched down a little then began to silently scare it,"God,you lazy cat,you're so lazy you don't even run when you're scared",he said aggrivatedly,"You completely embarrassed me,stupid cat",you just stood at the door staring at D.O who was talking to your cat,D.O then slowly looked to his right to see you,"Oh,hello haha" he said chucklng as he went back to standing normally,"Do you normally yell at cats?" you asked as you put on your cardigan,"Huh,oh no,I don't,I wasn't-,what cat,there wasn't one" he said slowly getting quieter,you smirked out of amusement then you both walked out of your garden and towards the park.


You both sat down on the bench by the waterfall and began to eat your donuts,"Mmm,these are so yummy!" you said smiling happily,D.O nodded as he smiled back,"So,...I have a question" he said turning a little to face you,"Am I your 1st boyfriend?" he asked,you looked at him in slight shock,"Hmm,ah,yes,you are" you smiled gently then took a bite on your donut,D.O ooked the other way and smiled happily,'Now is the time,now is the time for me to finally kiss her',he thought then suddenly turned his head to kiss you,the next thing he knew there was icing all over his mouth,"Oppa,what are you doing kissing a donut?" you asked then giggled,he quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up,"Come on,let's go" he said reaching his hand out to you,you took his hand and stood up then D.O guided you both to the next destination he planned.


You both walked into a lovely shop,it was called 'Nature Republc',"Ooh,it smells really nice in here" you said,D.O nodded then you both looed around the shop,"Oppa,smell this" you said holding your wrist infront of him,D.O took your wrist in his hand and smelt it,"Mmm,it smells like candy floss" he said smiling at you,D.O then stared at you waiting for the right moment to kiss you,you turned towards him to see he was staring down at you,"Oppa,why are you staring,have I got icing on my face?" you asked,'Should I kiss her now,this seems like a good moment to kiss her then I can say something like in a drama,something like,'Only my lips',yeah,I should do that' he thought,he then leaned forward quickly,"Oppa,smell this" you said when suddenly his lips landed on a perfume stick,D.O cringed at the purfume taste that was now in his mouth,"Oh,are you ok?" you asked,"Yeah,just fine" he said trying to stay calm,all of his ideas were going wrong,D.O then took your hand and lead you out of the shop and lead you both towards some steps,you both went up the steps and it lead to a flower garden with a beautiful view in the distance,D.O then twirled you around to face him then pushed you against the tree behind you,"Oppa,what are you doing?" you asked,"Just...stay...still" he said with one arms beside you head and the other beside your waist,he then leaned in to kiss you once again,your eyes widened a little then you closed them,finally your lips met,it was sweet,it was perfect,D.O slowly pulled his head away and looked at you,"Ahh,finally" he murmered happily,"So that was why you kssed the donut and that perfume thing" you said smiling shyly,"Yeah,I wanted to kiss you,you just...don't stop moving" he said then pulling you off the tree and wrapping his arms around you,"Sorry oppa" you said then pouting cutely,"That's ok but thins time I'd like something in return" he said then smirking mischeivously,"Wha wold that be then?" you asked,"Popohae" he said tapping his mouth his his finger,you blushed then quickly kissed him,you then began to pull away when suddenly D.O cupped your face with his hands to continue kissing you,secretly though...you loved it,t was sweet.


Hope you enjoyed it!~

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Chapter 22: Is beautiful!!!!
kimjonginexo #2
kai one please
Hello! I know I have requested for a one-shot before but I was wondering if I could request again for another one? This time, it's a Kai one! :D It's also alright with me if you're not okay with it~ :)
Chapter 18: Ahahaha.. Omo Omo.. This is super cute! I laugh a lot I don't know why! Hahaha so cuteeeee! Author-nim you are awesome! :)
Can I request?
Name : Chu Xiao Yu
Partner : Luhan
Plot: When XiaoYu sang a happy birthday song for Luhan and surprisingly luhan found himself falling for this girl unconsciously.

Thank you! Hope you write this very soon! :)
Chapter 17: I love it!~
I enjoyed reading it a lot~
Thank you so much! :)
Can I request a one-shot about me and Kyungsoo? I'd appreciate it if it would be a romcom one~ Thank you!
roseheyli #8
Hello can i request a story about me and suho studying at his house?
ChieOnakata #9
Hi Author nim :3 could you write me a fanfic about me and Luhan... the story line is that my character is an abrasive tomboy in every respect( clothes, hair etc.) best friends with Luhan but doesn't know his feelings... boys are usually intimidated and put off by her "masculine" behaviour so she isn't really bothered with boys, thinks she doesn't need a man very independent ... long plot Author nim I know but I would be soooo happy if you write a oneshot for me ^_^
Wow , author-nim , you did a great job . Can I request Chenxyou(me:reader) .. I possibly can wait till you make it ~ Kamsahamida /bow/