Chen: Peaceful Night Together

EXO request fanfics



Chen thought about you all the time while he was practicing EXO's new song at the SM Building along with the rest of EXO,he couldn't help it,he tried hard not to but all he could think of was how excited he will be to see you again at home.

The song finished once again and the members began to pick up their stuff after a minute of getting their breath back,"Where are you all going?" Chen asked,"We're going back to our dorm" Tao said nodding his head sleepily,"Aren't you going home?" Baekhyun asked,"Nae,nae,I am,...I am" Chen shouted excitedly then calming down as he picked up his bag,all of EXO then walked out the building,"Go on then lover boy" Kai said turning Chen by his shoulders and pushing him,"Ahh haha,bye,get home safely" Chen said scratching the back of his head then walking as quick as possible to your house.


He slowly unlocked the door as quietly as possible and closed it behind him,he hung his bag up,took off his shoes then quietly sneaked to the living room doorway to heard music playing and you dancing around the living room with wet hair while wearing one of his blouses,which reached past your pants, and pajama shorts."Having fun without me?" he asked leaning on the doorway,"Oh oppa,you're home" you said smiling as he then ran towards you and hugged you,suddenly he swung you around then placed your feet back on the ground,"I missed you" he said smiling softly down at you,"I missed you too but...,oppa,you're saturated,wae didn't you use the umberella I gave you,you'll get il--" you said to be interupted by Chen cupping your face and kissing you passionately,"I missed you too much to care" he said leaning his forehead on yours,"Oh oppa...,go in the shower" you said then smiling shyly as you dragged him b the hand to the bathroom then stopped at the bathroom door,"Anything for you" he said then walking inside as he smirked happily at you.


You blushed then went into the bedroom to open the window,it was raining heavily outside but you loved it,the window was above the bed so you could sit in comfort to enjoy the rain while leaning on the head on the bed,the lights in the bedroom weren't working because there was a power cut so you lit a couple of candles which gave the room a warm glow.


Chen then came out the shower wearing baggy pajama pants,he couldn't be bothered to put on a shirt neither did he want to,"Jagiya,where are you?" he asked,"I'm in the bedroom" you said leaning on the bedroom doorway looking at him,"What's with the candles?" he asked,"There's a power cut" you answered as he smirked cheekily at you as he then wrapped his arms around your waist,Chen then began to walk into the bedroom making you walk backwards,"Oppa~...what are you doing?" you asked as you then felt the bed on the back of your legs,he smirked as he then leaned onto you making you fall onto the bed with him on top of you,"I'm taking advantage of the situation,there's candles,there's atmosphere and then there is you...,who is seducing me" he said staring deeply into your eyes as his face was 5 inches away from yours,"How am I seducing you?" you asked,"Well...,you're only wearing my shirt and shorts,to me that's seductive,anyway,the power is out so we have to do something" he said slowly smirking again,"Hmm...,that exactly were you thinking of doing?" you asked,"Well,maybe something a little like this..." he said leaning down to your face and kissing you passionately then pulling away a little,"Ahh arraso,I suppose we could do that" you said then giggling as he trailed kissed down your neck.

You rolled over so you were now on top of him,he smirked as he put his hand behind your head and pulled you down to kiss him,you then pulled away and began to trail kisses down his neck,"Did you know...mmm" he said struggling to talk because you were kissing his weak spot,"Did I know what?" you asked then kissing his neck again,"Did you kn--mmm,that's it!" he said then sitting up which made you sit on his lap with your legs either side of him,"I can hardly take this much longer,all I want to do is kiss you because your lips and kisses are my drug" he said panting,"Jinja?" you said smirking a little,he nodded slowly,"Then why don't you just...let me carry on" you said leaning closer to him,"You know the position you're in right now,it's giving me thoughts either let me do something we've never done before or you quickly change your clothes,I'll give you 10 seconds" he said,"10,9,8,7,6,5..." he counted,your eyes widened a little then you stood up on the bed as Chen crawled off the bed,suddenly you turned around,"4,3,2,1" he counted as quick as he could,suddenly he climbed up to stand on the bed,"Time's up" he said staring at you in the eyes,"B-But-" you began to be interupted,"No buts,...come closer" he said signaling you with his finger,you stepped the forward then suddenly lost your balance,you closed your eyes tightly getting ready for pain but there was nothing.

You opened your eyes to see Chen hovering over you as his arm had around the back of your waist while your hair was in your face,"Are you alright?" he asked gently,"Oh nae" you asked,he chuckled softly then gently moving his hand to slowly move and tuck your hair behind your ear while staring into your eyes,"Gomawo" you said quietly,"You know...,you're very beautiful...,it's not easy to express how much I love you,there are no words for the feelings you give me" he said honestly still staring into your eyes,your heart skipped happily inside your chest,"Jinja,you mean that?" you asked,he nodded seriously,"I do,...I kiss you?" he asked,you giggled happily and pecked him on the lips,"Not like that" he said then leaning down and kissing you slowly yet passionately,after an hour of kissing you both relaxed on the bed facing each other and staring into each others eyes while playing with each others hands as you listened to the rain falling,it was a lovely,peaceful yet passionate night.


I hope you enjoy it!



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Chapter 22: Is beautiful!!!!
kimjonginexo #2
kai one please
Hello! I know I have requested for a one-shot before but I was wondering if I could request again for another one? This time, it's a Kai one! :D It's also alright with me if you're not okay with it~ :)
Chapter 18: Ahahaha.. Omo Omo.. This is super cute! I laugh a lot I don't know why! Hahaha so cuteeeee! Author-nim you are awesome! :)
Can I request?
Name : Chu Xiao Yu
Partner : Luhan
Plot: When XiaoYu sang a happy birthday song for Luhan and surprisingly luhan found himself falling for this girl unconsciously.

Thank you! Hope you write this very soon! :)
Chapter 17: I love it!~
I enjoyed reading it a lot~
Thank you so much! :)
Can I request a one-shot about me and Kyungsoo? I'd appreciate it if it would be a romcom one~ Thank you!
roseheyli #8
Hello can i request a story about me and suho studying at his house?
ChieOnakata #9
Hi Author nim :3 could you write me a fanfic about me and Luhan... the story line is that my character is an abrasive tomboy in every respect( clothes, hair etc.) best friends with Luhan but doesn't know his feelings... boys are usually intimidated and put off by her "masculine" behaviour so she isn't really bothered with boys, thinks she doesn't need a man very independent ... long plot Author nim I know but I would be soooo happy if you write a oneshot for me ^_^
Wow , author-nim , you did a great job . Can I request Chenxyou(me:reader) .. I possibly can wait till you make it ~ Kamsahamida /bow/