It Wasn't Typical

Mile High Love

“Danica, you can’t let this ruin our whole trip.” Isabella whined, taking another sip of her bubble tea. They had been in Korea for two days already but Danica had been mopey the entire time. Even now, sitting in an actual bubble tea café IN KOREA, all she could do was play with her straw and sigh.

“I can’t believe you’re not like this about Sehun. I mean, it was kind of a rushed ending for the both of us.” Danica muttered in reply, frowning at the memory.

“We’ve landed…” Chanyeol mumbled.

“Yeah.” Danica nodded.

Their manager was the first to stand. He gave both Sehun and Chanyeol a look and they nodded. They both knew they couldn’t walk out with Isabella and Danica. There was sure to be fans waiting in the airport and they’d have a field day with that.  As the last of the passengers filed out, the manager nodded to the members that it was their turn to leave.

Danica just stared at Chanyeol, searching his face for any kind of solution, but she knew there was nothing. Her expression broke his heart more and he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I’m sorry.” It was the last thing he said to her before standing and following behind Sehun.

Isabella pouted. “Listen, I’m beat up about Sehun too. I was just looking at the selcas we took on the plane and he looks so happy…” she then started to whine “Aish, Danica! Stop making me feel this way. I want to be happy that we’re in Korea! Not mope because our favorite idols like us and we can’t do anything about it.”

“You guys took selcas together?” Danica asked, and Isabella nodded. She showed the pictures on her phone, smiling as she scrolled through all of them. She blushed slightly at the one where he kissed her cheek and laughed at the ones where they made silly faces. Isabella was being positive about everything and remembering the experience more than dwelling on how it ended. “Did he give you his number?” Danica asked, and Isabella nodded again.

“He hasn’t replied though, and I don’t want to seem too crazy. I am lucky he trusted me with it since this could easily fall into the hands of crazy fans.” She held her phone close to her, eyeing around suspiciously for sasaengs. Then, her phone beeped. “WHAT THE FLUFF!” She shouted as she almost dropped her phone. The sound has startled her. When she was settled, she stared at it and started to squeal. “He texted me! He texted me back!” She read it and then said it in english to Danica.

“It says ‘Sorry it took me a few days to send a reply message, but Chanyeol and I have been fixing things between us’ hm.” She paused and tilted her head at what she was reading to make sure it was right. “It says here that Chanyeol wants you to check your camera roll?”

The two best friends looked at each other with confused expressions. Danica took out her phone and opened it to her camera roll, scrolling through a set of practically 700 selcas that chanyeol had taken himself. She hadn’t thought about looking through her pictures; that was dumb. She smiled at all of them, her cheeks turning red just from looking at his cute expressions.

The last thing she came across was a video. She plugged in her headphones, afraid of not being able to hear it in this public café. She turned up the volume and reluctantly pressed play.

Chanyeol’s face popped up on screen. She saw her sleeping self and then watched the camera shift to his face only. He began to speak quietly into the phone. “Danica. You’re asleep, so I need to be quiet. It’s really comfortable, but I need to say this now before I forget it. You’re the fastest best friend I’ve ever made. I’ve never gotten so close to someone so fast. And, well, I don’t want to lose you.” He looked at the sleeping Danica in the video and continued. “I know that I can’t take you with me, and Exo is too important for me to leave them. But I want you to know that you will always be in my heart and when Exo does songs of devotion, know I am thinking of you. Danica, don’t forget about me, okay? Don’t hate me because I can’t be there when you need me, okay? And most of all, don’t stop being yourself for any reason. You’re perfect, and at least now I know, whenever I feel lonely in this Exo world, there is someone as special as you that has me in their heart.”

He blew a kiss and then whispered “Saranghe.”

Then the video ended.

“What was it?” Isabella asked, confused as Danica’s eyes welled up with tears of joy. “Wh-what the--… Danica?! Danica what’s wrong?! Danica!!!”



“Again?!” Danica complained, but she winked, showing it was all in good fun. Isabella had just received her 5th gift from Sehun. The two had been texting the two exo members ever since Danica saw the video. Apparently, Sehun and Chanyeol had a very deep conversation that ended in them realizing that the exo world and the real world can cross paths every once in a while.

“It’s a teddy bear this time~” Isabella cooed, snuggling the bear and taking a picture with it to send to Sehun. Since the idols knew their schedule for their trip in Korea, Sehun had arranged for there to be a gift at every restaurant they went to for their dinners.

Danica rolled her eyes and let them land on her phone. Chanyeol had texted her.

Isabella got the latest gift?

She did. Sehun spoils her.

You don’t think a pretty girl should be spoiled?

Got a thing for Isabella now?

Sehun would kill me. If you don’t think a pretty girl should be spoiled, don’t look under your chair.

Curiosity killed the cat and Danica found herself reaching under her chair, finding a small box. She picked it up and set it on the table. Before opening it, she sent Chanyeol back a text.

A tiny box? You’re not going to beat Sehun with that.

Chanyeol replied very quickly.

Just open it!

A necklace. A necklace with a diamond pendant of an airplane handing on the end. Isabella gasped at it as Danica pulled it out of the box and gazed at it. “It’s… so pretty.”

“I have one too.” She heard whispered into her ear. She spun around to find chanyeol smiling at her, his fingers to his lips to keep her quiet. She can’t cause a commotion. It was the first time she got to really see him since he left her on the plane. He took the necklace from her and gently place it around her neck. “Perfect.”

She smiled up at him, not even noticing Isabella and Sehun making googly eyes at each other and taking selcas with her various gifts not more than five feet away. “Are you guys here for dinner?”

“Yes. This is our table actually~.” He replied playfully.

She pouted. “Am I getting removed?”

Chanyeol leaned in so their lips were almost touching. “Are you still in the seat?”

Danica couldn’t even answer, she just nodded. He kissed her softly and then pulled away with that typical smirk.

“Then that should be your answer.”

The four of them had the best meal of their lives, not worrying about the real world or the exo world, they were somewhere in the sky in between. The bond that they shared became something they sometimes thought of as romantic and other times as an inside joke that they will never forget.

It wasn’t typical love, it was mile high love.

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KrispyBaekyeol #1
Chapter 11: ooo i loved this fanfic from beginning to end. :D the ending was so touching!
MissPepperoni17 #2
Chapter 11: Awwww so sweet!
Kreaseben #3
Love this!xD
KrispyBaekyeol #4
Chapter 7: this is an amazing fanfic. I LURVE IT.
Chapter 7: bless :') i love it heh